/* eslint max-nested-callbacks: ["error", 8] */ /* eslint-env mocha */ 'use strict' const { chai, expect } = require('aegir/utils/chai') const fail = expect.fail chai.use(require('chai-string')) const uint8ArrayFromString = require('uint8arrays/from-string') const uint8ArrayToString = require('uint8arrays/to-string') const peerUtils = require('../utils/creators/peer') const { MemoryDatastore } = require('interface-datastore') const Keychain = require('../../src/keychain') const PeerId = require('peer-id') describe('keychain', () => { const passPhrase = 'this is not a secure phrase' const rsaKeyName = 'tajné jméno' const renamedRsaKeyName = 'ชื่อลับ' let rsaKeyInfo let emptyKeystore let ks let datastore1, datastore2 before(async () => { datastore1 = new MemoryDatastore() datastore2 = new MemoryDatastore() ks = new Keychain(datastore2, { pass: passPhrase }) emptyKeystore = new Keychain(datastore1, { pass: passPhrase }) await datastore1.open() await datastore2.open() }) after(async () => { await datastore2.close() await datastore2.close() }) it('can start without a password', () => { expect(() => new Keychain(datastore2)).to.not.throw() }) it('needs a NIST SP 800-132 non-weak pass phrase', () => { expect(() => new Keychain(datastore2, { pass: '< 20 character' })).to.throw() }) it('needs a store to persist a key', () => { expect(() => new Keychain(null, { pass: passPhrase })).to.throw() }) it('has default options', () => { expect(Keychain.options).to.exist() }) it('supports supported hashing alorithms', () => { const ok = new Keychain(datastore2, { pass: passPhrase, dek: { hash: 'sha2-256' } }) expect(ok).to.exist() }) it('does not support unsupported hashing alorithms', () => { expect(() => new Keychain(datastore2, { pass: passPhrase, dek: { hash: 'my-hash' } })).to.throw() }) it('can list keys without a password', async () => { const keychain = new Keychain(datastore2) expect(await keychain.listKeys()).to.have.lengthOf(0) }) it('can find a key without a password', async () => { const keychain = new Keychain(datastore2) const keychainWithPassword = new Keychain(datastore2, { pass: `hello-${Date.now()}-${Date.now()}` }) const name = `key-${Math.random()}` const { id } = await keychainWithPassword.createKey(name, 'ed25519') await expect(keychain.findKeyById(id)).to.eventually.be.ok() }) it('can remove a key without a password', async () => { const keychainWithoutPassword = new Keychain(datastore2) const keychainWithPassword = new Keychain(datastore2, { pass: `hello-${Date.now()}-${Date.now()}` }) const name = `key-${Math.random()}` expect(await keychainWithPassword.createKey(name, 'ed25519')).to.have.property('name', name) expect(await keychainWithoutPassword.findKeyByName(name)).to.have.property('name', name) await keychainWithoutPassword.removeKey(name) await expect(keychainWithoutPassword.findKeyByName(name)).to.be.rejectedWith(/does not exist/) }) it('requires a key to create a password', async () => { const keychain = new Keychain(datastore2) await expect(keychain.createKey('derp')).to.be.rejected() }) it('can generate options', () => { const options = Keychain.generateOptions() options.pass = passPhrase const chain = new Keychain(datastore2, options) expect(chain).to.exist() }) describe('key name', () => { it('is a valid filename and non-ASCII', async () => { const errors = await Promise.all([ ks.removeKey('../../nasty').then(fail, err => err), ks.removeKey('').then(fail, err => err), ks.removeKey(' ').then(fail, err => err), ks.removeKey(null).then(fail, err => err), ks.removeKey(undefined).then(fail, err => err) ]) expect(errors).to.have.length(5) errors.forEach(error => { expect(error).