mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 04:41:03 +00:00
619 lines
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619 lines
18 KiB
'use strict'
const { EventEmitter } = require('events')
const debug = require('debug')
const globalThis = require('ipfs-utils/src/globalthis')
const log = debug('libp2p')
log.error = debug('libp2p:error')
const errCode = require('err-code')
const PeerId = require('peer-id')
const PeerRouting = require('./peer-routing')
const contentRouting = require('./content-routing')
const getPeer = require('./get-peer')
const { validate: validateConfig } = require('./config')
const { codes, messages } = require('./errors')
const AddressManager = require('./address-manager')
const ConnectionManager = require('./connection-manager')
const Circuit = require('./circuit/transport')
const Relay = require('./circuit')
const Dialer = require('./dialer')
const Keychain = require('./keychain')
const Metrics = require('./metrics')
const TransportManager = require('./transport-manager')
const Upgrader = require('./upgrader')
const PeerStore = require('./peer-store')
const PubsubAdapter = require('./pubsub-adapter')
const PersistentPeerStore = require('./peer-store/persistent')
const Registrar = require('./registrar')
const ping = require('./ping')
const {
} = require('./identify')
* @fires Libp2p#error Emitted when an error occurs
* @fires Libp2p#peer:discovery Emitted when a peer is discovered
class Libp2p extends EventEmitter {
constructor (_options) {
// validateConfig will ensure the config is correct,
// and add default values where appropriate
this._options = validateConfig(_options)
this.peerId = this._options.peerId
this.datastore = this._options.datastore
this.peerStore = (this.datastore && this._options.peerStore.persistence)
? new PersistentPeerStore({
peerId: this.peerId,
datastore: this.datastore,
: new PeerStore({ peerId: this.peerId })
// Addresses {listen, announce, noAnnounce}
this.addresses = this._options.addresses
this.addressManager = new AddressManager(this._options.addresses)
this._modules = this._options.modules
this._config = this._options.config
this._transport = [] // Transport instances/references
this._discovery = new Map() // Discovery service instances/references
// Create the Connection Manager
if (this._options.connectionManager.minPeers) { // Remove in 0.29
this._options.connectionManager.minConnections = this._options.connectionManager.minPeers
this.connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(this, {
autoDial: this._config.peerDiscovery.autoDial,
// Create Metrics
if (this._options.metrics.enabled) {
this.metrics = new Metrics({
connectionManager: this.connectionManager
// Create keychain
if (this._options.keychain && this._options.keychain.datastore) {
log('creating keychain')
const keychainOpts = Keychain.generateOptions()
this.keychain = new Keychain(this._options.keychain.datastore, {
passPhrase: this._options.keychain.pass,
log('keychain constructed')
// Setup the Upgrader
this.upgrader = new Upgrader({
localPeer: this.peerId,
metrics: this.metrics,
onConnection: (connection) => this.connectionManager.onConnect(connection),
onConnectionEnd: (connection) => this.connectionManager.onDisconnect(connection)
// Setup the transport manager
this.transportManager = new TransportManager({
libp2p: this,
upgrader: this.upgrader,
faultTolerance: this._options.transportManager.faultTolerance
// Create the Registrar
this.registrar = new Registrar({
peerStore: this.peerStore,
connectionManager: this.connectionManager
this.handle = this.handle.bind(this)
this.registrar.handle = this.handle
// Attach crypto channels
if (!this._modules.connEncryption || !this._modules.connEncryption.length) {
const cryptos = this._modules.connEncryption
cryptos.forEach((crypto) => {
this.upgrader.cryptos.set(crypto.protocol, crypto)
this.dialer = new Dialer({
transportManager: this.transportManager,
peerStore: this.peerStore,
concurrency: this._options.dialer.maxParallelDials,
perPeerLimit: this._options.dialer.maxDialsPerPeer,
timeout: this._options.dialer.dialTimeout,
resolvers: this._options.dialer.resolvers,
addressSorter: this._options.dialer.addressSorter
this._modules.transport.forEach((Transport) => {
const key = Transport.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag]
const transportOptions = this._config.transport[key]
this.transportManager.add(key, Transport, transportOptions)
if (this._config.relay.enabled) {
this.transportManager.add(Circuit.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag], Circuit)
this.relay = new Relay(this)
// Attach stream multiplexers
if (this._modules.streamMuxer) {
const muxers = this._modules.streamMuxer
muxers.forEach((muxer) => {
this.upgrader.muxers.set(muxer.multicodec, muxer)
// Add the identify service since we can multiplex
this.identifyService = new IdentifyService({ libp2p: this })
this.handle(Object.values(IDENTIFY_PROTOCOLS), this.identifyService.handleMessage)
// Attach private network protector
if (this._modules.connProtector) {
this.upgrader.protector = this._modules.connProtector
} else if (globalThis.process !== undefined && globalThis.process.env && globalThis.process.env.LIBP2P_FORCE_PNET) {
throw new Error('Private network is enforced, but no protector was provided')
// dht provided components (peerRouting, contentRouting, dht)
if (this._modules.dht) {
const DHT = this._modules.dht
this._dht = new DHT({
libp2p: this,
dialer: this.dialer,
peerId: this.peerId,
peerStore: this.peerStore,
registrar: this.registrar,
datastore: this.datastore,
// Create pubsub if provided
if (this._modules.pubsub) {
const Pubsub = this._modules.pubsub
// using pubsub adapter with *DEPRECATED* handlers functionality
this.pubsub = PubsubAdapter(Pubsub, this, this._config.pubsub)
// Attach remaining APIs
// peer and content routing will automatically get modules from _modules and _dht
this.peerRouting = new PeerRouting(this)
this.contentRouting = contentRouting(this)
// Mount default protocols
this._onDiscoveryPeer = this._onDiscoveryPeer.bind(this)
* Overrides EventEmitter.emit to conditionally emit errors
* if there is a handler. If not, errors will be logged.
