/* eslint-env mocha */ /* eslint max-nested-callbacks: ["error", 8] */ 'use strict' const chai = require('chai') chai.use(require('dirty-chai')) const expect = chai.expect const parallel = require('async/parallel') const waterfall = require('async/waterfall') const _times = require('lodash.times') const CID = require('cids') const DelegatedContentRouter = require('libp2p-delegated-content-routing') const sinon = require('sinon') const nock = require('nock') const ma = require('multiaddr') const Node = require('./utils/bundle-nodejs') const createNode = require('./utils/create-node') const createPeerInfo = createNode.createPeerInfo describe('.contentRouting', () => { describe('via the dht', () => { let nodeA let nodeB let nodeC let nodeD let nodeE before(function (done) { this.timeout(5 * 1000) const tasks = _times(5, () => (cb) => { createNode('/ip4/', { config: { EXPERIMENTAL: { dht: true } } }, (err, node) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() node.start((err) => cb(err, node)) }) }) parallel(tasks, (err, nodes) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() nodeA = nodes[0] nodeB = nodes[1] nodeC = nodes[2] nodeD = nodes[3] nodeE = nodes[4] parallel([ (cb) => nodeA.dial(nodeB.peerInfo, cb), (cb) => nodeB.dial(nodeC.peerInfo, cb), (cb) => nodeC.dial(nodeD.peerInfo, cb), (cb) => nodeD.dial(nodeE.peerInfo, cb), (cb) => nodeE.dial(nodeA.peerInfo, cb) ], done) }) }) after((done) => { parallel([ (cb) => nodeA.stop(cb), (cb) => nodeB.stop(cb), (cb) => nodeC.stop(cb), (cb) => nodeD.stop(cb), (cb) => nodeE.stop(cb) ], done) }) it('should use the nodes dht to provide', (done) => { const stub = sinon.stub(nodeA._dht, 'provide').callsFake(() => { stub.restore() done() }) nodeA.contentRouting.provide() }) it('should use the nodes dht to find providers', (done) => { const stub = sinon.stub(nodeA._dht, 'findProviders').callsFake(() => { stub.restore() done() }) nodeA.contentRouting.findProviders() }) describe('le ring', () => { const cid = new CID('QmTp9VkYvnHyrqKQuFPiuZkiX9gPcqj6x5LJ1rmWuSySnL') it('let kbucket get filled', (done) => { setTimeout(() => done(), 250) }) it('nodeA.contentRouting.provide', (done) => { nodeA.contentRouting.provide(cid, done) }) it('nodeE.contentRouting.findProviders for existing record', (done) => { nodeE.contentRouting.findProviders(cid, { maxTimeout: 5000 }, (err, providers) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() expect(providers).to.have.length.above(0) done() }) }) it('nodeE.contentRouting.findProviders with limited number of providers', (done) => { parallel([ (cb) => nodeA.contentRouting.provide(cid, cb), (cb) => nodeB.contentRouting.provide(cid, cb), (cb) => nodeC.contentRouting.provide(cid, cb) ], (err) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() nodeE.contentRouting.findProviders(cid, { maxNumProviders: 2 }, (err, providers) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() expect(providers).to.have.length(2) done() }) }) }) it('nodeC.contentRouting.findProviders for non existing record (timeout)', (done) => { const cid = new CID('QmTp9VkYvnHyrqKQuFPiuZkiX9gPcqj6x5LJ1rmWuSnnnn') nodeE.contentRouting.findProviders(cid, { maxTimeout: 5000 }, (err, providers) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() expect(providers).to.have.length(0) done() }) }) }) }) describe('via a delegate', () => { let nodeA let delegate before((done) => { waterfall([ (cb) => { createPeerInfo(cb) }, // Create the node using the delegate (peerInfo, cb) => { delegate = new DelegatedContentRouter(peerInfo.id, { host: '', protocol: 'http', port: 60197 }, [ ma('/ip4/') ]) nodeA = new Node({ peerInfo, modules: { contentRouting: [ delegate ] }, config: { relay: { enabled: true, hop: { enabled: true, active: false } } } }) nodeA.start(cb) } ], done) }) after((done) => nodeA.stop(done)) afterEach(() => nock.cleanAll()) describe('provide', () => { it('should use the delegate router to provide', (done) => { const stub = sinon.stub(delegate, 'provide').callsFake(() => { stub.restore() done() }) nodeA.contentRouting.provide() }) it('should be able to register as a provider', (done) => { const cid = new CID('QmU621oD8AhHw6t25vVyfYKmL9VV3PTgc52FngEhTGACFB') const mockApi = nock('') // mock the swarm connect .post('/api/v0/swarm/connect') .query({ arg: `/ip4/${nodeA.peerInfo.id.toB58String()}`, 'stream-channels': true }) .reply(200, { Strings: [`connect ${nodeA.peerInfo.id.toB58String()} success`] }, ['Content-Type', 'application/json']) // mock the refs call .post('/api/v0/refs') .query({ recursive: true, arg: cid.toBaseEncodedString(), 'stream-channels': true }) .reply(200, null, [ 'Content-Type', 'application/json', 'X-Chunked-Output', '1' ]) nodeA.contentRouting.provide(cid, (err) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() expect(mockApi.isDone()).to.equal(true) done() }) }) it('should