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_INVALID_KEY_NAME') }) }) }) describe('key', () => { it('can be an RSA key', async () => { rsaKeyInfo = await ks.createKey(rsaKeyName, 'rsa', 2048) expect(rsaKeyInfo).to.exist() expect(rsaKeyInfo).to.have.property('name', rsaKeyName) expect(rsaKeyInfo).to.have.property('id') }) it('is encrypted PEM encoded PKCS #8', async () => { const pem = await ks._getPrivateKey(rsaKeyName) return expect(pem).to.startsWith('-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----') }) it('throws if an invalid private key name is given', async () => { const err = await ks._getPrivateKey(undefined).then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_INVALID_KEY_NAME') }) it('throws if a private key cant be found', async () => { const err = await ks._getPrivateKey('not real').then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND') }) it('does not overwrite existing key', async () => { const err = await ks.createKey(rsaKeyName, 'rsa', 2048).then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS') }) it('cannot create the "self" key', async () => { const err = await ks.createKey('self', 'rsa', 2048).then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_INVALID_KEY_NAME') }) it('should validate name is string', async () => { const err = await ks.createKey(5, 'rsa', 2048).then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_INVALID_KEY_NAME') }) it('should validate type is string', async () => { const err = await ks.createKey('TEST' + Date.now(), null, 2048).then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_INVALID_KEY_TYPE') }) it('should validate size is integer', async () => { const err = await ks.createKey('TEST' + Date.now(), 'rsa', 'string').then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_INVALID_KEY_SIZE') }) describe('implements NIST SP 800-131A', () => { it('disallows RSA length < 2048', async () => { const err = await ks.createKey('bad-nist-rsa', 'rsa', 1024).then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_INVALID_KEY_SIZE') }) }) }) describe('ed25519 keys', () => { const keyName = 'my custom key' it('can be an ed25519 key', async () => { const keyInfo = await ks.createKey(keyName, 'ed25519') expect(keyInfo).to.exist() expect(keyInfo).to.have.property('name', keyName) expect(keyInfo).to.have.property('id') }) it('does not overwrite existing key', async () => { const err = await ks.createKey(keyName, 'ed25519').then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS') }) it('can export/import a key', async () => { const keyName = 'a new key' const password = 'my sneaky password' const keyInfo = await ks.createKey(keyName, 'ed25519') const exportedKey = await ks.exportKey(keyName, password) // remove it so we can import it await ks.removeKey(keyName) const importedKey = await ks.importKey(keyName, exportedKey, password) expect(importedKey.id).to.eql(keyInfo.id) }) it('cannot create the "self" key', async () => { const err = await ks.createKey('self', 'ed25519').then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_INVALID_KEY_NAME') }) }) describe('secp256k1 keys', () => { const keyName = 'my secp256k1 key' it('can be an secp256k1 key', async () => { const keyInfo = await ks.createKey(keyName, 'secp256k1') expect(keyInfo).to.exist() expect(keyInfo).to.have.property('name', keyName) expect(keyInfo).to.have.property('id') }) it('does not overwrite existing key', async () => { const err = await ks.createKey(keyName, 'secp256k1').then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS') }) it('can export/import a key', async () => { const keyName = 'a new secp256k1 key' const password = 'my sneaky password' const keyInfo = await ks.createKey(keyName, 'secp256k1') const exportedKey = await ks.exportKey(keyName, password) // remove it so we can import it await ks.removeKey(keyName) const importedKey = await ks.importKey(keyName, exportedKey, password) expect(importedKey.id).to.eql(keyInfo.id) }) it('cannot create the "self" key', async () => { const err = await ks.createKey('self', 'secp256k1').then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_INVALID_KEY_NAME') }) }) describe('query', () => { it('finds all existing keys', async () => { const keys = await ks.listKeys() expect(keys).to.exist() const mykey = keys.find((k) => k.name.normalize() === rsaKeyName.normalize()) expect(mykey).to.exist() }) it('finds a key by name', async () => { const key = await ks.findKeyByName(rsaKeyName) expect(key).to.exist() expect(key).to.deep.equal(rsaKeyInfo) }) it('finds a key by id', async () => { const key = await ks.findKeyById(rsaKeyInfo.id) expect(key).to.exist() expect(key).to.deep.equal(rsaKeyInfo) }) it('returns