diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3e2188ee..cb940cd8 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -116,9 +116,12 @@ const MulticastDNS = require('libp2p-mdns')
const DHT = require('libp2p-kad-dht')
const defaultsDeep = require('@nodeutils/defaults-deep')
const Protector = require('libp2p-pnet')
+const DelegatedPeerRouter = require('libp2p-delegated-peer-routing')
+const DelegatedContentRouter = require('libp2p-delegated-content-routing')
class Node extends libp2p {
constructor (_options) {
+ const peerInfo = _options.peerInfo
const defaults = {
// The libp2p modules for this libp2p bundle
modules: {
@@ -133,8 +136,16 @@ class Node extends libp2p {
connEncryption: [
- // Encryption for private networks. Needs additional private key to work
+ /** Encryption for private networks. Needs additional private key to work **/
// connProtector: new Protector(/*protector specific opts*/),
+ /** Enable custom content routers, such as delegated routing **/
+ // contentRouting: [
+ // new DelegatedContentRouter(peerInfo.id)
+ // ],
+ /** Enable custom peer routers, such as delegated routing **/
+ // peerRouting: [
+ // new DelegatedPeerRouter()
+ // ],
peerDiscovery: [
@@ -230,16 +241,19 @@ Required keys in the `options` object:
`callback` is a function with the following `function (err) {}` signature, where `err` is an Error in case stopping the node fails.
-#### `libp2p.peerRouting.findPeer(id, callback)`
+#### `libp2p.peerRouting.findPeer(id, options, callback)`
> Looks up for multiaddrs of a peer in the DHT
- `id`: instance of [PeerId][]
+- `options`: object of options
+- `options.maxTimeout`: Number milliseconds
-#### `libp2p.contentRouting.findProviders(key, timeout, callback)`
+#### `libp2p.contentRouting.findProviders(key, options, callback)`
- `key`: Buffer
-- `timeout`: Number miliseconds
+- `options`: object of options
+- `options.maxTimeout`: Number milliseconds
#### `libp2p.contentRouting.provide(key, callback)`
@@ -307,14 +321,18 @@ Required keys in the `options` object:
- `key`: Buffer
- `value`: Buffer
-#### `libp2p.dht.get(key, callback)`
+#### `libp2p.dht.get(key, options, callback)`
- `key`: Buffer
+- `options`: object of options
+- `options.maxTimeout`: Number milliseconds
-#### `libp2p.dht.getMany(key, nVals, callback)`
+#### `libp2p.dht.getMany(key, nVals, options, callback)`
- `key`: Buffer
- `nVals`: Number
+- `options`: object of options
+- `options.maxTimeout`: Number milliseconds
[PeerInfo]: https://github.com/libp2p/js-peer-info
[PeerId]: https://github.com/libp2p/js-peer-id
diff --git a/examples/delegated-routing/README.md b/examples/delegated-routing/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..debd1540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/delegated-routing/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Delegated Routing with Libp2p and IPFS
+This example shows how to use delegated peer and content routing. The [Peer and Content Routing Example](../peer-and-content-routing) focuses
+on the DHT implementation. This example takes that a step further and introduces delegated routing. Delegated routing is
+especially useful when your libp2p node will have limited resources, making running a DHT impractical. It's
+also highly useful if your node is generating content, but can't reliably be on the network. You can use delegate nodes
+to provide content on your behalf.
+The starting [Libp2p Bundle](./src/libp2p-bundle.js) in this example starts by disabling the DHT and adding the Delegated Peer and Content Routers.
+Once you've completed the example, you should try enabled the DHT and see what kind of results you get! You can also enable the
+various Peer Discovery modules and see the impact it has on your Peer count.
+## Prerequisite
+**NOTE**: This example is currently dependent on a clone of the [delegated routing support branch of go-ipfs](https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/pull/4595).
+## Running this example
+1. Install IPFS locally if you dont already have it. [Install Guide](https://docs.ipfs.io/introduction/install/)
+2. Run the IPFS daemon: `ipfs daemon`
+3. The daemon will output a line about its API address, like `API server listening on /ip4/`
+4. In another window output the addresses of the node: `ipfs id`. Make note of the websocket address, is will contain `/ws/` in the address.
