mirror of
synced 2025-03-30 14:21:04 +00:00
789 lines
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789 lines
23 KiB
/* eslint-env mocha */
import { expect } from 'aegir/chai'
import nock from 'nock'
import sinon from 'sinon'
import intoStream from 'into-stream'
import delay from 'delay'
import pDefer from 'p-defer'
import pWaitFor from 'p-wait-for'
import drain from 'it-drain'
import all from 'it-all'
import { create as createIpfsHttpClient } from 'ipfs-http-client'
import { DelegatedPeerRouting } from '@libp2p/delegated-peer-routing'
import { Multiaddr } from '@multiformats/multiaddr'
import { createNode, createPeerId, populateAddressBooks } from '../utils/creators/peer.js'
import type { Libp2pNode } from '../../src/libp2p.js'
import { createBaseOptions } from '../utils/base-options.js'
import { createRoutingOptions } from './utils.js'
import type { PeerId } from '@libp2p/interface-peer-id'
import { createEd25519PeerId } from '@libp2p/peer-id-factory'
import { EventTypes, MessageType } from '@libp2p/interface-dht'
import { peerIdFromString } from '@libp2p/peer-id'
import type { PeerInfo } from '@libp2p/interface-peer-info'
import { KadDHT } from '@libp2p/kad-dht'
describe('peer-routing', () => {
let peerId: PeerId
beforeEach(async () => {
peerId = await createEd25519PeerId()
describe('no routers', () => {
let node: Libp2pNode
before(async () => {
node = await createNode({
config: createBaseOptions()
after(async () => await node.stop())
it('.findPeer should return an error', async () => {
await expect(node.peerRouting.findPeer(peerId))
.and.to.have.property('code', 'ERR_NO_ROUTERS_AVAILABLE')
it('.getClosestPeers should return an error', async () => {
try {
for await (const _ of node.peerRouting.getClosestPeers(peerId.toBytes())) { } // eslint-disable-line
throw new Error('.getClosestPeers should return an error')
} catch (err: any) {
describe('via dht router', () => {
let nodes: Libp2pNode[]
before(async () => {
nodes = await Promise.all([
createNode({ config: createRoutingOptions() }),
createNode({ config: createRoutingOptions() }),
createNode({ config: createRoutingOptions() }),
createNode({ config: createRoutingOptions() }),
createNode({ config: createRoutingOptions() })
await populateAddressBooks(nodes)
// Ring dial
await Promise.all(
nodes.map(async (peer, i) => await peer.dial(nodes[(i + 1) % nodes.length].peerId))
after(() => {
after(async () => await Promise.all(nodes.map(async (n) => await n.stop())))
it('should use the nodes dht', async () => {
if (nodes[0].dht == null) {
throw new Error('DHT not configured')
const dhtFindPeerStub = sinon.stub(nodes[0].dht, 'findPeer').callsFake(async function * () {
yield {
from: nodes[2].peerId,
type: EventTypes.FINAL_PEER,
name: 'FINAL_PEER',
peer: {
id: nodes[1].peerId,
multiaddrs: [],
protocols: []
await nodes[0].peerRouting.findPeer(nodes[1].peerId)
it('should use the nodes dht to get the closest peers', async () => {
if (nodes[0].dht == null) {
throw new Error('DHT not configured')
const dhtGetClosestPeersStub = sinon.stub(nodes[0].dht, 'getClosestPeers').callsFake(async function * () {
yield {
from: nodes[2].peerId,
type: EventTypes.PEER_RESPONSE,
messageName: 'FIND_NODE',
messageType: MessageType.FIND_NODE,
closer: [{
id: nodes[1].peerId,
multiaddrs: [],
protocols: []
providers: []
await drain(nodes[0].peerRouting.getClosestPeers(nodes[1].peerId.toBytes()))
it('should error when peer tries to find itself', async () => {
await expect(nodes[0].peerRouting.findPeer(nodes[0].peerId))
.and.to.have.property('code', 'ERR_FIND_SELF')
it('should handle error thrown synchronously during find peer', async () => {
const unknownPeer = await createPeerId()
// @ts-expect-error private field
nodes[0].peerRouting.routers = [{
findPeer () {
throw new Error('Thrown sync')
await expect(nodes[0].peerRouting.findPeer(unknownPeer))
.and.to.have.property('code', 'ERR_NOT_FOUND')
