/* eslint-env mocha */ 'use strict' const chai = require('chai') chai.use(require('dirty-chai')) const expect = chai.expect const parallel = require('async/parallel') const series = require('async/series') const pull = require('pull-stream') const utils = require('./utils/node') const createNode = utils.createNode const echo = utils.echo function test (nodeA, nodeB, callback) { nodeA.dial(nodeB.peerInfo, '/echo/1.0.0', (err, conn) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() pull( pull.values([Buffer.from('hey')]), conn, pull.collect((err, data) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() expect(data).to.be.eql([Buffer.from('hey')]) callback() }) ) }) } function teardown (nodeA, nodeB, callback) { parallel([ (cb) => nodeA.stop(cb), (cb) => nodeB.stop(cb) ], callback) } describe('stream muxing', () => { it('spdy only', function (done) { this.timeout(5 * 1000) let nodeA let nodeB function setup (callback) { parallel([ (cb) => createNode('/ip4/', { muxer: ['spdy'] }, (err, node) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() nodeA = node node.handle('/echo/1.0.0', echo) node.start(cb) }), (cb) => createNode('/ip4/', { muxer: ['spdy'] }, (err, node) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() nodeB = node node.handle('/echo/1.0.0', echo) node.start(cb) }) ], callback) } series([ (cb) => setup(cb), (cb) => test(nodeA, nodeB, cb), (cb) => teardown(nodeA, nodeB, cb) ], done) }) it('multiplex only', (done) => { let nodeA let nodeB function setup (callback) { parallel([ (cb) => createNode('/ip4/', { muxer: ['multiplex'] }, (err, node) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() nodeA = node node.handle('/echo/1.0.0', echo) node.start(cb) }), (cb) => createNode('/ip4/', { muxer: ['multiplex'] }, (err, node) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() nodeB = node node.handle('/echo/1.0.0', echo) node.start(cb) }) ], callback) } series([ (cb) => setup(cb), (cb) => test(nodeA, nodeB, cb), (cb) => teardown(nodeA, nodeB, cb) ], done) }) it('spdy + multiplex', function (done) { this.timeout(5000) let nodeA let nodeB function setup (callback) { parallel([ (cb) => createNode('/ip4/', { muxer: ['spdy', 'multiplex'] }, (err, node) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() nodeA = node node.handle('/echo/1.0.0', echo) node.start(cb) }), (cb) => createNode('/ip4/', { muxer: ['spdy', 'multiplex'] }, (err, node) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() nodeB = node node.handle('/echo/1.0.0', echo) node.start(cb) }) ], callback) } series([ (cb) => setup(cb), (cb) => test(nodeA, nodeB, cb), (cb) => teardown(nodeA, nodeB, cb) ], done) }) it('spdy + multiplex switched order', function (done) { this.timeout(5000) let nodeA let nodeB function setup (callback) { parallel([ (cb) => createNode('/ip4/', { muxer: ['spdy', 'multiplex'] }, (err, node) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() nodeA = node node.handle('/echo/1.0.0', echo) node.start(cb) }), (cb) => createNode('/ip4/', { muxer: ['multiplex', 'spdy'] }, (err, node) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() nodeB = node node.handle('/echo/1.0.0', echo) node.start(cb) }) ], callback) } series([ (cb) => setup(cb), (cb) => test(nodeA, nodeB, cb), (cb) => teardown(nodeA, nodeB, cb) ], done) }) it('one without the other fails to establish a muxedConn', function (done) { this.timeout(5000) let nodeA let nodeB function setup (callback) { parallel([ (cb) => createNode('/ip4/', { muxer: ['spdy'] }, (err, node) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() nodeA = node node.handle('/echo/1.0.0', echo) node.start(cb) }), (cb) => createNode('/ip4/', { muxer: ['multiplex'] }, (err, node) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() nodeB = node node.handle('/echo/1.0.0', echo) node.start(cb) }) ], callback) } series([ (cb) => setup(cb), (cb) => { // it will just 'warm up a conn' expect(Object.keys(nodeA.swarm.muxers)).to.have.length(1) expect(Object.keys(nodeB.swarm.muxers)).to.have.length(1) nodeA.dial(nodeB.peerInfo, (err) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() expect(Object.keys(nodeA.swarm.muxedConns)).to.have.length(0) cb() }) }, (cb) => teardown(nodeA, nodeB, cb) ], done) }) })