Vasco Santos 12e48adafa chore: remove peer-info usage
BREAKING CHANGE: all API methods with peer-info parameters or return values were changed. You can check the API.md document, in order to check the new values to use
2020-05-28 12:37:48 +02:00

147 lines
4.1 KiB

'use strict'
/* eslint-env mocha */
const { Buffer } = require('buffer')
const chai = require('chai')
const { expect } = chai
const pWaitFor = require('p-wait-for')
const mergeOptions = require('merge-options')
const multiaddr = require('multiaddr')
const { create } = require('../../../src')
const { subsystemOptions, subsystemMulticodecs } = require('./utils')
const peerUtils = require('../../utils/creators/peer')
const listenAddr = multiaddr('/ip4/')
const remoteListenAddr = multiaddr('/ip4/')
describe('DHT subsystem operates correctly', () => {
let peerId, remotePeerId
let libp2p, remoteLibp2p
let remAddr
beforeEach(async () => {
[peerId, remotePeerId] = await peerUtils.createPeerId({ number: 2 })
describe('dht started before connect', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
libp2p = await create(mergeOptions(subsystemOptions, {
addresses: {
listen: [listenAddr]
remoteLibp2p = await create(mergeOptions(subsystemOptions, {
peerId: remotePeerId,
addresses: {
listen: [remoteListenAddr]
await Promise.all([
libp2p.peerStore.addressBook.set(remotePeerId, [remoteListenAddr])
remAddr = libp2p.peerStore.addressBook.getMultiaddrsForPeer(remotePeerId)[0]
afterEach(() => Promise.all([
libp2p && libp2p.stop(),
remoteLibp2p && remoteLibp2p.stop()
it('should get notified of connected peers on dial', async () => {
const connection = await libp2p.dialProtocol(remAddr, subsystemMulticodecs)
return Promise.all([
pWaitFor(() => libp2p._dht.routingTable.size === 1),
pWaitFor(() => remoteLibp2p._dht.routingTable.size === 1)
it('should put on a peer and get from the other', async () => {
const key = Buffer.from('hello')
const value = Buffer.from('world')
await libp2p.dialProtocol(remAddr, subsystemMulticodecs)
await Promise.all([
pWaitFor(() => libp2p._dht.routingTable.size === 1),
pWaitFor(() => remoteLibp2p._dht.routingTable.size === 1)
await libp2p.contentRouting.put(key, value)
const fetchedValue = await remoteLibp2p.contentRouting.get(key)
describe('dht started after connect', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
libp2p = await create(mergeOptions(subsystemOptions, {
addresses: {
listen: [listenAddr]
remoteLibp2p = await create(mergeOptions(subsystemOptions, {
peerId: remotePeerId,
addresses: {
listen: [remoteListenAddr]
config: {
dht: {
enabled: false
await libp2p.start()
await remoteLibp2p.start()
libp2p.peerStore.addressBook.set(remotePeerId, [remoteListenAddr])
remAddr = libp2p.peerStore.addressBook.getMultiaddrsForPeer(remotePeerId)[0]
afterEach(() => Promise.all([
libp2p && libp2p.stop(),
remoteLibp2p && remoteLibp2p.stop()
it('should get notified of connected peers after starting', async () => {
const connection = await libp2p.dial(remAddr)
await remoteLibp2p._dht.start()
return pWaitFor(() => libp2p._dht.routingTable.size === 1)
it('should put on a peer and get from the other', async () => {
await libp2p.dial(remAddr)
const key = Buffer.from('hello')
const value = Buffer.from('world')
await remoteLibp2p._dht.start()
await pWaitFor(() => libp2p._dht.routingTable.size === 1)
await libp2p.contentRouting.put(key, value)
const fetchedValue = await remoteLibp2p.contentRouting.get(key)