the key\'s name and id', async () => { const keys = await ks.listKeys() expect(keys).to.exist() keys.forEach((key) => { expect(key).to.have.property('name') expect(key).to.have.property('id') }) }) }) describe('CMS protected data', () => { const plainData = uint8ArrayFromString('This is a message from Alice to Bob') let cms it('service is available', () => { expect(ks).to.have.property('cms') }) it('requires a key', async () => { const err = await ks.cms.encrypt('no-key', plainData).then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND') }) it('requires plain data as a Uint8Array', async () => { const err = await ks.cms.encrypt(rsaKeyName, 'plain data').then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_INVALID_PARAMS') }) it('encrypts', async () => { cms = await ks.cms.encrypt(rsaKeyName, plainData) expect(cms).to.exist() expect(cms).to.be.instanceOf(Uint8Array) }) it('is a PKCS #7 message', async () => { const err = await ks.cms.decrypt('not CMS').then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_INVALID_PARAMS') }) it('is a PKCS #7 binary message', async () => { const err = await ks.cms.decrypt(plainData).then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_INVALID_CMS') }) it('cannot be read without the key', async () => { const err = await emptyKeystore.cms.decrypt(cms).then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('missingKeys') expect(err.missingKeys).to.eql([rsaKeyInfo.id]) expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_MISSING_KEYS') }) it('can be read with the key', async () => { const plain = await ks.cms.decrypt(cms) expect(plain).to.exist() expect(uint8ArrayToString(plain)).to.equal(uint8ArrayToString(plainData)) }) }) describe('exported key', () => { let pemKey it('requires the password', async () => { const err = await ks.exportKey(rsaKeyName).then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_PASSWORD_REQUIRED') }) it('requires the key name', async () => { const err = await ks.exportKey(undefined, 'password').then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_INVALID_KEY_NAME') }) it('is a PKCS #8 encrypted pem', async () => { pemKey = await ks.exportKey(rsaKeyName, 'password') expect(pemKey).to.startsWith('-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----') }) it('can be imported', async () => { const key = await ks.importKey('imported-key', pemKey, 'password') expect(key.name).to.equal('imported-key') expect(key.id).to.equal(rsaKeyInfo.id) }) it('requires the pem', async () => { const err = await ks.importKey('imported-key', undefined, 'password').then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_PEM_REQUIRED') }) it('cannot be imported as an existing key name', async () => { const err = await ks.importKey(rsaKeyName, pemKey, 'password').then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS') }) it('cannot be imported with the wrong password', async () => { const err = await ks.importKey('a-new-name-for-import', pemKey, 'not the password').then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_CANNOT_READ_KEY') }) }) describe('peer id', () => { const alicePrivKey = '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' let alice before(async function () { const encoded = uint8ArrayFromString(alicePrivKey, 'base64pad') alice = await PeerId.createFromPrivKey(encoded) }) it('private key can be imported', async () => { const key = await ks.importPeer('alice', alice) expect(key.name).to.equal('alice') expect(key.id).to.equal(alice.toB58String()) }) it('private key import requires a valid name', async () => { const err = await ks.importPeer(undefined, alice).then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_INVALID_KEY_NAME') }) it('private key import requires the peer', async () => { const err = await ks.importPeer('alice').then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_MISSING_PRIVATE_KEY') }) it('key id exists', async () => { const key = await ks.findKeyById(alice.toB58String()) expect(key).to.exist() expect(key).to.have.property('name', 'alice') expect(key).to.have.property('id', alice.toB58String()) }) it('key name exists', async () => { const key = await ks.findKeyByName('alice') expect(key).to.exist() expect(key).to.have.property('name', 'alice') expect(key).to.have.property('id', alice.toB58String()) }) }) describe('rename', () => { it('requires an existing key name', async () => { const err = await ks.renameKey('not-there', renamedRsaKeyName).then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_NOT_FOUND') }) it('requires a valid new key name', async () => { const err = await ks.renameKey(rsaKeyName, '..