'use strict' /* eslint-env mocha */ const chai = require('chai') chai.use(require('dirty-chai')) chai.use(require('chai-as-promised')) const { expect } = chai const sinon = require('sinon') const { EventEmitter } = require('events') const delay = require('delay') const PeerId = require('peer-id') const duplexPair = require('it-pair/duplex') const multiaddr = require('multiaddr') const pWaitFor = require('p-wait-for') const unit8ArrayToString = require('uint8arrays/to-string') const { codes: Errors } = require('../../src/errors') const { IdentifyService, multicodecs } = require('../../src/identify') const Peers = require('../fixtures/peers') const Libp2p = require('../../src') const Envelope = require('../../src/record/envelope') const PeerRecord = require('../../src/record/peer-record') const PeerStore = require('../../src/peer-store') const baseOptions = require('../utils/base-options.browser') const pkg = require('../../package.json') const { MULTIADDRS_WEBSOCKETS } = require('../fixtures/browser') const remoteAddr = MULTIADDRS_WEBSOCKETS[0] const listenMaddrs = [multiaddr('/ip4/')] describe('Identify', () => { let localPeer let remotePeer const protocols = new Map([ [multicodecs.IDENTIFY, () => {}], [multicodecs.IDENTIFY_PUSH, () => {}] ]) before(async () => { [localPeer, remotePeer] = (await Promise.all([ PeerId.createFromJSON(Peers[0]), PeerId.createFromJSON(Peers[1]) ])) }) afterEach(() => { sinon.restore() }) it('should be able to identify another peer', async () => { const localIdentify = new IdentifyService({ libp2p: { peerId: localPeer, connectionManager: new EventEmitter(), peerStore: new PeerStore({ peerId: localPeer }), multiaddrs: listenMaddrs, _options: { host: {} } }, protocols }) const remoteIdentify = new IdentifyService({ libp2p: { peerId: remotePeer, connectionManager: new EventEmitter(), peerStore: new PeerStore({ peerId: remotePeer }), multiaddrs: listenMaddrs, _options: { host: {} } }, protocols }) const observedAddr = multiaddr('/ip4/') const localConnectionMock = { newStream: () => {}, remotePeer } const remoteConnectionMock = { remoteAddr: observedAddr } const [local, remote] = duplexPair() sinon.stub(localConnectionMock, 'newStream').returns({ stream: local, protocol: multicodecs.IDENTIFY }) sinon.spy(localIdentify.peerStore.addressBook, 'consumePeerRecord') sinon.spy(localIdentify.peerStore.protoBook, 'set') // Transport Manager creates signed peer record await _createSelfPeerRecord(remoteIdentify._libp2p) // Run identify await Promise.all([ localIdentify.identify(localConnectionMock), remoteIdentify.handleMessage({ connection: remoteConnectionMock, stream: remote, protocol: multicodecs.IDENTIFY }) ]) expect(localIdentify.peerStore.addressBook.consumePeerRecord.callCount).to.equal(1) expect(localIdentify.peerStore.protoBook.set.callCount).to.equal(1) // Validate the remote peer gets updated in the peer store const addresses = localIdentify.peerStore.addressBook.get(remotePeer) expect(addresses).to.exist() expect(addresses).have.lengthOf(listenMaddrs.length) expect(addresses.map((a) => a.multiaddr)[0].equals(listenMaddrs[0])) expect(addresses.map((a) => a.isCertified)[0]).to.eql(true) }) // LEGACY it('should be able to identify another peer with no certified peer records support', async () => { const localIdentify = new IdentifyService({ libp2p: { peerId: localPeer, connectionManager: new EventEmitter(), peerStore: new PeerStore({ peerId: localPeer }), multiaddrs: listenMaddrs, _options: { host: {} } }, protocols }) const remoteIdentify = new IdentifyService({ libp2p: { peerId: