'use strict' /* eslint-env mocha */ const chai = require('chai') chai.use(require('dirty-chai')) const { expect } = chai const nock = require('nock') const sinon = require('sinon') const pDefer = require('p-defer') const mergeOptions = require('merge-options') const DelegatedPeerRouter = require('libp2p-delegated-peer-routing') const peerUtils = require('../utils/creators/peer') const { baseOptions, routingOptions } = require('./utils') describe('peer-routing', () => { describe('no routers', () => { let node before(async () => { [node] = await peerUtils.createPeer({ config: baseOptions }) }) it('.findPeer should return an error', async () => { await expect(node.peerRouting.findPeer('a cid')) .to.eventually.be.rejected() .and.to.have.property('code', 'NO_ROUTERS_AVAILABLE') }) }) describe('via dht router', () => { const number = 5 let nodes before(async () => { nodes = await peerUtils.createPeer({ number, config: routingOptions }) // Ring dial await Promise.all( nodes.map((peer, i) => peer.dial(nodes[(i + 1) % number].peerId)) ) }) after(() => { sinon.restore() }) after(() => Promise.all(nodes.map((n) => n.stop()))) it('should use the nodes dht', () => { const deferred = pDefer() sinon.stub(nodes[0]._dht, 'findPeer').callsFake(() => { deferred.resolve() return nodes[1].peerId }) nodes[0].peerRouting.findPeer() return deferred.promise }) }) describe('via delegate router', () => { let node let delegate beforeEach(async () => { delegate = new DelegatedPeerRouter({ host: '', protocol: 'http', port: 60197 }) ;[node] = await peerUtils.createPeer({ config: mergeOptions(baseOptions, { modules: { peerRouting: [delegate] }, config: { dht: { enabled: false } } }) }) }) afterEach(() => { nock.cleanAll() sinon.restore() }) afterEach(() => node.stop()) it('should use the delegate router to find peers', async () => { const deferred = pDefer() sinon.stub(delegate, 'findPeer').callsFake(() => { deferred.resolve() return 'fake peer-id' }) await node.peerRouting.findPeer() return deferred.promise }) it('should be able to find a peer', async () => { const peerKey = 'QmTp9VkYvnHyrqKQuFPiuZkiX9gPcqj6x5LJ1rmWuSySnL' const mockApi = nock('') .post('/api/v0/dht/findpeer') .query(true) .reply(200, `{"Extra":"","ID":"some other id","Responses":null,"Type":0}\n{"Extra":"","ID":"","Responses":[{"Addrs":["/ip4/"],"ID":"${peerKey}"}],"Type":2}\n`, [ 'Content-Type', 'application/json', 'X-Chunked-Output', '1' ]) const peer = await node.peerRouting.findPeer(peerKey) expect(peer.id).to.equal(peerKey) expect(mockApi.isDone()).to.equal(true) }) it('should error when a peer cannot be found', async () => { const peerKey = 'key of a peer not on the network' const mockApi = nock('') .post('/api/v0/dht/findpeer') .query(true) .reply(200, '{"Extra":"","ID":"some other id","Responses":null,"Type":6}\n{"Extra":"","ID":"yet another id","Responses":null,"Type":0}\n{"Extra":"routing:not found","ID":"","Responses":null,"Type":3}\n', [ 'Content-Type', 'application/json', 'X-Chunked-Output', '1' ]) await expect(node.peerRouting.findPeer(peerKey)) .to.eventually.be.rejected() expect(mockApi.isDone()).to.equal(true) }) it('should handle errors from the api', async () => { const peerKey = 'key of a peer not on the network' const mockApi = nock('') .post('/api/v0/dht/findpeer') .query(true) .reply(502) await expect(node.peerRouting.findPeer(peerKey)) .to.eventually.be.rejected() expect(mockApi.isDone()).to.equal(true) }) }) describe('via dht and delegate routers', () => { let node let delegate beforeEach(async () => { delegate = new DelegatedPeerRouter({ host: '', protocol: 'http', port: 60197 }) ;[node] = await peerUtils.createPeer({ config: mergeOptions(routingOptions, { modules: { peerRouting: [delegate] } }) }) }) afterEach(() => { sinon.restore() }) afterEach(() => node.stop()) it('should only use the dht if it finds the peer', async () => { const dhtDeferred = pDefer() sinon.stub(node._dht, 'findPeer').callsFake(() => { dhtDeferred.resolve() return { id: node.peerId } }) sinon.stub(delegate, 'findPeer').callsFake(() => { throw new Error('the delegate should not have been called') }) await node.peerRouting.findPeer('a peer id') await dhtDeferred.promise }) it('should use the delegate if the dht fails to find the peer', async () => { const results = [true] sinon.stub(node._dht, 'findPeer').callsFake(() => {}) sinon.stub(delegate, 'findPeer').callsFake(() => { return results }) const peer = await node.peerRouting.findPeer('a peer id') expect(peer).to.eql(results) }) }) })