+5. In `./src/libp2p-bundle.js` replace the `delegatedApiOptions` host and port of your node if they are different.
+6. In `./src/App.js` replace `BootstrapNode` with your nodes Websocket address from step 4.
+7. Start this example:
+npm install
+npm start
+This should open your browser to http://localhost:3000. If it does not, go ahead and do that now.
+8. Your browser should show you connected to at least 1 peer.
+### Finding Content via the Delegate
+1. Add a file to your IPFS node. From this example root you can do `ipfs add ./README.md` to add the example readme.
+2. Copy the hash from line 5, it will look something like *Qmf33vz4HJFkqgH7XPP1uA6atYKTX1BWQEQthzpKcAdeyZ*.
+3. In the browser, paste the hash into the *Hash* field and hit `Find`. The readme contents should display.
+This will do a few things:
+* The delegate nodes api will be queried to find providers of the content
+* The content will be fetched from the providers
+* Since we now have the content, we tell the delegate node to fetch the content from us and become a provider
+### Finding Peers via the Delegate
+1. Get a list of your delegate nodes peer by querying the IPFS daemon: `ipfs swarm peers`
+2. Copy one of the CIDs from the list of peer addresses, this will be the last portion of the address and will look something like `QmdoG8DpzYUZMVP5dGmgmigZwR1RE8Cf6SxMPg1SBXJAQ8`.
+3. In your browser, paste the CID into the *Peer* field and hit `Find`.
+4. You should see information about the peer including its addresses.
diff --git a/examples/delegated-routing/package.json b/examples/delegated-routing/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff36b7bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/delegated-routing/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ "name": "delegated-routing-example",
+ "version": "0.1.0",
+ "private": true,
+ "dependencies": {
+ "ipfs": "~0.32.2",
+ "libp2p": "../../",
+ "libp2p-delegated-content-routing": "~0.2.2",
+ "libp2p-delegated-peer-routing": "~0.2.2",
+ "libp2p-kad-dht": "~0.10.4",
+ "libp2p-mplex": "~0.8.0",
+ "libp2p-secio": "~0.10.0",
+ "libp2p-webrtc-star": "~0.15.5",
+ "libp2p-websocket-star": "~0.8.1",
+ "libp2p-websockets": "~0.12.0",
+ "react": "^16.5.2",
+ "react-dom": "^16.5.2",
+ "react-scripts": "1.1.5"
+ },
+ "scripts": {
+ "start": "react-scripts start"
+ }
diff --git a/examples/delegated-routing/public/favicon.ico b/examples/delegated-routing/public/favicon.ico
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a11777cc
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/delegated-routing/public/favicon.ico differ
diff --git a/examples/delegated-routing/public/index.html b/examples/delegated-routing/public/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9082175b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/delegated-routing/public/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ Delegated Routing
+ You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.
diff --git a/examples/delegated-routing/public/main.css b/examples/delegated-routing/public/main.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5cd81881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/delegated-routing/public/main.css
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+body {
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+section * {
+ margin: 10px;
+header {
+ background-color: #222;
+ height: 150px;
+ padding: 20px;
+ color: white;
+.center {
+ text-align: center;
+pre {
+ background-color: bisque;
+ min-height: 100px;
+ margin: 0px;
+ padding: 10px;
+.loader {
+ text-align: center;
+ height: 64px;
+ margin-bottom: -64px;
+.loading .lds-ripple {
+ display: inline-block;
+ position: relative;
+ width: 64px;
+ height: 64px;
+.loading .lds-ripple div {
+ position: absolute;
+ border: 4px solid #000;
+ opacity: 1;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ animation: lds-ripple 1s cubic-bezier(0, 0.2, 0.8, 1) infinite;
+ margin: auto;
+.loading .lds-ripple div:nth-child(2) {
+ animation-delay: -0.5s;
+@keyframes lds-ripple {
+ 0% {
+ top: 28px;
+ left: 28px;
+ width: 0;
+ height: 0;
+ opacity: 1;
+ }