remotePeer, connectionManager: new EventEmitter(), peerStore: new PeerStore({ peerId: remotePeer }), multiaddrs: listenMaddrs, _options: { host: {} } }, protocols }) const observedAddr = multiaddr('/ip4/') const localConnectionMock = { newStream: () => {}, remotePeer } const remoteConnectionMock = { remoteAddr: observedAddr } const [local, remote] = duplexPair() sinon.stub(localConnectionMock, 'newStream').returns({ stream: local, protocol: multicodecs.IDENTIFY }) sinon.stub(Envelope, 'openAndCertify').throws() sinon.spy(localIdentify.peerStore.addressBook, 'set') sinon.spy(localIdentify.peerStore.protoBook, 'set') sinon.spy(localIdentify.peerStore.metadataBook, 'set') // Run identify await Promise.all([ localIdentify.identify(localConnectionMock), remoteIdentify.handleMessage({ connection: remoteConnectionMock, stream: remote, protocol: multicodecs.IDENTIFY }) ]) expect(localIdentify.peerStore.addressBook.set.callCount).to.equal(1) expect(localIdentify.peerStore.protoBook.set.callCount).to.equal(1) const metadataArgs = localIdentify.peerStore.metadataBook.set.firstCall.args expect(metadataArgs[0].id.bytes).to.equal(remotePeer.bytes) expect(metadataArgs[1]).to.equal('AgentVersion') expect(unit8ArrayToString(metadataArgs[2])).to.equal(`js-libp2p/${pkg.version}`) // Validate the remote peer gets updated in the peer store const call = localIdentify.peerStore.addressBook.set.firstCall expect(call.args[0].id.bytes).to.equal(remotePeer.bytes) expect(call.args[1]).to.exist() expect(call.args[1]).have.lengthOf(listenMaddrs.length) expect(call.args[1][0].equals(listenMaddrs[0])) }) it('should throw if identified peer is the wrong peer', async () => { const localIdentify = new IdentifyService({ libp2p: { peerId: localPeer, connectionManager: new EventEmitter(), peerStore: new PeerStore({ peerId: localPeer }), multiaddrs: [], _options: { host: {} } }, protocols }) const remoteIdentify = new IdentifyService({ libp2p: { peerId: remotePeer, connectionManager: new EventEmitter(), peerStore: new PeerStore({ peerId: remotePeer }), multiaddrs: [], _options: { host: {} } }, protocols }) const observedAddr = multiaddr('/ip4/') const localConnectionMock = { newStream: () => {}, remotePeer: localPeer } const remoteConnectionMock = { remoteAddr: observedAddr } const [local, remote] = duplexPair() sinon.stub(localConnectionMock, 'newStream').returns({ stream: local, protocol: multicodecs.IDENTIFY }) // Run identify const identifyPromise = Promise.all([ localIdentify.identify(localConnectionMock, localPeer), remoteIdentify.handleMessage({ connection: remoteConnectionMock, stream: remote, protocol: multicodecs.IDENTIFY }) ]) await expect(identifyPromise) .to.eventually.be.rejected() .and.to.have.property('code', Errors.ERR_INVALID_PEER) }) it('should store host data and protocol version into metadataBook', () => { const agentVersion = 'js-project/1.0.0' const peerStore = new PeerStore({ peerId: localPeer }) sinon.spy(peerStore.metadataBook, 'set') new IdentifyService({ // eslint-disable-line no-new libp2p: { peerId: localPeer, connectionManager: new EventEmitter(), peerStore, multiaddrs: listenMaddrs, _options: { host: { agentVersion } } }, protocols }) expect(peerStore.metadataBook.set.callCount).to.eql(2) const storedAgentVersion = peerStore.metadataBook.getValue(localPeer, 'AgentVersion') const storedProtocolVersion = peerStore.metadataBook.getValue(localPeer, 'ProtocolVersion') expect(agentVersion).to.eql(unit8ArrayToString(storedAgentVersion)) expect(storedProtocolVersion).to.exist() }) describe('push', () => { it('should be able to push