/* eslint-env mocha */ 'use strict' const chai = require('chai') chai.use(require('dirty-chai')) chai.use(require('chai-checkmark')) const expect = chai.expect const sinon = require('sinon') const series = require('async/series') const createNode = require('./utils/create-node') describe('libp2p state machine (fsm)', () => { describe('starting and stopping', () => { let node beforeEach((done) => { createNode([], { config: { dht: { enabled: false } } }, (err, _node) => { node = _node done(err) }) }) afterEach(() => { node.removeAllListeners() sinon.restore() }) after((done) => { node.stop(done) node = null }) it('should be able to start and stop several times', (done) => { node.on('start', (err) => { expect(err).to.not.exist().mark() }) node.on('stop', (err) => { expect(err).to.not.exist().mark() }) expect(4).checks(done) series([ (cb) => node.start(cb), (cb) => node.stop(cb), (cb) => node.start(cb), (cb) => node.stop(cb) ], () => {}) }) it('should noop when stopping a stopped node', (done) => { node.once('start', node.stop) node.once('stop', () => { node.state.on('STOPPING', () => { throw new Error('should not stop a stopped node') }) node.once('stop', done) // stop the stopped node node.stop(() => {}) }) node.start(() => {}) }) it('should callback with an error when it occurs on stop', (done) => { const error = new Error('some error starting') node.once('start', () => { node.once('error', (err) => { expect(err).to.eql(error).mark() }) node.stop((err) => { expect(err).to.eql(error).mark() }) }) expect(2).checks(done) sinon.stub(node._switch, 'stop').callsArgWith(0, error) node.start(() => {}) }) it('should noop when starting a started node', (done) => { node.once('start', () => { node.state.on('STARTING', () => { throw new Error('should not start a started node') }) node.once('start', () => { node.once('stop', done) node.stop(() => {}) }) // start the started node node.start(() => {}) }) node.start(() => {}) }) it('should error on start with no transports', (done) => { const transports = node._modules.transport node._modules.transport = null node.on('stop', () => { node._modules.transport = transports expect(node._modules.transport).to.exist().mark() }) node.on('error', (err) => { expect(err).to.exist().mark() }) node.on('start', () => { throw new Error('should not start') }) expect(2).checks(done) node.start(() => {}) }) it('should not start if the switch fails to start', (done) => { const error = new Error('switch didnt start') const stub = sinon.stub(node._switch, 'start') .callsArgWith(0, error) node.on('stop', () => { expect(stub.calledOnce).to.eql(true).mark() stub.restore() }) node.on('error', (err) => { expect(err).to.eql(error).mark() }) node.on('start', () => { throw new Error('should not start') }) expect(3).checks(done) node.start((err) => { expect(err).to.eql(error).mark() }) }) it('should not dial when the node is stopped', (done) => { node.on('stop', () => { node.dial(null, (err) => { expect(err).to.exist() expect(err.code).to.eql('ERR_NODE_NOT_STARTED') done() }) }) node.stop(() => {}) }) it('should not dial (fsm) when the node is stopped', (done) => { node.on('stop', () => { node.dialFSM(null, null, (err) => { expect(err).to.exist() expect(err.code).to.eql('ERR_NODE_NOT_STARTED') done() }) }) node.stop(() => {}) }) }) })