* @param {string} eventName
* @param {...any} args
* @returns {void}
emit (eventName, ...args) {
if (eventName === 'error' && !this._events.error) {
} else {
super.emit(eventName, ...args)
* Starts the libp2p node and all its subsystems
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async start () {
log('libp2p is starting')
try {
await this._onStarting()
await this._onDidStart()
log('libp2p has started')
} catch (err) {
this.emit('error', err)
log.error('An error occurred starting libp2p', err)
await this.stop()
throw err
* Stop the libp2p node by closing its listeners and open connections
* @async
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async stop () {
log('libp2p is stopping')
try {
this._isStarted = false
this.relay && this.relay.stop()
for (const service of this._discovery.values()) {
service.removeListener('peer', this._onDiscoveryPeer)
await Promise.all(Array.from(this._discovery.values(), s => s.stop()))
this._discovery = new Map()
await this.peerStore.stop()
await this.connectionManager.stop()
await Promise.all([
this.pubsub && this.pubsub.stop(),
this._dht && this._dht.stop(),
this.metrics && this.metrics.stop()
await this.transportManager.close()
} catch (err) {
if (err) {
this.emit('error', err)
log('libp2p has stopped')
* Load keychain keys from the datastore.
* Imports the private key as 'self', if needed.
* @async
* @returns {void}
async loadKeychain () {
try {
await this.keychain.findKeyByName('self')
} catch (err) {
await this.keychain.importPeer('self', this.peerId)
isStarted () {
return this._isStarted
* Gets a Map of the current connections. The keys are the stringified
* `PeerId` of the peer. The value is an array of Connections to that peer.
* @returns {Map<string, Connection[]>}
get connections () {
return this.connectionManager.connections
* Dials to the provided peer. If successful, the known metadata of the
* peer will be added to the nodes `peerStore`
* @param {PeerId|Multiaddr|string} peer - The peer to dial
* @param {object} options
* @param {AbortSignal} [options.signal]
* @returns {Promise<Connection>}
dial (peer, options) {
return this.dialProtocol(peer, null, options)
* Dials to the provided peer and handshakes with the given protocol.
* If successful, the known metadata of the peer will be added to the nodes `peerStore`,
* and the `Connection` will be returned
* @async
* @param {PeerId|Multiaddr|string} peer - The peer to dial
* @param {string[]|string} protocols
* @param {object} options
* @param {AbortSignal} [options.signal]
* @returns {Promise<Connection|*>}
async dialProtocol (peer, protocols, options) {
const { id, multiaddrs } = getPeer(peer)
if (id.equals(this.peerId)) {
throw errCode(new Error('Cannot dial self'), codes.ERR_DIALED_SELF)
let connection = this.connectionManager.get(id)
if (!connection) {
connection = await this.dialer.connectToPeer(peer, options)
} else if (multiaddrs) {
this.peerStore.addressBook.add(id, multiaddrs)
// If a protocol was provided, create a new stream
if (protocols) {
return connection.newStream(protocols)
return connection
* Get peer advertising multiaddrs by concating the addresses used
* by transports to listen with the announce addresses.
* Duplicated addresses and noAnnounce addresses are filtered out.
* @returns {Array<Multiaddr>}
get multiaddrs () {
const announceAddrs = this.addressManager.getAnnounceAddrs()
if (announceAddrs.length) {
return announceAddrs
const announceFilter = this._options.addresses.announceFilter || ((multiaddrs) => multiaddrs)
// Create advertising list
return announceFilter(this.transportManager.getAddrs())
* Disconnects all connections to the given `peer`
* @param {PeerId|multiaddr|string} peer - the peer to close connections to
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async hangUp (peer) {
const { id } = getPeer(peer)
const connections = this.connectionManager.connections.get(id.toB58String())
if (!connections) {
await Promise.all(
connections.map(connection => {
return connection.close()
* Pings the given peer in order to obtain the operation latency.