it('should handle error thrown asynchronously during find peer', async () => {
const unknownPeer = await createPeerId()
// @ts-expect-error private field
nodes[0].peerRouting.routers = [{
async findPeer () {
throw new Error('Thrown async')
await expect(nodes[0].peerRouting.findPeer(unknownPeer))
.and.to.have.property('code', 'ERR_NOT_FOUND')
it('should handle error thrown asynchronously after delay during find peer', async () => {
const unknownPeer = await createPeerId()
// @ts-expect-error private field
nodes[0].peerRouting.routers = [{
async findPeer () {
await delay(100)
throw new Error('Thrown async after delay')
await expect(nodes[0].peerRouting.findPeer(unknownPeer))
.and.to.have.property('code', 'ERR_NOT_FOUND')
it('should return value when one router errors synchronously and another returns a value', async () => {
const peer = await createPeerId()
// @ts-expect-error private field
nodes[0].peerRouting.routers = [{
findPeer () {
throw new Error('Thrown sync')
}, {
async findPeer () {
return await Promise.resolve({
id: peer,
multiaddrs: []
await expect(nodes[0].peerRouting.findPeer(peer))
id: peer,
multiaddrs: []
it('should return value when one router errors asynchronously and another returns a value', async () => {
const peer = await createPeerId()
// @ts-expect-error private field
nodes[0].peerRouting.routers = [{
async findPeer () {
throw new Error('Thrown sync')
}, {
async findPeer () {
return await Promise.resolve({
id: peer,
multiaddrs: []
await expect(nodes[0].peerRouting.findPeer(peer))
id: peer,
multiaddrs: []
describe('via delegate router', () => {
let node: Libp2pNode
let delegate: DelegatedPeerRouting
beforeEach(async () => {
delegate = new DelegatedPeerRouting(createIpfsHttpClient({
host: '',
protocol: 'http',
port: 60197
node = await createNode({
config: createBaseOptions({
peerRouters: [delegate]
afterEach(() => {
afterEach(async () => await node.stop())
it('should only have one router', () => {
// @ts-expect-error private field
it('should use the delegate router to find peers', async () => {
const remotePeerId = await createPeerId()
const delegateFindPeerStub = sinon.stub(delegate, 'findPeer').callsFake(async function () {
return {
id: remotePeerId,
multiaddrs: [],
protocols: []
await node.peerRouting.findPeer(remotePeerId)
it('should use the delegate router to get the closest peers', async () => {
const remotePeerId = await createPeerId()
const delegateGetClosestPeersStub = sinon.stub(delegate, 'getClosestPeers').callsFake(async function * () {
yield {
id: remotePeerId,
multiaddrs: [],
protocols: []
await drain(node.peerRouting.getClosestPeers(remotePeerId.toBytes()))
it('should be able to find a peer', async () => {
const peerKey = peerIdFromString('QmTp9VkYvnHyrqKQuFPiuZkiX9gPcqj6x5LJ1rmWuSySnL')
const mockApi = nock('')
.reply(200, `{"Extra":"","ID":"some other id","Responses":null,"Type":0}\n{"Extra":"","ID":"","Responses":[{"Addrs":["/ip4/"],"ID":"${peerKey.toString()}"}],"Type":2}\n`, [
'Content-Type', 'application/json',
'X-Chunked-Output', '1'
const peer = await node.peerRouting.findPeer(peerKey)
it('should error when peer tries to find itself', async () => {
await expect(node.peerRouting.findPeer(node.peerId))
.and.to.have.property('code', 'ERR_FIND_SELF')
it('should error when a peer cannot be found', async () => {
const peerId = await createEd25519PeerId()
const mockApi = nock('')
.reply(200, '{"Extra":"","ID":"some other id","Responses":null,"Type":6}\n{"Extra":"","ID":"yet another id","Responses":null,"Type":0}\n{"Extra":"routing:not found","ID":"","Responses":null,"Type":3}\n', [
'Content-Type', 'application/json',
'X-Chunked-Output', '1'
await expect(node.peerRouting.findPeer(peerId))
it('should handle errors from the api', async () => {
const peerId = await createEd25519PeerId()
const mockApi = nock('')
await expect(node.peerRouting.findPeer(peerId))
it('should be able to get the closest peers', async () => {
