import { interopTests } from '@libp2p/interop' import type { SpawnOptions, Daemon, DaemonFactory } from '@libp2p/interop' import { createServer } from '@libp2p/daemon-server' import { createClient } from '@libp2p/daemon-client' import { createLibp2p, Libp2pOptions } from '../src/index.js' import { Noise } from '@chainsafe/libp2p-noise' import { TCP } from '@libp2p/tcp' import { Multiaddr } from '@multiformats/multiaddr' import { KadDHT } from '@libp2p/kad-dht' import { path as p2pd } from 'go-libp2p' import execa from 'execa' import pDefer from 'p-defer' import { logger } from '@libp2p/logger' import { Mplex } from '@libp2p/mplex' import fs from 'fs' import { unmarshalPrivateKey } from '@libp2p/crypto/keys' import type { PeerId } from '@libp2p/interfaces/peer-id' import { peerIdFromKeys } from '@libp2p/peer-id' import { FloodSub } from '@libp2p/floodsub' import { Gossipsub } from '@achingbrain/libp2p-gossipsub' // IPFS_LOGGING=debug DEBUG=libp2p*,go-libp2p:* npm run test:interop async function createGoPeer (options: SpawnOptions): Promise { const controlPort = Math.floor(Math.random() * (50000 - 10000 + 1)) + 10000 const apiAddr = new Multiaddr(`/ip4/${controlPort}`) const log = logger(`go-libp2p:${controlPort}`) const opts = [ `-listen=${apiAddr.toString()}`, '-hostAddrs=/ip4/' ] if (options.noise === true) { opts.push('-noise=true') } if (options.dht === true) { opts.push('-dhtServer') } if (options.pubsub === true) { opts.push('-pubsub') } if (options.pubsubRouter != null) { opts.push(`-pubsubRouter=${options.pubsubRouter}`) } if (options.key != null) { opts.push(`-id=${options.key}`) } const deferred = pDefer() const proc = execa(p2pd(), opts) proc.stdout?.on('data', (buf: Buffer) => { const str = buf.toString() log(str) // daemon has started if (str.includes('Control socket:')) { deferred.resolve() } }) proc.stderr?.on('data', (buf) => { log.error(buf.toString()) }) await deferred.promise return { client: createClient(apiAddr), stop: async () => { await proc.kill() } } } async function createJsPeer (options: SpawnOptions): Promise { let peerId: PeerId | undefined if (options.key != null) { const keyFile = fs.readFileSync(options.key) const privateKey = await unmarshalPrivateKey(keyFile) peerId = await peerIdFromKeys(privateKey.public.bytes, privateKey.bytes) } const opts: Libp2pOptions = { peerId, addresses: { listen: ['/ip4/'] }, transports: [new TCP()], streamMuxers: [new Mplex()], connectionEncryption: [new Noise()] } if (options.dht === true) { // go-libp2p-daemon only has the older single-table DHT instead of the dual // lan/wan version found in recent go-ipfs versions. unfortunately it's been // abandoned so here we simulate the older config with the js implementation const dht = new KadDHT({ clientMode: false }) const lan = dht.lan const protocol = '/ipfs/kad/1.0.0' lan.protocol = protocol // @ts-expect-error = protocol // @ts-expect-error lan.topologyListener.protocol = protocol // @ts-expect-error opts.dht = lan } if (options.pubsub === true) { if (options.pubsubRouter === 'floodsub') { opts.pubsub = new FloodSub() } else { opts.pubsub = new Gossipsub() } } const node = await createLibp2p(opts) const server = await createServer(new Multiaddr('/ip4/'), node) await server.start() return { client: createClient(server.getMultiaddr()), stop: async () => { await server.stop() await node.stop() } } } async function main () { const factory: DaemonFactory = { async spawn (options: SpawnOptions) { if (options.type === 'go') { return await createGoPeer(options) } return await createJsPeer(options) } } await interopTests(factory) } main().catch(err => { console.error(err) // eslint-disable-line no-console process.exit(1) })