'use strict' /* eslint-env mocha */ const chai = require('chai') chai.use(require('dirty-chai')) const { expect } = chai const sinon = require('sinon') const pWaitFor = require('p-wait-for') const pDefer = require('p-defer') const mergeOptions = require('merge-options') const multiaddr = require('multiaddr') const { create } = require('../../src') const { subsystemOptions, subsystemMulticodecs } = require('./utils') const peerUtils = require('../utils/creators/peer') const listenAddr = multiaddr('/ip4/') const remoteListenAddr = multiaddr('/ip4/') describe('Pubsub subsystem operates correctly', () => { let peerId, remotePeerId let libp2p, remoteLibp2p beforeEach(async () => { [peerId, remotePeerId] = await peerUtils.createPeerId({ number: 2 }) }) describe('pubsub started before connect', () => { beforeEach(async () => { libp2p = await create(mergeOptions(subsystemOptions, { peerId, addresses: { listen: [listenAddr] } })) remoteLibp2p = await create(mergeOptions(subsystemOptions, { peerId: remotePeerId, addresses: { listen: [remoteListenAddr] } })) await Promise.all([ libp2p.start(), remoteLibp2p.start() ]) libp2p.peerStore.addressBook.set(remotePeerId, remoteLibp2p.addresses.listen) }) afterEach(() => Promise.all([ libp2p && libp2p.stop(), remoteLibp2p && remoteLibp2p.stop() ])) afterEach(() => { sinon.restore() }) it('should get notified of connected peers on dial', async () => { const connection = await libp2p.dialProtocol(remotePeerId, subsystemMulticodecs) expect(connection).to.exist() return Promise.all([ pWaitFor(() => libp2p.pubsub._pubsub.peers.size === 1), pWaitFor(() => remoteLibp2p.pubsub._pubsub.peers.size === 1) ]) }) it('should receive pubsub messages', async () => { const defer = pDefer() const topic = 'test-topic' const data = 'hey!' const libp2pId = libp2p.peerId.toB58String() await libp2p.dialProtocol(remotePeerId, subsystemMulticodecs) let subscribedTopics = libp2p.pubsub.getTopics() expect(subscribedTopics).to.not.include(topic) libp2p.pubsub.subscribe(topic, (msg) => { expect(msg.data.toString()).to.equal(data) defer.resolve() }) subscribedTopics = libp2p.pubsub.getTopics() expect(subscribedTopics).to.include(topic) // wait for remoteLibp2p to know about libp2p subscription await pWaitFor(() => { const subscribedPeers = remoteLibp2p.pubsub.getSubscribers(topic) return subscribedPeers.includes(libp2pId) }) remoteLibp2p.pubsub.publish(topic, data) await defer.promise }) }) describe('pubsub started after connect', () => { beforeEach(async () => { libp2p = await create(mergeOptions(subsystemOptions, { peerId, addresses: { listen: [listenAddr] } })) remoteLibp2p = await create(mergeOptions(subsystemOptions, { peerId: remotePeerId, addresses: { listen: [remoteListenAddr] }, config: { pubsub: { enabled: false } } })) await libp2p.start() await remoteLibp2p.start() libp2p.peerStore.addressBook.set(remotePeerId, remoteLibp2p.addresses.listen) }) afterEach(() => Promise.all([ libp2p && libp2p.stop(), remoteLibp2p && remoteLibp2p.stop() ])) afterEach(() => { sinon.restore() }) it('should get notified of connected peers after starting', async () => { const connection = await libp2p.dial(remotePeerId) expect(connection).to.exist() expect(libp2p.pubsub._pubsub.peers.size).to.be.eql(0) expect(remoteLibp2p.pubsub._pubsub.peers.size).to.be.eql(0) remoteLibp2p.pubsub.start() return Promise.all([ pWaitFor(() => libp2p.pubsub._pubsub.peers.size === 1), pWaitFor(() => remoteLibp2p.pubsub._pubsub.peers.size === 1) ]) }) it('should receive pubsub messages', async function () { this.timeout(10e3) const defer = pDefer() const libp2pId = libp2p.peerId.toB58String() const topic = 'test-topic' const data = 'hey!' await libp2p.dial(remotePeerId) remoteLibp2p.pubsub.start() await Promise.all([ pWaitFor(() => libp2p.pubsub._pubsub.peers.size === 1), pWaitFor(() => remoteLibp2p.pubsub._pubsub.peers.size === 1) ]) let subscribedTopics = libp2p.pubsub.getTopics() expect(subscribedTopics).to.not.include(topic) libp2p.pubsub.subscribe(topic, (msg) => { expect(msg.data.toString()).to.equal(data) defer.resolve() }) subscribedTopics = libp2p.pubsub.getTopics() expect(subscribedTopics).to.include(topic) // wait for remoteLibp2p to know about libp2p subscription await pWaitFor(() => { const subscribedPeers = remoteLibp2p.pubsub.getSubscribers(topic) return subscribedPeers.includes(libp2pId) }) remoteLibp2p.pubsub.publish(topic, data) await defer.promise }) }) })