const peerId = await createEd25519PeerId()
const closest1 = '12D3KooWLewYMMdGWAtuX852n4rgCWkK7EBn4CWbwwBzhsVoKxk3'
const closest2 = '12D3KooWDtoQbpKhtnWddfj72QmpFvvLDTsBLTFkjvgQm6cde2AK'
const mockApi = nock('')
() => intoStream([
'Content-Type', 'application/json',
'X-Chunked-Output', '1'
const closestPeers = await all(node.peerRouting.getClosestPeers(peerId.toBytes()))
it('should handle errors when getting the closest peers', async () => {
const peerId = await createEd25519PeerId()
const mockApi = nock('')
.reply(502, 'Bad Gateway', [
'X-Chunked-Output', '1'
await expect(drain(node.peerRouting.getClosestPeers(peerId.toBytes()))).to.eventually.be.rejected()
describe('via dht and delegate routers', () => {
let node: Libp2pNode
let delegate: DelegatedPeerRouting
beforeEach(async () => {
delegate = new DelegatedPeerRouting(createIpfsHttpClient({
host: '',
protocol: 'http',
port: 60197
node = await createNode({
config: createRoutingOptions({
peerRouters: [delegate],
dht: new KadDHT()
afterEach(() => {
afterEach(async () => await node.stop())
it('should use the delegate if the dht fails to find the peer', async () => {
const remotePeerId = await createPeerId()
const results = {
id: remotePeerId,
multiaddrs: [],
protocols: []
if (node.dht == null) {
throw new Error('DHT not configured')
sinon.stub(node.dht, 'findPeer').callsFake(async function * () {})
sinon.stub(delegate, 'findPeer').callsFake(async () => {
return results
const peer = await node.peerRouting.findPeer(remotePeerId)
it('should not wait for the dht to return if the delegate does first', async () => {
const remotePeerId = await createPeerId()
const results = {
id: remotePeerId,
multiaddrs: [],
protocols: []
if (node.dht == null) {
throw new Error('DHT not configured')
const defer = pDefer()
sinon.stub(node.dht, 'findPeer').callsFake(async function * () {
yield {
type: EventTypes.SENDING_QUERY,
to: remotePeerId,
messageName: 'FIND_NODE',
messageType: MessageType.FIND_NODE
await defer.promise
sinon.stub(delegate, 'findPeer').callsFake(async () => {
return results
const peer = await node.peerRouting.findPeer(remotePeerId)
it('should not wait for the delegate to return if the dht does first', async () => {
const remotePeerId = await createPeerId()
const result = {
id: remotePeerId,
multiaddrs: [],
protocols: []
if (node.dht == null) {
throw new Error('DHT not configured')
const defer = pDefer<PeerInfo>()
sinon.stub(node.dht, 'findPeer').callsFake(async function * () {
yield {
from: remotePeerId,
name: 'FINAL_PEER',
type: EventTypes.FINAL_PEER,
peer: result
sinon.stub(delegate, 'findPeer').callsFake(async () => {
return await defer.promise
const peer = await node.peerRouting.findPeer(remotePeerId)
it('should store the addresses of the found peer', async () => {
const remotePeerId = await createPeerId()
const result = {
id: remotePeerId,
multiaddrs: [
new Multiaddr('/ip4/')
protocols: []
if (node.dht == null) {
throw new Error('DHT not configured')
const spy = sinon.spy(node.peerStore.addressBook, 'add')
sinon.stub(node.dht, 'findPeer').callsFake(async function * () {
yield {
from: remotePeerId,
name: 'FINAL_PEER',
type: EventTypes.FINAL_PEER,
peer: result
sinon.stub(delegate, 'findPeer').callsFake(async () => {
const deferred = pDefer<PeerInfo>()
return await deferred.promise
await node.peerRouting.findPeer(remotePeerId)
expect(spy.calledWith(result.id, result.multiaddrs)).to.be.true()
it('should use the delegate if the dht fails to get the closest peer', async () => {
const remotePeerId = await createPeerId()
const results = [{
id: remotePeerId,
multiaddrs: [],
protocols: []
if (node.dht == null) {
throw new Error('DHT not configured')
sinon.stub(node.dht, 'getClosestPeers').callsFake(async function * () { })
sinon.stub(delegate, 'getClosestPeers').callsFake(async function * () {
yield results[0]
const closest = await all(node.peerRouting.getClosestPeers(remotePeerId.toBytes()))
