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synced 2025-03-15 07:00:50 +00:00
- Upgrades @multiformats/multiaddr to 11.0.0 - Removes ipfs-http-client and delegate router dependencies - Test delegation using interface stubs instead of implementations
303 lines
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303 lines
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/* eslint-env mocha */
import { expect } from 'aegir/chai'
import sinon from 'sinon'
import { multiaddr } from '@multiformats/multiaddr'
import { IdentifyService, IdentifyServiceInit } from '../../src/identify/index.js'
import Peers from '../fixtures/peers.js'
import { PersistentPeerStore } from '@libp2p/peer-store'
import { DefaultAddressManager } from '../../src/address-manager/index.js'
import { MemoryDatastore } from 'datastore-core/memory'
import drain from 'it-drain'
import { pipe } from 'it-pipe'
import { mockConnectionGater, mockRegistrar, mockUpgrader, connectionPair } from '@libp2p/interface-mocks'
import { createFromJSON } from '@libp2p/peer-id-factory'
import { Components } from '@libp2p/components'
import { PeerRecordUpdater } from '../../src/peer-record-updater.js'
import {
} from '../../src/identify/consts.js'
import { DefaultConnectionManager } from '../../src/connection-manager/index.js'
import { DefaultTransportManager } from '../../src/transport-manager.js'
import { CustomEvent } from '@libp2p/interfaces/events'
import delay from 'delay'
import { pEvent } from 'p-event'
import { start, stop } from '@libp2p/interfaces/startable'
const listenMaddrs = [multiaddr('/ip4/')]
const defaultInit: IdentifyServiceInit = {
protocolPrefix: 'ipfs',
host: {
agentVersion: 'v1.0.0'
maxInboundStreams: 1,
maxOutboundStreams: 1,
maxPushIncomingStreams: 1,
maxPushOutgoingStreams: 1,
timeout: 1000
async function createComponents (index: number) {
const peerId = await createFromJSON(Peers[index])
const components = new Components({
datastore: new MemoryDatastore(),
registrar: mockRegistrar(),
upgrader: mockUpgrader(),
connectionGater: mockConnectionGater(),
peerStore: new PersistentPeerStore(),
connectionManager: new DefaultConnectionManager({
minConnections: 50,
maxConnections: 1000,
autoDialInterval: 1000,
inboundUpgradeTimeout: 1000
components.setAddressManager(new DefaultAddressManager(components, {
announce: listenMaddrs.map(ma => ma.toString())
const transportManager = new DefaultTransportManager(components)
await components.getPeerStore().protoBook.set(peerId, protocols)
return components
describe('identify (push)', () => {
let localComponents: Components
let remoteComponents: Components
let localPeerRecordUpdater: PeerRecordUpdater
beforeEach(async () => {
localComponents = await createComponents(0)
remoteComponents = await createComponents(1)
localPeerRecordUpdater = new PeerRecordUpdater(localComponents)
await Promise.all([
afterEach(async () => {
await Promise.all([
it('should be able to push identify updates to another peer', async () => {
const localIdentify = new IdentifyService(localComponents, defaultInit)
const remoteIdentify = new IdentifyService(remoteComponents, defaultInit)
await start(localIdentify)
await start(remoteIdentify)
const [localToRemote, remoteToLocal] = connectionPair(localComponents, remoteComponents)
// ensure connections are registered by connection manager
localComponents.getUpgrader().dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('connection', {
detail: localToRemote
remoteComponents.getUpgrader().dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('connection', {
detail: remoteToLocal
// identify both ways
await localIdentify.identify(localToRemote)
await remoteIdentify.identify(remoteToLocal)
const updatedProtocol = '/special-new-protocol/1.0.0'
const updatedAddress = multiaddr('/ip4/')
// should have protocols but not our new one
const identifiedProtocols = await remoteComponents.getPeerStore().protoBook.get(localComponents.getPeerId())
// should have addresses but not our new one
const identifiedAddresses = await remoteComponents.getPeerStore().addressBook.get(localComponents.getPeerId())
expect(identifiedAddresses.map(a => a.multiaddr.toString())).to.not.include(updatedAddress.toString())
// update local data - change event will trigger push
await localComponents.getPeerStore().protoBook.add(localComponents.getPeerId(), [updatedProtocol])
await localComponents.getPeerStore().addressBook.add(localComponents.getPeerId(), [updatedAddress])
// needed to update the peer record and send our supported addresses
const addressManager = localComponents.getAddressManager()
addressManager.getAddresses = () => {
return [updatedAddress]