handle errors when registering as a provider', (done) => { const cid = new CID('QmU621oD8AhHw6t25vVyfYKmL9VV3PTgc52FngEhTGACFB') const mockApi = nock('') // mock the swarm connect .post('/api/v0/swarm/connect') .query({ arg: `/ip4/${nodeA.peerInfo.id.toB58String()}`, 'stream-channels': true }) .reply(502, 'Bad Gateway', ['Content-Type', 'application/json']) nodeA.contentRouting.provide(cid, (err) => { expect(err).to.exist() expect(mockApi.isDone()).to.equal(true) done() }) }) }) describe('find providers', () => { it('should use the delegate router to find providers', (done) => { const stub = sinon.stub(delegate, 'findProviders').callsFake(() => { stub.restore() done() }) nodeA.contentRouting.findProviders() }) it('should be able to find providers', (done) => { const cid = new CID('QmU621oD8AhHw6t25vVyfYKmL9VV3PTgc52FngEhTGACFB') const provider = 'QmZNgCqZCvTsi3B4Vt7gsSqpkqDpE7M2Y9TDmEhbDb4ceF' const mockApi = nock('') .post('/api/v0/dht/findprovs') .query({ arg: cid.toBaseEncodedString(), timeout: '1000ms', 'stream-channels': true }) .reply(200, `{"Extra":"","ID":"QmWKqWXCtRXEeCQTo3FoZ7g4AfnGiauYYiczvNxFCHicbB","Responses":[{"Addrs":["/ip4/"],"ID":"${provider}"}],"Type":1}\n`, [ 'Content-Type', 'application/json', 'X-Chunked-Output', '1' ]) nodeA.contentRouting.findProviders(cid, 1000, (err, response) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() expect(response).to.have.length(1) expect(response[0].id.toB58String()).to.equal(provider) expect(mockApi.isDone()).to.equal(true) done() }) }) it('should handle errors when finding providers', (done) => { const cid = new CID('QmU621oD8AhHw6t25vVyfYKmL9VV3PTgc52FngEhTGACFB') const mockApi = nock('') .post('/api/v0/dht/findprovs') .query({ arg: cid.toBaseEncodedString(), timeout: '30000ms', 'stream-channels': true }) .reply(502, 'Bad Gateway', [ 'X-Chunked-Output', '1' ]) nodeA.contentRouting.findProviders(cid, (err) => { expect(err).to.exist() expect(mockApi.isDone()).to.equal(true) done() }) }) }) }) describe('via the dht and a delegate', () => { let nodeA let delegate before((done) => { waterfall([ (cb) => { createPeerInfo(cb) }, // Create the node using the delegate (peerInfo, cb) => { delegate = new DelegatedContentRouter(peerInfo.id, { host: '', protocol: 'http', port: 60197 }, [ ma('/ip4/') ]) nodeA = new Node({ peerInfo, modules: { contentRouting: [ delegate ] }, config: { relay: { enabled: true, hop: { enabled: true, active: false } }, EXPERIMENTAL: { dht: true } } }) nodeA.start(cb) } ], done) }) after((done) => nodeA.stop(done)) describe('provide', () => { it('should use both the dht and delegate router to provide', (done) => { const dhtStub = sinon.stub(nodeA._dht, 'provide').callsFake(() => {}) const delegateStub = sinon.stub(delegate, 'provide').callsFake(() => { expect(dhtStub.calledOnce).to.equal(true) expect(delegateStub.calledOnce).to.equal(true) delegateStub.restore() dhtStub.restore() done() }) nodeA.contentRouting.provide() }) }) describe('findProviders', () => { it('should only use the dht if it finds providers', (done) => { const results = [true] const dhtStub = sinon.stub(nodeA._dht, 'findProviders').callsArgWith(2, null, results) const delegateStub = sinon.stub(delegate, 'findProviders').throws(() => { return new Error('the delegate should not have been called') }) nodeA.contentRouting.findProviders('a cid', { maxTimeout: 5000 }, (err, results) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() expect(results).to.equal(results) expect(dhtStub.calledOnce).to.equal(true) expect(delegateStub.notCalled).to.equal(true) delegateStub.restore() dhtStub.restore() done() }) }) it('should use the delegate if the dht fails to find providers', (done) => { const results = [true] const dhtStub = sinon.stub(nodeA._dht, 'findProviders').callsArgWith(2, null, []) const delegateStub = sinon.stub(delegate, 'findProviders').callsArgWith(2, null, results) nodeA.contentRouting.findProviders('a cid', { maxTimeout: 5000 }, (err, results) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() expect(results).to.deep.equal(results) expect(dhtStub.calledOnce).to.equal(true) expect(delegateStub.calledOnce).to.equal(true) delegateStub.restore() dhtStub.restore() done() }) }) }) }) describe('no routers', () => { let nodeA before((done) => { createNode('/ip4/', (err, node) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() nodeA = node done() }) }) it('.findProviders should return an error with no options', (done) => { nodeA.contentRouting.findProviders('a cid', (err) => { expect(err).to.exist() done() }) }) it('.findProviders should return an error with options', (done) => { nodeA.contentRouting.findProviders('a cid', { maxTimeout: 5000 }, (err) => { expect(err).to.exist() done() }) }) }) })