Instead of making the `.dht` and `.pubsub` properties optional, use dummy implementations that throw exceptions if they are not configured. This way we don't have to null guard everywhere they are accessed.
Filter Messages
To prevent undesired data from being propagated on the network, we can apply a filter to Gossipsub. Messages that fail validation in the filter will not be re-shared.
1. Setting up a PubSub network with three nodes
First, let's update our libp2p configuration with a pubsub implementation.
import { createLibp2p } from 'libp2p'
import { Gossipsub } from 'libp2p-gossipsub'
const node = await createLibp2p({
addresses: {
listen: ['/ip4/']
transports: [
new TCP()
streamMuxers: [
new Mplex()
connectionEncryption: [
new Noise()
pubsub: new Gossipsub()
Then, create three nodes and connect them together. In this example, we will connect the nodes in series. Node 1 connected with node 2 and node 2 connected with node 3.
const [node1, node2, node3] = await Promise.all([
await node1.peerStore.addressBook.set(node2.peerId, node2.multiaddrs)
await node1.dial(node2.peerId)
await node2.peerStore.addressBook.set(node3.peerId, node3.multiaddrs)
await node2.dial(node3.peerId)
Now we' can subscribe to the fruit topic and log incoming messages.
const topic = 'fruit'
node1.pubsub.on(topic, (msg) => {
console.log(`node1 received: ${uint8ArrayToString(}`)
await node1.pubsub.subscribe(topic)
node2.pubsub.on(topic, (msg) => {
console.log(`node2 received: ${uint8ArrayToString(}`)
await node2.pubsub.subscribe(topic)
node3.pubsub.on(topic, (msg) => {
console.log(`node3 received: ${uint8ArrayToString(}`)
await node3.pubsub.subscribe(topic)
Finally, let's define the additional filter in the fruit topic.
const validateFruit = (msgTopic, msg) => {
const fruit = uint8ArrayToString(
const validFruit = ['banana', 'apple', 'orange']
if (!validFruit.includes(fruit)) {
throw new Error('no valid fruit received')
node1.pubsub.topicValidators.set(topic, validateFruit)
node2.pubsub.topicValidators.set(topic, validateFruit)
node3.pubsub.topicValidators.set(topic, validateFruit)
In this example, node one has an outdated version of the system, or is a malicious node. When it tries to publish fruit, the messages are re-shared and all the nodes share the message. However, when it tries to publish a vehicle the message is not re-shared.
var count = 0;
const myFruits = ['banana', 'apple', 'car', 'orange'];
setInterval(() => {
console.log('############## fruit ' + myFruits[count] + ' ##############')
node1.pubsub.publish(topic, new TextEncoder().encode(myFruits[count]))
if (count == myFruits.length) {
count = 0
}, 5000)
> node 1.js
############## fruit banana ##############
node2 received: banana
node3 received: banana
############## fruit apple ##############
node2 received: apple
node3 received: apple
############## fruit car ##############
############## fruit orange ##############
node1 received: orange
node2 received: orange
node3 received: orange