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synced 2025-03-28 05:11:04 +00:00
Ensure that we don't wait forever for upgrading an inbound connection to occur. Note that transports should return an AbortableSource when passed an AbortSignal so outbound connections to not need the same fix. Also adds default timeouts for the ping, fetch, and identify protocols.
303 lines
11 KiB
303 lines
11 KiB
/* eslint-env mocha */
import { expect } from 'aegir/chai'
import sinon from 'sinon'
import { Multiaddr } from '@multiformats/multiaddr'
import { IdentifyService, IdentifyServiceInit } from '../../src/identify/index.js'
import Peers from '../fixtures/peers.js'
import { PersistentPeerStore } from '@libp2p/peer-store'
import { DefaultAddressManager } from '../../src/address-manager/index.js'
import { MemoryDatastore } from 'datastore-core/memory'
import drain from 'it-drain'
import { pipe } from 'it-pipe'
import { mockConnectionGater, mockRegistrar, mockUpgrader, connectionPair } from '@libp2p/interface-mocks'
import { createFromJSON } from '@libp2p/peer-id-factory'
import { Components } from '@libp2p/components'
import { PeerRecordUpdater } from '../../src/peer-record-updater.js'
import {
} from '../../src/identify/consts.js'
import { DefaultConnectionManager } from '../../src/connection-manager/index.js'
import { DefaultTransportManager } from '../../src/transport-manager.js'
import { CustomEvent } from '@libp2p/interfaces/events'
import delay from 'delay'
import { pEvent } from 'p-event'
import { start, stop } from '@libp2p/interfaces/startable'
const listenMaddrs = [new Multiaddr('/ip4/')]
const defaultInit: IdentifyServiceInit = {
protocolPrefix: 'ipfs',
host: {
agentVersion: 'v1.0.0'
maxInboundStreams: 1,
maxOutboundStreams: 1,
maxPushIncomingStreams: 1,
maxPushOutgoingStreams: 1,
timeout: 1000
async function createComponents (index: number) {
const peerId = await createFromJSON(Peers[index])
const components = new Components({
datastore: new MemoryDatastore(),
registrar: mockRegistrar(),
upgrader: mockUpgrader(),
connectionGater: mockConnectionGater(),
peerStore: new PersistentPeerStore(),
connectionManager: new DefaultConnectionManager({
minConnections: 50,
maxConnections: 1000,
autoDialInterval: 1000,
inboundUpgradeTimeout: 1000
components.setAddressManager(new DefaultAddressManager(components, {
announce: listenMaddrs.map(ma => ma.toString())
const transportManager = new DefaultTransportManager(components)
await components.getPeerStore().protoBook.set(peerId, protocols)
return components
describe('identify (push)', () => {
let localComponents: Components
let remoteComponents: Components
let localPeerRecordUpdater: PeerRecordUpdater
beforeEach(async () => {
localComponents = await createComponents(0)
remoteComponents = await createComponents(1)
localPeerRecordUpdater = new PeerRecordUpdater(localComponents)
await Promise.all([
afterEach(async () => {
await Promise.all([
it('should be able to push identify updates to another peer', async () => {
const localIdentify = new IdentifyService(localComponents, defaultInit)
const remoteIdentify = new IdentifyService(remoteComponents, defaultInit)
await start(localIdentify)
await start(remoteIdentify)
const [localToRemote, remoteToLocal] = connectionPair(localComponents, remoteComponents)
// ensure connections are registered by connection manager
localComponents.getUpgrader().dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('connection', {
detail: localToRemote
remoteComponents.getUpgrader().dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('connection', {
detail: remoteToLocal
// identify both ways
await localIdentify.identify(localToRemote)
await remoteIdentify.identify(remoteToLocal)
const updatedProtocol = '/special-new-protocol/1.0.0'
const updatedAddress = new Multiaddr('/ip4/')
// should have protocols but not our new one
const identifiedProtocols = await remoteComponents.getPeerStore().protoBook.get(localComponents.getPeerId())
// should have addresses but not our new one
const identifiedAddresses = await remoteComponents.getPeerStore().addressBook.get(localComponents.getPeerId())
expect(identifiedAddresses.map(a => a.multiaddr.toString())).to.not.include(updatedAddress.toString())
// update local data - change event will trigger push
await localComponents.getPeerStore().protoBook.add(localComponents.getPeerId(), [updatedProtocol])
await localComponents.getPeerStore().addressBook.add(localComponents.getPeerId(), [updatedAddress])
// needed to update the peer record and send our supported addresses
const addressManager = localComponents.getAddressManager()
addressManager.getAddresses = () => {
return [updatedAddress]
