/* eslint-env mocha */ 'use strict' const chai = require('chai') chai.use(require('dirty-chai')) const expect = chai.expect const parallel = require('async/parallel') const createNode = require('./utils/create-node.js') const echo = require('./utils/echo') describe('ping', () => { let nodeA let nodeB before((done) => { parallel([ (cb) => createNode('/ip4/', (err, node) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() nodeA = node node.handle('/echo/1.0.0', echo) node.start(cb) }), (cb) => createNode('/ip4/', (err, node) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() nodeB = node node.handle('/echo/1.0.0', echo) node.start(cb) }) ], done) }) after((done) => { parallel([ (cb) => nodeA.stop(cb), (cb) => nodeB.stop(cb) ], done) }) it('should be able to ping another node', (done) => { nodeA.ping(nodeB.peerInfo, (err, ping) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() ping.once('ping', (time) => { expect(time).to.exist() ping.stop() done() }) ping.start() }) }) it('should be not be able to ping when stopped', (done) => { nodeA.stop(() => { nodeA.ping(nodeB.peerInfo, (err) => { expect(err).to.exist() done() }) }) }) })