it('should store the addresses of the closest peer', async () => {
const remotePeerId = await createPeerId()
const result = {
id: remotePeerId,
multiaddrs: [
new Multiaddr('/ip4/')
protocols: []
if (node.dht == null) {
throw new Error('DHT not configured')
const spy = sinon.spy(node.peerStore.addressBook, 'add')
sinon.stub(node.dht, 'getClosestPeers').callsFake(async function * () { })
sinon.stub(delegate, 'getClosestPeers').callsFake(async function * () {
yield result
await drain(node.peerRouting.getClosestPeers(remotePeerId.toBytes()))
expect(spy.calledWith(result.id, result.multiaddrs)).to.be.true()
it('should dedupe closest peers', async () => {
const remotePeerId = await createPeerId()
const results = [{
id: remotePeerId,
multiaddrs: [
new Multiaddr('/ip4/')
protocols: []
if (node.dht == null) {
throw new Error('DHT not configured')
sinon.stub(node.dht, 'getClosestPeers').callsFake(async function * () {
for (const peer of results) {
yield {
from: remotePeerId,
name: 'FINAL_PEER',
type: EventTypes.FINAL_PEER,
sinon.stub(delegate, 'getClosestPeers').callsFake(async function * () {
yield * results
const peers = await all(node.peerRouting.getClosestPeers(remotePeerId.toBytes()))
describe('peer routing refresh manager service', () => {
let node: Libp2pNode
let peerIds: PeerId[]
before(async () => {
peerIds = await Promise.all([
afterEach(async () => {
if (node != null) {
await node.stop()
it('should be enabled and start by default', async () => {
const results: PeerInfo[] = [
{ id: peerIds[0], multiaddrs: [new Multiaddr('/ip4/')], protocols: [] },
{ id: peerIds[1], multiaddrs: [new Multiaddr('/ip4/')], protocols: [] }
node = await createNode({
config: createRoutingOptions({
peerRouting: {
refreshManager: {
enabled: true,
bootDelay: 100
started: false
if (node.dht == null) {
throw new Error('DHT not configured')
const peerStoreAddressBookAddStub = sinon.spy(node.peerStore.addressBook, 'add')
const dhtGetClosestPeersStub = sinon.stub(node.dht, 'getClosestPeers').callsFake(async function * () {
yield {
type: EventTypes.PEER_RESPONSE,
messageName: 'FIND_NODE',
messageType: MessageType.FIND_NODE,
from: peerIds[0],
closer: [
providers: []
yield {
type: EventTypes.PEER_RESPONSE,
messageName: 'FIND_NODE',
messageType: MessageType.FIND_NODE,
from: peerIds[0],
closer: [
providers: []
await node.start()
await pWaitFor(() => dhtGetClosestPeersStub.callCount === 1)
await pWaitFor(() => peerStoreAddressBookAddStub.callCount === results.length)
const call0 = peerStoreAddressBookAddStub.getCall(0)
call0.args[1].forEach((m, index) => {
const call1 = peerStoreAddressBookAddStub.getCall(1)
call0.args[1].forEach((m, index) => {
it('should support being disabled', async () => {
node = await createNode({
config: createRoutingOptions({
peerRouting: {
refreshManager: {
bootDelay: 100,
enabled: false
started: false
if (node.dht == null) {
throw new Error('DHT not configured')
const dhtGetClosestPeersStub = sinon.stub(node.dht, 'getClosestPeers').callsFake(async function * () {
yield {
type: EventTypes.SENDING_QUERY,
to: peerIds[0],
messageName: 'FIND_NODE',
messageType: MessageType.FIND_NODE
throw new Error('should not be called')
await node.start()
await delay(100)
expect(dhtGetClosestPeersStub.callCount === 0)
it('should start and run on interval', async () => {
node = await createNode({
config: createRoutingOptions({
peerRouting: {
refreshManager: {
interval: 500,
bootDelay: 200
started: false
if (node.dht == null) {
throw new Error('DHT not configured')
const dhtGetClosestPeersStub = sinon.stub(node.dht, 'getClosestPeers').callsFake(async function * () {
yield {
type: EventTypes.PEER_RESPONSE,
messageName: 'FIND_NODE',
messageType: MessageType.FIND_NODE,
from: peerIds[0],
closer: [
{ id: peerIds[0], multiaddrs: [new Multiaddr('/ip4/')], protocols: [] }
providers: []
await node.start()
// should run more than once
await pWaitFor(() => dhtGetClosestPeersStub.callCount === 2)