// ensure sequence number of peer record we are about to create is different
await delay(1000)
// make sure we have a peer record to send
await localPeerRecordUpdater.update()
// wait for the remote peer store to notice the changes
const eventPromise = pEvent(remoteComponents.getPeerStore(), 'change:multiaddrs')
// push updated peer record to connections
await localIdentify.pushToPeerStore()
await eventPromise
// should have new protocol
const updatedProtocols = await remoteComponents.getPeerStore().protoBook.get(localComponents.getPeerId())
// should have new address
const updatedAddresses = await remoteComponents.getPeerStore().addressBook.get(localComponents.getPeerId())
expect(updatedAddresses.map(a => {
return {
multiaddr: a.multiaddr.toString(),
isCertified: a.isCertified
multiaddr: updatedAddress.toString(),
isCertified: true
await stop(localIdentify)
await stop(remoteIdentify)
it('should time out during push identify', async () => {
let streamEnded = false
const localIdentify = new IdentifyService(localComponents, {
timeout: 10
const remoteIdentify = new IdentifyService(remoteComponents, defaultInit)
await start(localIdentify)
await start(remoteIdentify)
// simulate connection between nodes
const [localToRemote] = connectionPair(localComponents, remoteComponents)
// replace existing handler with a really slow one
await remoteComponents.getRegistrar().unhandle(MULTICODEC_IDENTIFY_PUSH)
await remoteComponents.getRegistrar().handle(MULTICODEC_IDENTIFY_PUSH, ({ stream }) => {
void pipe(
async function * (source) {
// ignore the sent data
await drain(source)
// longer than the timeout
await delay(1000)
// the delay should have caused the local push to time out so this should
// occur after the local push method invocation has completed
streamEnded = true
yield new Uint8Array()
const newStreamSpy = sinon.spy(localToRemote, 'newStream')
// push updated peer record to remote
await localIdentify.push([localToRemote])
// should have closed stream
expect(newStreamSpy).to.have.property('callCount', 1)
const stream = await newStreamSpy.getCall(0).returnValue
// method should have returned before the remote handler completes as we timed
// out so we ignore the return value
it('should be able to push identify updates to another peer with no certified peer records support', async () => {
const localIdentify = new IdentifyService(localComponents, defaultInit)
const remoteIdentify = new IdentifyService(remoteComponents, defaultInit)
await start(localIdentify)
await start(remoteIdentify)
const [localToRemote, remoteToLocal] = connectionPair(localComponents, remoteComponents)
// ensure connections are registered by connection manager
localComponents.getUpgrader().dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('connection', {
detail: localToRemote
remoteComponents.getUpgrader().dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('connection', {
detail: remoteToLocal
// identify both ways
await localIdentify.identify(localToRemote)
await remoteIdentify.identify(remoteToLocal)
const updatedProtocol = '/special-new-protocol/1.0.0'
const updatedAddress = new Multiaddr('/ip4/')
// should have protocols but not our new one
const identifiedProtocols = await remoteComponents.getPeerStore().protoBook.get(localComponents.getPeerId())
// should have addresses but not our new one
const identifiedAddresses = await remoteComponents.getPeerStore().addressBook.get(localComponents.getPeerId())
expect(identifiedAddresses.map(a => a.multiaddr.toString())).to.not.include(updatedAddress.toString())
// update local data - change event will trigger push
await localComponents.getPeerStore().protoBook.add(localComponents.getPeerId(), [updatedProtocol])
await localComponents.getPeerStore().addressBook.add(localComponents.getPeerId(), [updatedAddress])
// needed to send our supported addresses
const addressManager = localComponents.getAddressManager()
addressManager.getAddresses = () => {
return [updatedAddress]
// wait until remote peer store notices protocol list update
const waitForUpdate = pEvent(remoteComponents.getPeerStore(), 'change:protocols')
await localIdentify.pushToPeerStore()
await waitForUpdate
// should have new protocol
const updatedProtocols = await remoteComponents.getPeerStore().protoBook.get(localComponents.getPeerId())
// should have new address
const updatedAddresses = await remoteComponents.getPeerStore().addressBook.get(localComponents.getPeerId())
expect(updatedAddresses.map(a => {
return {
multiaddr: a.multiaddr.toString(),
isCertified: a.isCertified
multiaddr: updatedAddress.toString(),
isCertified: false
await stop(localIdentify)
await stop(remoteIdentify)