/* eslint max-nested-callbacks: ["error", 8] */ /* eslint-env mocha */ 'use strict' const chai = require('chai') chai.use(require('dirty-chai')) const expect = chai.expect const PeerInfo = require('peer-info') const PeerId = require('peer-id') const pull = require('pull-stream') const parallel = require('async/parallel') const goodbye = require('pull-goodbye') const serializer = require('pull-serializer') const w = require('webrtcsupport') const Node = require('./utils/bundle.browser') const rawPeer = require('./fixtures/test-peer.json') describe('transports', () => { describe('websockets', () => { let peerB let nodeA before((done) => { const ma = '/ip4/' + rawPeer.id PeerId.createFromPrivKey(rawPeer.privKey, (err, id) => { if (err) { return done(err) } peerB = new PeerInfo(id) peerB.multiaddrs.add(ma) done() }) }) after((done) => nodeA.stop(done)) it('create libp2pNode', (done) => { PeerInfo.create((err, peerInfo) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() peerInfo.multiaddrs.add('/ip4/') nodeA = new Node(peerInfo) done() }) }) it('create libp2pNode with multiplex only', (done) => { PeerInfo.create((err, peerInfo) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() const b = new Node(peerInfo, null, { muxer: ['multiplex'] }) expect(b.modules.connection.muxer).to.eql([require('libp2p-multiplex')]) done() }) }) it('start libp2pNode', (done) => { nodeA.start(done) }) // General connectivity tests it('libp2p.dial using Multiaddr nodeA to nodeB', (done) => { nodeA.dial(peerB.multiaddrs.toArray()[0], (err) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() setTimeout(check, 500) // Some time for Identify to finish function check () { const peers = nodeA.peerBook.getAll() expect(Object.keys(peers)).to.have.length(1) done() } }) }) it('libp2p.dial using Multiaddr on Protocol nodeA to nodeB', (done) => { nodeA.dial(peerB.multiaddrs.toArray()[0], '/echo/1.0.0', (err, conn) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() const peers = nodeA.peerBook.getAll() expect(Object.keys(peers)).to.have.length(1) pull( pull.values([Buffer.from('hey')]), conn, pull.collect((err, data) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() expect(data).to.eql([Buffer.from('hey')]) done() }) ) }) }) it('libp2p.hangUp using Multiaddr nodeA to nodeB', (done) => { nodeA.hangUp(peerB.multiaddrs.toArray()[0], (err) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() setTimeout(check, 500) function check () { const peers = nodeA.peerBook.getAll() expect(Object.keys(peers)).to.have.length(1) expect(Object.keys(nodeA.swarm.muxedConns)).to.have.length(0) done() } }) }) it('libp2p.dial using PeerInfo nodeA to nodeB', (done) => { nodeA.dial(peerB, (err) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() setTimeout(check, 500) // Some time for Identify to finish function check () { const peers = nodeA.peerBook.getAll() expect(Object.keys(peers)).to.have.length(1) done() } }) }) it('libp2p.dial using PeerInfo on Protocol nodeA to nodeB', (done) => { nodeA.dial(peerB, '/echo/1.0.0', (err, conn) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() const peers = nodeA.peerBook.getAll() expect(err).to.not.exist() expect(Object.keys(peers)).to.have.length(1) pull( pull.values([Buffer.from('hey')]), conn, pull.collect((err, data) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() expect(data).to.eql([Buffer.from('hey')]) done() }) ) }) }) it('libp2p.hangUp using PeerInfo nodeA to nodeB', (done) => { nodeA.hangUp(peerB, (err) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() setTimeout(check, 500) function check () { const peers = nodeA.peerBook.getAll() expect(err).to.not.exist() expect(Object.keys(peers)).to.have.length(1) expect(Object.keys(nodeA.swarm.muxedConns)).to.have.length(0) done() } }) }) describe('stress', () => { it('one big write', (done) => { nodeA.dial(peerB, '/echo/1.0.0', (err, conn) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() const rawMessage = Buffer.alloc(100000) rawMessage.fill('a') const s = serializer(goodbye({ source: pull.values([rawMessage]), sink: pull.collect((err, results) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() expect(results).to.have.length(1) expect(Buffer.from(results[0])).to.have.length(rawMessage.length) done() }) })) pull(s, conn, s) }) }) it('many writes', (done) => { nodeA.dial(peerB, '/echo/1.0.0', (err, conn) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() const s = serializer(goodbye({ source: pull( pull.infinite(), pull.take(1000), pull.map((val) => Buffer.from(val.toString())) ), sink: pull.collect((err, result) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() expect(result).to.have.length(1000) done() }) })) pull(s, conn, s) }) }) }) }) describe('webrtc-star', () => { if (!w.support) { return console.log('NO WEBRTC SUPPORT') } let peer1 let peer2 let node1 let node2 