'use strict' /* eslint-env mocha */ const chai = require('chai') chai.use(require('dirty-chai')) chai.use(require('chai-as-promised')) const { expect } = chai const sinon = require('sinon') const pDefer = require('p-defer') const pWaitFor = require('p-wait-for') const delay = require('delay') const Transport = require('libp2p-websockets') const Muxer = require('libp2p-mplex') const Crypto = require('libp2p-secio') const multiaddr = require('multiaddr') const PeerId = require('peer-id') const AggregateError = require('aggregate-error') const { AbortError } = require('libp2p-interfaces/src/transport/errors') const { codes: ErrorCodes } = require('../../src/errors') const Constants = require('../../src/constants') const Dialer = require('../../src/dialer') const PeerStore = require('../../src/peer-store') const TransportManager = require('../../src/transport-manager') const Libp2p = require('../../src') const Peers = require('../fixtures/peers') const { MULTIADDRS_WEBSOCKETS } = require('../fixtures/browser') const mockUpgrader = require('../utils/mockUpgrader') const createMockConnection = require('../utils/mockConnection') const { createPeerId } = require('../utils/creators/peer') const unsupportedAddr = multiaddr('/ip4/') const remoteAddr = MULTIADDRS_WEBSOCKETS[0] describe('Dialing (direct, WebSockets)', () => { let localTM let peerStore before(() => { peerStore = new PeerStore() localTM = new TransportManager({ libp2p: {}, upgrader: mockUpgrader, onConnection: () => {} }) localTM.add(Transport.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag], Transport) }) afterEach(() => { sinon.restore() }) it('should have appropriate defaults', () => { const dialer = new Dialer({ transportManager: localTM, peerStore }) expect(dialer.concurrency).to.equal(Constants.MAX_PARALLEL_DIALS) expect(dialer.timeout).to.equal(Constants.DIAL_TIMEOUT) }) it('should limit the number of tokens it provides', () => { const dialer = new Dialer({ transportManager: localTM, peerStore }) const maxPerPeer = Constants.MAX_PER_PEER_DIALS expect(dialer.tokens).to.have.length(Constants.MAX_PARALLEL_DIALS) const tokens = dialer.getTokens(maxPerPeer + 1) expect(tokens).to.have.length(maxPerPeer) expect(dialer.tokens).to.have.length(Constants.MAX_PARALLEL_DIALS - maxPerPeer) }) it('should not return tokens if non are left', () => { const dialer = new Dialer({ transportManager: localTM, peerStore }) sinon.stub(dialer, 'tokens').value([]) const tokens = dialer.getTokens(1) expect(tokens.length).to.equal(0) }) it('should NOT be able to return a token twice', () => { const dialer = new Dialer({ transportManager: localTM, peerStore }) const tokens = dialer.getTokens(1) expect(tokens).to.have.length(1) expect(dialer.tokens).to.have.length(Constants.MAX_PARALLEL_DIALS - 1) dialer.releaseToken(tokens[0]) dialer.releaseToken(tokens[0]) expect(dialer.tokens).to.have.length(Constants.MAX_PARALLEL_DIALS) }) it('should be able to connect to a remote node via its multiaddr', async () => { const dialer = new Dialer({ transportManager: localTM, peerStore: { addressBook: { add: () => {}, getMultiaddrsForPeer: () => [remoteAddr] } } }) const connection = await dialer.connectToPeer(remoteAddr) expect(connection).to.exist() await connection.close() }) it('should be able to connect to a remote node via its stringified multiaddr', async () => { const dialer = new Dialer({ transportManager: localTM, peerStore: { addressBook: { add: () => {}, getMultiaddrsForPeer: () => [remoteAddr] } } }) const connection = await dialer.connectToPeer(remoteAddr.toString()) expect(connection).to.exist() await connection.close() }) it('should fail to connect to an unsupported multiaddr', async () => { const dialer = new Dialer({ transportManager: localTM, peerStore }) await expect(dialer.connectToPeer(unsupportedAddr)) .to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(AggregateError) .and.to.have.nested.property('._errors[0].code', ErrorCodes.ERR_TRANSPORT_DIAL_FAILED) }) it('should be able to connect to a given peer', async () => { const dialer = new Dialer({ transportManager: localTM, peerStore: { addressBook: { add: () => {}, getMultiaddrsForPeer: () => [remoteAddr] } } }) const peerId = await PeerId.createFromJSON(Peers[0]) const connection = await dialer.connectToPeer(peerId) expect(connection).to.exist() await connection.close() }) it('should fail to connect to a given peer with unsupported addresses', async () => { const dialer = new Dialer({ transportManager: localTM, peerStore: { addressBook: { set: () => {}, getMultiaddrsForPeer: () => [unsupportedAddr] } } }) const peerId = await PeerId.createFromJSON(Peers[0]) await expect(dialer.connectToPeer(peerId)) .to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(AggregateError) .and.to.have.nested.property('._errors[0].code', ErrorCodes.ERR_TRANSPORT_DIAL_FAILED) }) it('should abort dials on queue task timeout', async () => { const dialer = new Dialer({ transportManager: localTM, timeout: 50, peerStore: { addressBook: { add: () => {}, getMultiaddrsForPeer: () => [remoteAddr] } } }) sinon.stub(localTM, 'dial').callsFake(async (addr, options) => { expect(options.signal).to.exist() expect(options.signal.aborted).to.equal(false) expect(addr.toString()).to.eql(remoteAddr.toString()) await delay(60) expect(options.signal.aborted).to.equal(true) throw new AbortError() }) await expect(dialer.connectToPeer(remoteAddr)) .to.eventually.be.rejected() .and.to.have.property('code', ErrorCodes.ERR_TIMEOUT) }) it('should dial to the max concurrency', async () => { const dialer = new Dialer({ transportManager: localTM, concurrency: 2, peerStore: { addressBook: { set: () => {}, getMultiaddrsForPeer: () => [remoteAddr, remoteAddr, remoteAddr] } } }) expect(dialer.tokens).to.have.length(2) const deferredDial = pDefer() sinon.stub(localTM, 'dial').callsFake(() => deferredDial.promise) const [peerId] = await createPeerId() // Perform 3 multiaddr dials dialer.connectToPeer(peerId) // Let the call stack run await delay(0) // We should have 2 in progress, and 1 waiting expect(dialer.tokens).to.have.length(0) expect(dialer._pendingDials.size).to.equal(1) // 1 dial request deferredDial.resolve(await createMockConnection()) // Let the call stack run await delay(0) // Only two dials will be run, as the first two succeeded expect(localTM.dial.callCount).to.equal(2) expect(dialer.tokens).to.have.length(2) expect(dialer._pendingDials.size).to.equal(0) }) it('.destroy should abort pending dials', async () => { const dialer = new Dialer({ transportManager: localTM, concurrency: 2, peerStore: { addressBook: { set: () => {}, getMultiaddrsForPeer: () => [remoteAddr, remoteAddr, remoteAddr] } } }) expect(dialer.tokens).to.have.length(2) sinon.stub(localTM, 'dial').callsFake((_, options) => { const deferredDial = pDefer() const onAbort = () => { options.signal.removeEventListener('abort', onAbort) deferredDial.reject(new AbortError()) } options.signal.addEventListener('abort', onAbort) return deferredDial.promise }) // Perform 3 multiaddr dials const [peerId] = await createPeerId() const dialPromise = dialer.connectToPeer(peerId) // Let the call stack run await delay(0) // We should have 2 in progress, and 1 waiting expect(dialer.tokens).to.have.length(0) expect(dialer._pendingDials.size).to.equal(1) // 1 dial request try { dialer.destroy() await dialPromise expect.fail('should have failed') } catch (err) { expect(err).to.be.an.instanceof(AggregateError) expect(dialer._pendingDials.size).to.equal(0) // 1 dial request } }) describe('libp2p.dialer', () => { let peerId let libp2p let remoteLibp2p before(async () => { peerId = await PeerId.createFromJSON(Peers[0]) }) afterEach(async () => { sinon.restore() libp2p && await libp2p.stop() libp2p = null }) after(async () => { remoteLibp2p && await remoteLibp2p.stop() }) it('should create a dialer', () => { libp2p = new Libp2p({ peerId, modules: { transport: [Transport], streamMuxer: [Muxer], connEncryption: [Crypto] } }) expect(libp2p.dialer).to.exist() expect(libp2p.dialer.concurrency).to.equal(Constants.MAX_PARALLEL_DIALS) expect(libp2p.dialer.perPeerLimit).to.equal(Constants.MAX_PER_PEER_DIALS) expect(libp2p.dialer.timeout).to.equal(Constants.DIAL_TIMEOUT) // Ensure the dialer also has the transport manager expect(libp2p.transportManager).to.equal(libp2p.dialer.transportManager) }) it('should be able to override dialer options', async () => { const config = { peerId, modules: { transport: [Transport], streamMuxer: [Muxer], connEncryption: [Crypto] }, dialer: { maxParallelDials: 10, maxDialsPerPeer: 1, dialTimeout: 1e3 // 30 second dial timeout per peer } } libp2p = await Libp2p.create(config) expect(libp2p.dialer).to.exist() expect(libp2p.dialer.concurrency).to.equal(config.dialer.maxParallelDials) expect(libp2p.dialer.perPeerLimit).to.equal(config.dialer.maxDialsPerPeer) expect(libp2p.dialer.timeout).to.equal(config.dialer.dialTimeout) }) it('should use the dialer for connecting', async () => { libp2p = new Libp2p({ peerId, modules: { transport: [Transport], streamMuxer: [Muxer], connEncryption: [Crypto] } }) sinon.spy(libp2p.dialer, 'connectToPeer') sinon.spy(libp2p.peerStore.addressBook, 'add') const connection = await libp2p.dial(remoteAddr) expect(connection).to.exist() const { stream, protocol } = await connection.newStream('/echo/1.0.0') expect(stream).to.exist() expect(protocol).to.equal('/echo/1.0.0') await connection.close() expect(libp2p.dialer.connectToPeer.callCount).to.equal(1) expect(libp2p.peerStore.addressBook.add.callCount).to.be.at.least(1) }) it('should run identify automatically after connecting', async () => { libp2p = new Libp2p({ peerId, modules: { transport: [Transport], streamMuxer: [Muxer], connEncryption: [Crypto] } }) sinon.spy(libp2p.identifyService, 'identify') sinon.spy(libp2p.upgrader, 'onConnection') const connection = await libp2p.dial(remoteAddr) expect(connection).to.exist() sinon.spy(libp2p.peerStore.addressBook, 'set') sinon.spy(libp2p.peerStore.protoBook, 'set') // Wait for onConnection to be called await pWaitFor(() => libp2p.upgrader.onConnection.callCount === 1) expect(libp2p.identifyService.identify.callCount).to.equal(1) await libp2p.identifyService.identify.firstCall.returnValue expect(libp2p.peerStore.addressBook.set.callCount).to.equal(1) expect(libp2p.peerStore.protoBook.set.callCount).to.equal(1) }) it('should be able to use hangup to close connections', async () => { libp2p = new Libp2p({ peerId, modules: { transport: [Transport], streamMuxer: [Muxer], connEncryption: [Crypto] } }) const connection = await libp2p.dial(remoteAddr) expect(connection).to.exist() expect(connection.stat.timeline.close).to.not.exist() await libp2p.hangUp(connection.remotePeer) expect(connection.stat.timeline.close).to.exist() }) it('should be able to use hangup when no connection exists', async () => { libp2p = new Libp2p({ peerInfo, modules: { transport: [Transport], streamMuxer: [Muxer], connEncryption: [Crypto] } }) await libp2p.hangUp(remoteAddr) }) it('should abort pending dials on stop', async () => { libp2p = new Libp2p({ peerId, modules: { transport: [Transport], streamMuxer: [Muxer], connEncryption: [Crypto] } }) sinon.spy(libp2p.dialer, 'destroy') await libp2p.stop() expect(libp2p.dialer.destroy).to.have.property('callCount', 1) }) }) })