'use strict' process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test' process.env.CI = true // needed for some "clever" build tools const fs = require('fs-extra') const path = require('path') const execa = require('execa') const dir = path.join(__dirname, process.argv[2]) testExample(dir) .then(() => {}, (err) => { if (err.exitCode) { process.exit(err.exitCode) } console.error(err) process.exit(1) }) async function testExample (dir) { await installDeps(dir) await build(dir) await runTest(dir) // TODO: add browser test setup } async function installDeps (dir) { if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(dir, 'package.json'))) { console.info('Nothing to install in', dir) return } if (fs.existsSync(path.join(dir, 'node_modules'))) { console.info('Dependencies already installed in', dir) return } const proc = execa.command('npm install', { cwd: dir }) proc.all.on('data', (data) => { process.stdout.write(data) }) await proc } async function build (dir) { const pkgJson = path.join(dir, 'package.json') if (!fs.existsSync(pkgJson)) { console.info('Nothing to build in', dir) return } const pkg = require(pkgJson) let build if (pkg.scripts.bundle) { build = 'bundle' } if (pkg.scripts.build) { build = 'build' } if (!build) { console.info('No "build" or "bundle" script in', pkgJson) return } const proc = execa('npm', ['run', build], { cwd: dir }) proc.all.on('data', (data) => { process.stdout.write(data) }) await proc } async function runTest (dir) { console.info('Running node tests in', dir) const testFile = path.join(dir, 'test.js') if (!fs.existsSync(testFile)) { console.info('Nothing to test in', dir) return } const runTest = require(testFile) await runTest() }