Converts this module to typescript. - Ecosystem modules renamed from (e.g.) `libp2p-tcp` to `@libp2p/tcp` - Ecosystem module now have named exports - Configuration has been updated, now pass instances of modules instead of classes: - Some configuration keys have been renamed to make them more descriptive. `transport` -> `transports`, `connEncryption` -> `connectionEncryption`. In general where we pass multiple things, the key is now plural, e.g. `streamMuxer` -> `streamMuxers`, `contentRouting` -> `contentRouters`, etc. Where we are configuring a singleton the config key is singular, e.g. `connProtector` -> `connectionProtector` etc. - Properties of the `modules` config key have been moved to the root - Properties of the `config` config key have been moved to the root ```js // before import Libp2p from 'libp2p' import TCP from 'libp2p-tcp' await Libp2p.create({ modules: { transport: [ TCP ], } config: { transport: { [TCP.tag]: { foo: 'bar' } }, relay: { enabled: true, hop: { enabled: true, active: true } } } }) ``` ```js // after import { createLibp2p } from 'libp2p' import { TCP } from '@libp2p/tcp' await createLibp2p({ transports: [ new TCP({ foo: 'bar' }) ], relay: { enabled: true, hop: { enabled: true, active: true } } }) ``` - Use of `enabled` flag has been reduced - previously you could pass a module but disable it with config. Now if you don't want a feature, just don't pass an implementation. Eg: ```js // before await Libp2p.create({ modules: { transport: [ TCP ], pubsub: Gossipsub }, config: { pubsub: { enabled: false } } }) ``` ```js // after await createLibp2p({ transports: [ new TCP() ] }) ``` - `.multiaddrs` renamed to `.getMultiaddrs()` because it's not a property accessor, work is done by that method to calculate announce addresses, observed addresses, etc - `/p2p/${peerId}` is now appended to all addresses returned by `.getMultiaddrs()` so they can be used opaquely (every consumer has to append the peer ID to the address to actually use it otherwise). If you need low-level unadulterated addresses, call methods on the address manager. BREAKING CHANGE: types are no longer hand crafted, this module is now ESM only
Filter Messages
To prevent undesired data from being propagated on the network, we can apply a filter to Gossipsub. Messages that fail validation in the filter will not be re-shared.
1. Setting up a PubSub network with three nodes
First, let's update our libp2p configuration with a pubsub implementation.
import { createLibp2p } from 'libp2p'
import { Gossipsub } from 'libp2p-gossipsub'
const node = await createLibp2p({
addresses: {
listen: ['/ip4/']
transports: [
new TCP()
streamMuxers: [
new Mplex()
connectionEncryption: [
new Noise()
pubsub: new Gossipsub()
Then, create three nodes and connect them together. In this example, we will connect the nodes in series. Node 1 connected with node 2 and node 2 connected with node 3.
const [node1, node2, node3] = await Promise.all([
await node1.peerStore.addressBook.set(node2.peerId, node2.multiaddrs)
await node1.dial(node2.peerId)
await node2.peerStore.addressBook.set(node3.peerId, node3.multiaddrs)
await node2.dial(node3.peerId)
Now we' can subscribe to the fruit topic and log incoming messages.
const topic = 'fruit'
node1.pubsub.on(topic, (msg) => {
console.log(`node1 received: ${uint8ArrayToString(}`)
await node1.pubsub.subscribe(topic)
node2.pubsub.on(topic, (msg) => {
console.log(`node2 received: ${uint8ArrayToString(}`)
await node2.pubsub.subscribe(topic)
node3.pubsub.on(topic, (msg) => {
console.log(`node3 received: ${uint8ArrayToString(}`)
await node3.pubsub.subscribe(topic)
Finally, let's define the additional filter in the fruit topic.
const validateFruit = (msgTopic, msg) => {
const fruit = uint8ArrayToString(
const validFruit = ['banana', 'apple', 'orange']
if (!validFruit.includes(fruit)) {
throw new Error('no valid fruit received')
node1.pubsub.topicValidators.set(topic, validateFruit)
node2.pubsub.topicValidators.set(topic, validateFruit)
node3.pubsub.topicValidators.set(topic, validateFruit)
In this example, node one has an outdated version of the system, or is a malicious node. When it tries to publish fruit, the messages are re-shared and all the nodes share the message. However, when it tries to publish a vehicle the message is not re-shared.
var count = 0;
const myFruits = ['banana', 'apple', 'car', 'orange'];
setInterval(() => {
console.log('############## fruit ' + myFruits[count] + ' ##############')
node1.pubsub.publish(topic, new TextEncoder().encode(myFruits[count]))
if (count == myFruits.length) {
count = 0
}, 5000)
> node 1.js
############## fruit banana ##############
node2 received: banana
node3 received: banana
############## fruit apple ##############
node2 received: apple
node3 received: apple
############## fruit car ##############
############## fruit orange ##############
node1 received: orange
node2 received: orange
node3 received: orange