identify updates to another peer', async () => { const connectionManager = new EventEmitter() connectionManager.getConnection = () => { } const localIdentify = new IdentifyService({ libp2p: { peerId: localPeer, connectionManager: new EventEmitter(), peerStore: new PeerStore({ peerId: localPeer }), multiaddrs: listenMaddrs, _options: { host: {} } }, protocols: new Map([ [multicodecs.IDENTIFY], [multicodecs.IDENTIFY_PUSH], ['/echo/1.0.0'] ]) }) const remoteIdentify = new IdentifyService({ libp2p: { peerId: remotePeer, connectionManager, peerStore: new PeerStore({ peerId: remotePeer }), multiaddrs: [], _options: { host: {} } } }) // Setup peer protocols and multiaddrs const localProtocols = new Set([multicodecs.IDENTIFY, multicodecs.IDENTIFY_PUSH, '/echo/1.0.0']) const localConnectionMock = { newStream: () => { } } const remoteConnectionMock = { remotePeer: localPeer } const [local, remote] = duplexPair() sinon.stub(localConnectionMock, 'newStream').returns({ stream: local, protocol: multicodecs.IDENTIFY_PUSH }) sinon.spy(remoteIdentify.peerStore.addressBook, 'consumePeerRecord') sinon.spy(remoteIdentify.peerStore.protoBook, 'set') // Transport Manager creates signed peer record await _createSelfPeerRecord(localIdentify._libp2p) await _createSelfPeerRecord(remoteIdentify._libp2p) // Run identify await Promise.all([ localIdentify.push([localConnectionMock]), remoteIdentify.handleMessage({ connection: remoteConnectionMock, stream: remote, protocol: multicodecs.IDENTIFY_PUSH }) ]) expect(remoteIdentify.peerStore.addressBook.consumePeerRecord.callCount).to.equal(2) expect(remoteIdentify.peerStore.protoBook.set.callCount).to.equal(1) const addresses = localIdentify.peerStore.addressBook.get(localPeer) expect(addresses).to.exist() expect(addresses).have.lengthOf(listenMaddrs.length) expect(addresses.map((a) => a.multiaddr)).to.eql(listenMaddrs) const [peerId2, protocols] = remoteIdentify.peerStore.protoBook.set.firstCall.args expect(peerId2.bytes).to.eql(localPeer.bytes) expect(protocols).to.eql(Array.from(localProtocols)) }) // LEGACY it('should be able to push identify updates to another peer with no certified peer records support', async () => { const connectionManager = new EventEmitter() connectionManager.getConnection = () => { } const localIdentify = new IdentifyService({ libp2p: { peerId: localPeer, connectionManager: new EventEmitter(), peerStore: new PeerStore({ peerId: localPeer }), multiaddrs: listenMaddrs, _options: { host: {} } }, protocols: new Map([ [multicodecs.IDENTIFY], [multicodecs.IDENTIFY_PUSH], ['/echo/1.0.0'] ]) }) const remoteIdentify = new IdentifyService({ libp2p: { peerId: remotePeer, connectionManager, peerStore: new PeerStore({ peerId: remotePeer }), multiaddrs: [], _options: { host: {} } } }) // Setup peer protocols and multiaddrs const localProtocols = new Set([multicodecs.IDENTIFY, multicodecs.IDENTIFY_PUSH, '/echo/1.0.0']) const localConnectionMock = { newStream: () => {} } const remoteConnectionMock = { remotePeer: localPeer } const [local, remote] = duplexPair() sinon.stub(localConnectionMock, 'newStream').returns({ stream: local, protocol: multicodecs.IDENTIFY_PUSH }) sinon.stub(Envelope, 'openAndCertify').throws() sinon.spy(remoteIdentify.peerStore.addressBook, 'set') sinon.spy(remoteIdentify.peerStore.protoBook, 'set') // Run identify await Promise.all([ localIdentify.push([localConnectionMock]), remoteIdentify.handleMessage({ connection: remoteConnectionMock, stream: remote, protocol: multicodecs.IDENTIFY_PUSH }) ]) expect(remoteIdentify.peerStore.addressBook.set.callCount).to.equal(1) expect(remoteIdentify.peerStore.protoBook.set.callCount).to.equal(1) const [peerId, multiaddrs] = remoteIdentify.peerStore.addressBook.set.firstCall.args expect(peerId.bytes).to.eql(localPeer.bytes) expect(multiaddrs).to.eql(listenMaddrs) const [peerId2, protocols] = remoteIdentify.peerStore.protoBook.set.firstCall.args expect(peerId2.bytes).to.eql(localPeer.bytes) expect(protocols).to.eql(Array.from(localProtocols)) }) }) describe('libp2p.dialer.identifyService', () => { let peerId let libp2p let remoteLibp2p before(async () => { peerId = await PeerId.createFromJSON(Peers[0]) }) afterEach(async () => { sinon.restore() libp2p && await libp2p.stop() libp2p = null }) after(async () => { remoteLibp2p && await remoteLibp2p.stop() }) it('should run identify automatically after connecting', async () => { libp2p = new Libp2p({ ...baseOptions, peerId }) await libp2p.start() sinon.spy(libp2p.identifyService, 'identify') const peerStoreSpyConsumeRecord = sinon.spy(libp2p.peerStore.addressBook, 'consumePeerRecord') const peerStoreSpyAdd = sinon.spy(libp2p.peerStore.addressBook, 'add') const connection = await libp2p.dialer.connectToPeer(remoteAddr) expect(connection).to.exist() // Wait for peer store to be updated // Dialer._createDialTarget (add), Identify (consume) await pWaitFor(() => peerStoreSpyConsumeRecord.callCount === 1 && peerStoreSpyAdd.callCount === 1) expect(libp2p.identifyService.identify.callCount).to.equal(1) // The connection should have no open streams await pWaitFor(() => connection.streams.length === 0) await connection.close() }) it('should push protocol updates to an already connected peer', async () => { libp2p = new Libp2p({ ...baseOptions, peerId }) await libp2p.start() sinon.spy(libp2p.identifyService, 'identify') sinon.spy(libp2p.identifyService, 'push') const connection = await libp2p.dialer.connectToPeer(remoteAddr) expect(connection).to.exist() // Wait for nextTick to trigger the identify call await delay(1) // Wait for identify to finish await libp2p.identifyService.identify.firstCall.returnValue sinon.stub(libp2p, 'isStarted').returns(true) libp2p.handle('/echo/2.0.0', () => {}) libp2p.unhandle('/echo/2.0.0') // Verify the remote peer is notified of both changes expect(libp2p.identifyService.push.callCount).to.equal(2) for (const call of libp2p.identifyService.push.getCalls()) { const [connections] = call.args expect(connections.length).to.equal(1) expect(connections[0].remotePeer.toB58String()).to.equal(remoteAddr.getPeerId()) const results = await call.returnValue expect(results.length).to.equal(1) } // Verify the streams close await pWaitFor(() => connection.streams.length === 0) }) it('should store host data and protocol version into metadataBook', () => { const agentVersion = 'js-project/1.0.0' libp2p = new Libp2p({ ...baseOptions, peerId, host: { agentVersion } }) const storedAgentVersion = libp2p.peerStore.metadataBook.getValue(localPeer, 'AgentVersion') const storedProtocolVersion = libp2p.peerStore.metadataBook.getValue(localPeer, 'ProtocolVersion') expect(agentVersion).to.eql(unit8ArrayToString(storedAgentVersion)) expect(storedProtocolVersion).to.exist() }) }) }) // Self peer record creating on Transport Manager simulation const _createSelfPeerRecord = async (libp2p) => { try { const peerRecord = new PeerRecord({ peerId: libp2p.peerId, multiaddrs: libp2p.multiaddrs }) const envelope = await Envelope.seal(peerRecord, libp2p.peerId) libp2p.peerStore.addressBook.consumePeerRecord(envelope) return libp2p.peerStore.addressBook.getRawEnvelope(libp2p.peerId) } catch (_) {} return null }