\not-valid').then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_NEW_KEY_NAME_INVALID') }) it('does not overwrite existing key', async () => { const err = await ks.renameKey(rsaKeyName, rsaKeyName).then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS') }) it('cannot create the "self" key', async () => { const err = await ks.renameKey(rsaKeyName, 'self').then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_NEW_KEY_NAME_INVALID') }) it('removes the existing key name', async () => { const key = await ks.renameKey(rsaKeyName, renamedRsaKeyName) expect(key).to.exist() expect(key).to.have.property('name', renamedRsaKeyName) expect(key).to.have.property('id', rsaKeyInfo.id) // Try to find the changed key const err = await ks.findKeyByName(rsaKeyName).then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() }) it('creates the new key name', async () => { const key = await ks.findKeyByName(renamedRsaKeyName) expect(key).to.exist() expect(key).to.have.property('name', renamedRsaKeyName) }) it('does not change the key ID', async () => { const key = await ks.findKeyByName(renamedRsaKeyName) expect(key).to.exist() expect(key).to.have.property('name', renamedRsaKeyName) expect(key).to.have.property('id', rsaKeyInfo.id) }) it('throws with invalid key names', async () => { const err = await ks.findKeyByName(undefined).then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_INVALID_KEY_NAME') }) }) describe('key removal', () => { it('cannot remove the "self" key', async () => { const err = await ks.removeKey('self').then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_INVALID_KEY_NAME') }) it('cannot remove an unknown key', async () => { const err = await ks.removeKey('not-there').then(fail, err => err) expect(err).to.exist() expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND') }) it('can remove a known key', async () => { const key = await ks.removeKey(renamedRsaKeyName) expect(key).to.exist() expect(key).to.have.property('name', renamedRsaKeyName) expect(key).to.have.property('id', rsaKeyInfo.id) }) }) }) describe('libp2p.keychain', () => { it('needs a passphrase to be used, otherwise throws an error', async () => { const [libp2p] = await peerUtils.createPeer({ started: false }) try { await libp2p.keychain.createKey('keyName', 'rsa', 2048) } catch (err) { expect(err).to.exist() return } throw new Error('should throw an error using the keychain if no passphrase provided') }) it('can be used when a passphrase is provided', async () => { const [libp2p] = await peerUtils.createPeer({ started: false, config: { keychain: { datastore: new MemoryDatastore(), pass: '12345678901234567890' } } }) await libp2p.loadKeychain() const kInfo = await libp2p.keychain.createKey('keyName', 'ed25519') expect(kInfo).to.exist() }) it('does not require a keychain passphrase', async () => { const [libp2p] = await peerUtils.createPeer({ started: false, config: { keychain: { datastore: new MemoryDatastore() } } }) await libp2p.loadKeychain() const kInfo = await libp2p.keychain.createKey('keyName', 'ed25519') expect(kInfo).to.exist() }) it('can reload keys', async () => { const datastore = new MemoryDatastore() const [libp2p] = await peerUtils.createPeer({ started: false, config: { keychain: { datastore, pass: '12345678901234567890' } } }) await libp2p.loadKeychain() const kInfo = await libp2p.keychain.createKey('keyName', 'ed25519') expect(kInfo).to.exist() const [libp2p2] = await peerUtils.createPeer({ started: false, config: { keychain: { datastore, pass: '12345678901234567890' } } }) await libp2p2.loadKeychain() const key = await libp2p2.keychain.findKeyByName('keyName') expect(key).to.exist() }) })