it('create two peerInfo with webrtc-star addrs', (done) => { parallel([ (cb) => PeerId.create({ bits: 1024 }, cb), (cb) => PeerId.create({ bits: 1024 }, cb) ], (err, ids) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() peer1 = new PeerInfo(ids[0]) const ma1 = '/ip4/' + ids[0].toB58String() peer1.multiaddrs.add(ma1) peer2 = new PeerInfo(ids[1]) const ma2 = '/ip4/' + ids[1].toB58String() peer2.multiaddrs.add(ma2) done() }) }) it('create two libp2p nodes with those peers', (done) => { node1 = new Node(peer1, null, { webRTCStar: true }) node2 = new Node(peer2, null, { webRTCStar: true }) done() }) it('listen on the two libp2p nodes', (done) => { parallel([ (cb) => node1.start(cb), (cb) => node2.start(cb) ], done) }) it('handle a protocol on the first node', () => { node2.handle('/echo/1.0.0', (protocol, conn) => pull(conn, conn)) }) it('dial from the second node to the first node', (done) => { node1.dial(peer2, '/echo/1.0.0', (err, conn) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() setTimeout(check, 500) function check () { const text = 'hello' const peers1 = node1.peerBook.getAll() expect(Object.keys(peers1)).to.have.length(1) const peers2 = node2.peerBook.getAll() expect(Object.keys(peers2)).to.have.length(1) pull( pull.values([Buffer.from(text)]), conn, pull.collect((err, data) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() expect(data[0].toString()).to.equal(text) done() }) ) } }) }) it('node1 hangUp node2', (done) => { node1.hangUp(peer2, (err) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() setTimeout(check, 500) function check () { const peers = node1.peerBook.getAll() expect(Object.keys(peers)).to.have.length(1) expect(Object.keys(node1.swarm.muxedConns)).to.have.length(0) done() } }) }) it('create a third node and check that discovery works', (done) => { let counter = 0 function check () { if (++counter === 3) { expect(Object.keys(node1.swarm.muxedConns).length).to.equal(1) expect(Object.keys(node2.swarm.muxedConns).length).to.equal(1) done() } } PeerId.create((err, id3) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() const peer3 = new PeerInfo(id3) const ma3 = '/ip4/' + id3.toB58String() peer3.multiaddrs.add(ma3) node1.on('peer:discovery', (peerInfo) => node1.dial(peerInfo, check)) node2.on('peer:discovery', (peerInfo) => node2.dial(peerInfo, check)) const node3 = new Node(peer3, null, { webRTCStar: true }) node3.start(check) }) }) }) describe('websocket-star', () => { let peer1 let peer2 let node1 let node2 it('create two peerInfo with websocket-star addrs', (done) => { parallel([ (cb) => PeerId.create({ bits: 1024 }, cb), (cb) => PeerId.create({ bits: 1024 }, cb) ], (err, ids) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() peer1 = new PeerInfo(ids[0]) const ma1 = '/ip4/' peer1.multiaddrs.add(ma1) peer2 = new PeerInfo(ids[1]) const ma2 = '/ip4/' peer2.multiaddrs.add(ma2) done() }) }) it('create two libp2p nodes with those peers', (done) => { node1 = new Node(peer1, null, { wsStar: true }) node2 = new Node(peer2, null, { wsStar: true }) done() }) it('listen on the two libp2p nodes', (done) => { parallel([ (cb) => node1.start(cb), (cb) => node2.start(cb) ], done) }) it('handle a protocol on the first node', () => { node2.handle('/echo/1.0.0', (protocol, conn) => pull(conn, conn)) }) it('dial from the second node to the first node', (done) => { node1.dial(peer2, '/echo/1.0.0', (err, conn) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() setTimeout(check, 500) function check () { const text = 'hello' const peers1 = node1.peerBook.getAll() expect(Object.keys(peers1)).to.have.length(1) const peers2 = node2.peerBook.getAll() expect(Object.keys(peers2)).to.have.length(1) pull( pull.values([Buffer.from(text)]), conn, pull.collect((err, data) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() expect(data[0].toString()).to.equal(text) done() }) ) } }) }) it('node1 hangUp node2', (done) => { node1.hangUp(peer2, (err) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() setTimeout(check, 500) function check () { const peers = node1.peerBook.getAll() expect(Object.keys(peers)).to.have.length(1) expect(Object.keys(node1.swarm.muxedConns)).to.have.length(0) done() } }) }) it('create a third node and check that discovery works', (done) => { let counter = 0 function check () { if (++counter === 3) { expect(Object.keys(node1.swarm.muxedConns).length).to.equal(1) expect(Object.keys(node2.swarm.muxedConns).length).to.equal(1) done() } } PeerId.create((err, id3) => { expect(err).to.not.exist() const peer3 = new PeerInfo(id3) const ma3 = '/ip4/' + id3.toB58String() peer3.multiaddrs.add(ma3) node1.on('peer:discovery', (peerInfo) => node1.dial(peerInfo, check)) node2.on('peer:discovery', (peerInfo) => node2.dial(peerInfo, check)) const node3 = new Node(peer3, null, { wsStar: true }) node3.start(check) }) }) }) })