mirror of
synced 2025-03-30 06:11:05 +00:00
259 lines
9.5 KiB
259 lines
9.5 KiB
/* eslint-env mocha */
import { expect } from 'aegir/chai'
import sinon from 'sinon'
import { AbortError } from '@libp2p/interfaces/errors'
import pDefer from 'p-defer'
import delay from 'delay'
import { DialAction, DialRequest } from '../../src/connection-manager/dialer/dial-request.js'
import { mockConnection, mockDuplex, mockMultiaddrConnection } from '@libp2p/interface-mocks'
import { createEd25519PeerId } from '@libp2p/peer-id-factory'
import { Multiaddr } from '@multiformats/multiaddr'
import { Dialer } from '../../src/connection-manager/dialer/index.js'
const error = new Error('dial failure')
describe('Dial Request', () => {
it('should end when a single multiaddr dials succeeds', async () => {
const connection = mockConnection(mockMultiaddrConnection(mockDuplex(), await createEd25519PeerId()))
const deferredConn = pDefer()
const actions: Record<string, () => Promise<any>> = {
'/ip4/': async () => await Promise.reject(error),
'/ip4/': async () => await Promise.resolve(connection),
'/ip4/': async () => await deferredConn.promise
const dialAction: DialAction = async (num) => await actions[num.toString()]()
const controller = new AbortController()
const dialer = new Dialer({
maxParallelDials: 2
const dialerReleaseTokenSpy = sinon.spy(dialer, 'releaseToken')
const dialRequest = new DialRequest({
addrs: Object.keys(actions).map(str => new Multiaddr(str)),
// Make sure that dial attempt comes back before terminating last dial action
expect(await dialRequest.run({ signal: controller.signal })).to.equal(connection)
// End third dial attempt
it('should release tokens when all addr dials have started', async () => {
const connection = mockConnection(mockMultiaddrConnection(mockDuplex(), await createEd25519PeerId()))
const firstDials = pDefer()
const deferred = pDefer()
const actions: Record<string, () => Promise<any>> = {
'/ip4/': async () => await firstDials.promise,
'/ip4/': async () => await firstDials.promise,
'/ip4/': async () => await deferred.promise
const dialAction: DialAction = async (num) => await actions[num.toString()]()
const controller = new AbortController()
const dialer = new Dialer({
maxParallelDials: 2
const dialerReleaseTokenSpy = sinon.spy(dialer, 'releaseToken')
const dialRequest = new DialRequest({
addrs: Object.keys(actions).map(str => new Multiaddr(str)),
sinon.spy(actions, '/ip4/')
sinon.spy(actions, '/ip4/')
sinon.spy(actions, '/ip4/')
void dialRequest.run({ signal: controller.signal })
// Let the first dials run
await delay(0)
// Only 1 dial should remain, so 1 token should have been released
expect(actions['/ip4/']).to.have.property('callCount', 1)
expect(actions['/ip4/']).to.have.property('callCount', 1)
expect(actions['/ip4/']).to.have.property('callCount', 0)
// Finish the first 2 dials
await delay(0)
// Finish the dial and release the 2nd token
await delay(0)
it('should throw an AggregateError if all dials fail', async () => {
const actions: Record<string, () => Promise<any>> = {
'/ip4/': async () => await Promise.reject(error),
'/ip4/': async () => await Promise.reject(error),
'/ip4/': async () => await Promise.reject(error)
const dialAction: DialAction = async (num) => await actions[num.toString()]()
const addrs = Object.keys(actions)
const controller = new AbortController()
const dialer = new Dialer({
maxParallelDials: 2
const dialerReleaseTokenSpy = sinon.spy(dialer, 'releaseToken')
const dialerGetTokensSpy = sinon.spy(dialer, 'getTokens')
const dialRequest = new DialRequest({
addrs: Object.keys(actions).map(str => new Multiaddr(str)),
sinon.spy(actions, '/ip4/')
sinon.spy(actions, '/ip4/')
sinon.spy(actions, '/ip4/')
try {