* @param {PeerId|Multiaddr|string} peer - The peer to ping
* @returns {Promise<number>}
ping (peer) {
const { id, multiaddrs } = getPeer(peer)
// If received multiaddr, ping it
if (multiaddrs) {
return ping(this, multiaddrs[0])
return ping(this, id)
* Registers the `handler` for each protocol
* @param {string[]|string} protocols
* @param {function({ connection:*, stream:*, protocol:string })} handler
handle (protocols, handler) {
protocols = Array.isArray(protocols) ? protocols : [protocols]
protocols.forEach(protocol => {
this.upgrader.protocols.set(protocol, handler)
// Add new protocols to self protocols in the Protobook
this.peerStore.protoBook.add(this.peerId, protocols)
* Removes the handler for each protocol. The protocol
* will no longer be supported on streams.
* @param {string[]|string} protocols
unhandle (protocols) {
protocols = Array.isArray(protocols) ? protocols : [protocols]
protocols.forEach(protocol => {
// Remove protocols from self protocols in the Protobook
this.peerStore.protoBook.remove(this.peerId, protocols)
async _onStarting () {
// Listen on the provided transports for the provided addresses
const addrs = this.addressManager.getListenAddrs()
await this.transportManager.listen(addrs)
// Start PeerStore
await this.peerStore.start()
if (this._config.pubsub.enabled) {
this.pubsub && this.pubsub.start()
// DHT subsystem
if (this._config.dht.enabled) {
this._dht && this._dht.start()
// TODO: this should be modified once random-walk is used as
// the other discovery modules
this._dht.on('peer', this._onDiscoveryPeer)
// Start metrics if present
this.metrics && this.metrics.start()
* Called when libp2p has started and before it returns
* @private
async _onDidStart () {
this._isStarted = true
this.peerStore.on('peer', peerId => {
this.emit('peer:discovery', peerId)
// Once we start, emit any peers we may have already discovered
// TODO: this should be removed, as we already discovered these peers in the past
for (const peer of this.peerStore.peers.values()) {
this.emit('peer:discovery', peer.id)
// Peer discovery
await this._setupPeerDiscovery()
// Relay
this.relay && this.relay.start()
* Called whenever peer discovery services emit `peer` events.
* Known peers may be emitted.
* @private
* @param {{ id: PeerId, multiaddrs: Array<Multiaddr>, protocols: Array<string> }} peer
_onDiscoveryPeer (peer) {
if (peer.id.toB58String() === this.peerId.toB58String()) {
log.error(new Error(codes.ERR_DISCOVERED_SELF))
peer.multiaddrs && this.peerStore.addressBook.add(peer.id, peer.multiaddrs)
peer.protocols && this.peerStore.protoBook.set(peer.id, peer.protocols)
* Will dial to the given `peerId` if the current number of
* connected peers is less than the configured `ConnectionManager`
* minConnections.
* @private
* @param {PeerId} peerId
async _maybeConnect (peerId) {
// If auto dialing is on and we have no connection to the peer, check if we should dial
if (this._config.peerDiscovery.autoDial === true && !this.connectionManager.get(peerId)) {
const minConnections = this._options.connectionManager.minConnections || 0
if (minConnections > this.connectionManager.size) {
log('connecting to discovered peer %s', peerId.toB58String())
try {
await this.dialer.connectToPeer(peerId)
} catch (err) {
log.error('could not connect to discovered peer', err)
* Initializes and starts peer discovery services
* @async
* @private
async _setupPeerDiscovery () {
const setupService = (DiscoveryService) => {
let config = {
enabled: true // on by default
if (DiscoveryService.tag &&
this._config.peerDiscovery &&
this._config.peerDiscovery[DiscoveryService.tag]) {
config = { ...config, ...this._config.peerDiscovery[DiscoveryService.tag] }
if (config.enabled &&
!this._discovery.has(DiscoveryService.tag)) { // not already added
let discoveryService
if (typeof DiscoveryService === 'function') {
discoveryService = new DiscoveryService(Object.assign({}, config, {
peerId: this.peerId,
libp2p: this
} else {
discoveryService = DiscoveryService
discoveryService.on('peer', this._onDiscoveryPeer)
this._discovery.set(DiscoveryService.tag, discoveryService)
// Discovery modules
for (const DiscoveryService of this._modules.peerDiscovery || []) {
// Transport modules with discovery
for (const Transport of this.transportManager.getTransports()) {
if (Transport.discovery) {
await Promise.all(Array.from(this._discovery.values(), d => d.start()))
* Like `new Libp2p(options)` except it will create a `PeerId`
* instance if one is not provided in options.
* @param {object} options - Libp2p configuration options
* @returns {Promise<Libp2p>}
Libp2p.create = async function create (options = {}) {
if (options.peerId) {
return new Libp2p(options)
const peerId = await PeerId.create()
options.peerId = peerId
return new Libp2p(options)
module.exports = Libp2p