We have a peerstore that keeps all data for all observed peers in memory with no eviction.
This is fine when you don't discover many peers but when using the DHT you encounter a significant number of peers so our peer storage grows and grows over time.
We have a persistent peer store, but it just periodically writes peers into the datastore to be read at startup, still keeping them in memory.
It also means a restart doesn't give you any temporary reprieve from the memory leak as the previously observed peer data is read into memory at startup.
This change refactors the peerstore to use a datastore by default, reading and writing peer info as it arrives. It can be configured with a MemoryDatastore if desired.
It was necessary to change the peerstore and *book interfaces to be asynchronous since the datastore api is asynchronous.
BREAKING CHANGE: `libp2p.handle`, `libp2p.registrar.register` and the peerstore methods have become async
Implements the idea from #1060 - allows us to get some insight into what's happening in a libp2p node out side of just bandwidth stats.
Configures a few default metrics if metrics are enabled - current connections, the state of the dial queue, etc.
Also makes the `Metrics` class not depend on the `ConnectionManager` class, otherwise we can't collect simple metrics from the connection manager class due to the circular dependency.
Looks like this project stopped running the `test:node` npm script when it was migrated to gh actions.
Re-enable it and fix all the related test failures.
Uses npm to install deps for examples.
We can put yarn back when we remove `node-fetch@2.x` from ipfs-utils, or when
yarn can download tarball dependencies reliably.
This either needs:
1. https://github.com/node-fetch/node-fetch/pull/1172 merging
2. Swap node-fetch for undici
3. Drop CJS support (node-fetch 3 has the above fix but is ESM-only)
top level types were updated, multiaddr@9.0.0 is used, dialer and keychain internal property names changed and connectionManager minPeers is not supported anymore