David Dias 6905f1ba41
feat: (BREAKING CHANGE) overhaul libp2p config and constructor
* docs: update chat example and add info to its readme
* docs: update echo example
* docs: update libp2p in browser example
* docs: update pubsub example
* docs: update peer and content routing examples
* docs: update discovery mechanisms example
* docs: update encrypted comms example
* docs: update protocol and stream muxing example
* feat: add config validation
* test: update CI configs, use only node 8
2018-06-28 10:06:25 +02:00

79 lines
1.8 KiB

'use strict'
const libp2p = require('../../')
const TCP = require('libp2p-tcp')
const Mplex = require('libp2p-mplex')
const SECIO = require('libp2p-secio')
const PeerInfo = require('peer-info')
const KadDHT = require('libp2p-kad-dht')
const defaultsDeep = require('@nodeutils/defaults-deep')
const waterfall = require('async/waterfall')
const parallel = require('async/parallel')
class MyBundle extends libp2p {
constructor (_options) {
const defaults = {
modules: {
transport: [ TCP ],
streamMuxer: [ Mplex ],
connEncryption: [ SECIO ],
// we add the DHT module that will enable Peer and Content Routing
dht: KadDHT
config: {
dht: {
kBucketSize: 20
dht: true
super(defaultsDeep(_options, defaults))
function createNode (callback) {
let node
(cb) => PeerInfo.create(cb),
(peerInfo, cb) => {
node = new MyBundle({
], (err) => callback(err, node))
(cb) => createNode(cb),
(cb) => createNode(cb),
(cb) => createNode(cb)
], (err, nodes) => {
if (err) { throw err }
const node1 = nodes[0]
const node2 = nodes[1]
const node3 = nodes[2]
(cb) => node1.dial(node2.peerInfo, cb),
(cb) => node2.dial(node3.peerInfo, cb),
// Set up of the cons might take time
(cb) => setTimeout(cb, 300)
], (err) => {
if (err) { throw err }
node1.peerRouting.findPeer(node3.peerInfo.id, (err, peer) => {
if (err) { throw err }
console.log('Found it, multiaddrs are:')
peer.multiaddrs.forEach((ma) => console.log(ma.toString()))