// ensure sequence number of peer record we are about to create is different
await delay(1000)
// make sure we have a peer record to send
await localPeerRecordUpdater.update()
// wait for the remote peer store to notice the changes
const eventPromise = pEvent(remoteComponents.getPeerStore(), 'change:multiaddrs')
// push updated peer record to connections
await localIdentify.pushToPeerStore()
await eventPromise
// should have new protocol
const updatedProtocols = await remoteComponents.getPeerStore().protoBook.get(localComponents.getPeerId())
// should have new address
const updatedAddresses = await remoteComponents.getPeerStore().addressBook.get(localComponents.getPeerId())
expect(updatedAddresses.map(a => {
return {
multiaddr: a.multiaddr.toString(),
isCertified: a.isCertified
multiaddr: updatedAddress.toString(),
isCertified: true
await stop(localIdentify)
await stop(remoteIdentify)
it('should time out during push identify', async () => {
let streamEnded = false
const localIdentify = new IdentifyService(localComponents, {
timeout: 10
const remoteIdentify = new IdentifyService(remoteComponents, defaultInit)
await start(localIdentify)
await start(remoteIdentify)
// simulate connection between nodes
const [localToRemote] = connectionPair(localComponents, remoteComponents)
// replace existing handler with a really slow one
await remoteComponents.getRegistrar().unhandle(MULTICODEC_IDENTIFY_PUSH)
await remoteComponents.getRegistrar().handle(MULTICODEC_IDENTIFY_PUSH, ({ stream }) => {
void pipe(
async function * (source) {
// ignore the sent data
await drain(source)
// longer than the timeout
await delay(1000)
// the delay should have caused the local push to time out so this should
// occur after the local push method invocation has completed
streamEnded = true
yield new Uint8Array()
const newStreamSpy = sinon.spy(localToRemote, 'newStream')
// push updated peer record to remote
await localIdentify.push([localToRemote])
// should have closed stream
expect(newStreamSpy).to.have.property('callCount', 1)
const stream = await newStreamSpy.getCall(0).returnValue
// method should have returned before the remote handler completes as we timed
// out so we ignore the return value
it('should be able to push identify updates to another peer with no certified peer records support', async () => {
const localIdentify = new IdentifyService(localComponents, defaultInit)
const remoteIdentify = new IdentifyService(remoteComponents, defaultInit)
await start(localIdentify)
await start(remoteIdentify)
const [localToRemote, remoteToLocal] = connectionPair(localComponents, remoteComponents)
// ensure connections are registered by connection manager
localComponents.getUpgrader().dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('connection', {
detail: localToRemote
remoteComponents.getUpgrader().dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('connection', {
detail: remoteToLocal
// identify both ways
await localIdentify.identify(localToRemote)
await remoteIdentify.identify(remoteToLocal)
const updatedProtocol = '/special-new-protocol/1.0.0'
const updatedAddress = multiaddr('/ip4/')
// should have protocols but not our new one
const identifiedProtocols = await remoteComponents.getPeerStore().protoBook.get(localComponents.getPeerId())
// should have addresses but not our new one
const identifiedAddresses = await remoteComponents.getPeerStore().addressBook.get(localComponents.getPeerId())
expect(identifiedAddresses.map(a => a.multiaddr.toString())).to.not.include(updatedAddress.toString())
// update local data - change event will trigger push
await localComponents.getPeerStore().protoBook.add(localComponents.getPeerId(), [updatedProtocol])
await localComponents.getPeerStore().addressBook.add(localComponents.getPeerId(), [updatedAddress])
// needed to send our supported addresses
const addressManager = localComponents.getAddressManager()
addressManager.getAddresses = () => {
return [updatedAddress]
// wait until remote peer store notices protocol list update
const waitForUpdate = pEvent(remoteComponents.getPeerStore(), 'change:protocols')
await localIdentify.pushToPeerStore()
await waitForUpdate
// should have new protocol
const updatedProtocols = await remoteComponents.getPeerStore().protoBook.get(localComponents.getPeerId())
// should have new address
const updatedAddresses = await remoteComponents.getPeerStore().addressBook.get(localComponents.getPeerId())
expect(updatedAddresses.map(a => {
return {
multiaddr: a.multiaddr.toString(),
isCertified: a.isCertified
multiaddr: updatedAddress.toString(),
isCertified: false
await stop(localIdentify)
await stop(remoteIdentify)