await dialRequest.run({ signal: controller.signal })
expect.fail('Should have thrown')
} catch (err: any) {
expect(err).to.have.property('name', 'AggregateError')
expect(actions['/ip4/']).to.have.property('callCount', 1)
expect(actions['/ip4/']).to.have.property('callCount', 1)
expect(actions['/ip4/']).to.have.property('callCount', 1)
it('should handle a large number of addrs', async () => {
const reject = sinon.stub().callsFake(async () => await Promise.reject(error))
const actions: Record<string, () => Promise<any>> = {}
const addrs = [...new Array(25)].map((_, index) => `/ip4/${index + 1}`)
addrs.forEach(addr => {
actions[addr] = reject
const dialAction: DialAction = async (num) => await actions[num.toString()]()
const controller = new AbortController()
const dialer = new Dialer({
maxParallelDials: 2
const dialerReleaseTokenSpy = sinon.spy(dialer, 'releaseToken')
const dialRequest = new DialRequest({
addrs: Object.keys(actions).map(str => new Multiaddr(str)),
try {
await dialRequest.run({ signal: controller.signal })
expect.fail('Should have thrown')
} catch (err: any) {
expect(err).to.have.property('name', 'AggregateError')
expect(reject).to.have.property('callCount', addrs.length)
it('should abort all dials when its signal is aborted', async () => {
const deferToAbort = async (args: { signal: AbortSignal }) => {
const { signal } = args
if (signal.aborted) {
throw new Error('already aborted')
const deferred = pDefer<any>()
const onAbort = () => {
deferred.reject(new AbortError())
signal.removeEventListener('abort', onAbort)
signal.addEventListener('abort', onAbort)
return await deferred.promise
const actions: Record<string, (...args: any[]) => Promise<any>> = {
'/ip4/': deferToAbort,
'/ip4/': deferToAbort,
'/ip4/': deferToAbort
const dialAction: DialAction = async (num) => await actions[num.toString()]()
const addrs = Object.keys(actions)
const controller = new AbortController()
const dialer = new Dialer({
maxParallelDials: 2
const dialerReleaseTokenSpy = sinon.spy(dialer, 'releaseToken')
const dialerGetTokensSpy = sinon.spy(dialer, 'getTokens')
const dialRequest = new DialRequest({
addrs: Object.keys(actions).map(str => new Multiaddr(str)),
sinon.spy(actions, '/ip4/')
sinon.spy(actions, '/ip4/')
sinon.spy(actions, '/ip4/')
try {
setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), 100)
await dialRequest.run({ signal: controller.signal })
expect.fail('dial should have failed')
} catch (err: any) {
expect(err).to.have.property('name', 'AggregateError')
expect(actions['/ip4/']).to.have.property('callCount', 1)
expect(actions['/ip4/']).to.have.property('callCount', 1)
expect(actions['/ip4/']).to.have.property('callCount', 1)
it('should abort other dials when one succeeds', async () => {
const connection = mockConnection(mockMultiaddrConnection(mockDuplex(), await createEd25519PeerId()))
const actions: Record<string, () => Promise<any>> = {
'/ip4/': async () => {
await delay(100)
'/ip4/': async () => {
// Successful dial takes longer to establish
await delay(1000)
return connection
'/ip4/': async () => {
await delay(100)
const signals: Record<string, AbortSignal | undefined> = {}
const dialRequest = new DialRequest({
addrs: Object.keys(actions).map(str => new Multiaddr(str)),
dialer: new Dialer({
maxParallelDials: 3
dialAction: async (ma, opts) => {
signals[ma.toString()] = opts.signal
return await actions[ma.toString()]()
await expect(dialRequest.run()).to.eventually.equal(connection)
// Dial attempt finished without connection
expect(signals['/ip4/']).to.have.property('aborted', false)
// Dial attempt led to connection
expect(signals['/ip4/']).to.have.property('aborted', false)
// Dial attempt finished without connection
expect(signals['/ip4/']).to.have.property('aborted', false)