+ 100% {
+ top: -1px;
+ left: -1px;
+ width: 58px;
+ height: 58px;
+ opacity: 0;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/delegated-routing/src/App.js b/examples/delegated-routing/src/App.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e5425d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/delegated-routing/src/App.js
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+// eslint-disable-next-line
+'use strict'
+const React = require('react')
+const Component = React.Component
+const Ipfs = require('ipfs')
+const libp2pBundle = require('./libp2p-bundle')
+// require('./App.css')
+const BootstrapNode = '/ip4/'
+class App extends Component {
+ constructor (props) {
+ super(props)
+ this.state = {
+ peers: 0,
+ // This hash is the IPFS readme
+ hash: 'QmPZ9gcCEpqKTo6aq61g2nXGUhM4iCL3ewB6LDXZCtioEB',
+ // This peer is one of the Bootstrap nodes for IPFS
+ peer: 'QmV6kA2fB8kTr6jc3pL5zbNsjKbmPUHAPKKHRBYe1kDEyc',
+ isLoading: 0
+ }
+ this.peerInterval = null
+ this.handleHashChange = this.handleHashChange.bind(this)
+ this.handleHashSubmit = this.handleHashSubmit.bind(this)
+ this.handlePeerChange = this.handlePeerChange.bind(this)
+ this.handlePeerSubmit = this.handlePeerSubmit.bind(this)
+ }
+ handleHashChange (event) {
+ this.setState({
+ hash: event.target.value
+ })
+ }
+ handlePeerChange (event) {
+ this.setState({
+ peer: event.target.value
+ })
+ }
+ handleHashSubmit (event) {
+ event.preventDefault()
+ this.setState({
+ isLoading: this.state.isLoading + 1
+ })
+ this.ipfs.files.cat(this.state.hash, (err, data) => {
+ if (err) console.log('Error', err)
+ this.setState({
+ response: data.toString(),
+ isLoading: this.state.isLoading - 1
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ handlePeerSubmit (event) {
+ event.preventDefault()
+ this.setState({
+ isLoading: this.state.isLoading + 1
+ })
+ this.ipfs.dht.findpeer(this.state.peer, (err, results) => {
+ if (err) console.log('Error', err)
+ this.setState({
+ response: JSON.stringify(results, null, 2),
+ isLoading: this.state.isLoading - 1
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ componentDidMount () {
+ window.ipfs = this.ipfs = new Ipfs({
+ config: {
+ Addresses: {
+ Swarm: []
+ },
+ Discovery: {
+ MDNS: {
+ Enabled: false
+ },
+ webRTCStar: {
+ Enabled: false
+ }
+ },
+ Bootstrap: [
+ BootstrapNode
+ ]
+ },
+ preload: {
+ enabled: false
+ },
+ libp2p: libp2pBundle
+ })
+ this.ipfs.on('ready', () => {
+ if (this.peerInterval) {
+ clearInterval(this.peerInterval)
+ }
+ this.ipfs.swarm.connect(BootstrapNode, (err) => {
+ if (err) {
+ console.log('Error connecting to the node', err)
+ }
+ console.log('Connected!')
+ })
+ this.peerInterval = setInterval(() => {
+ this.ipfs.swarm.peers((err, peers) => {
+ if (err) console.log(err)
+ if (peers) this.setState({peers: peers.length})
+ })
+ }, 2500)
+ })
+ }
+ render () {
+ return (
+ Delegated Routing
+ There are currently {this.state.peers} peers.
0 ? 'loading' : '', 'loader'].join(' ')}>
+ {this.state.response}
+ )
+ }
+module.exports = App
diff --git a/examples/delegated-routing/src/index.js b/examples/delegated-routing/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..366e8650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/delegated-routing/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// eslint-disable-next-line
+'use strict'
+const React = require('react') // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+const ReactDOM = require('react-dom')
+const App = require('./App') // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+// require('index.css')
+ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById('root'))
diff --git a/examples/delegated-routing/src/libp2p-bundle.js b/examples/delegated-routing/src/libp2p-bundle.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5ab0dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/delegated-routing/src/libp2p-bundle.js
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// eslint-disable-next-line
+'use strict'
+const Libp2p = require('libp2p')
+const Websockets = require('libp2p-websockets')
+const WebSocketStar = require('libp2p-websocket-star')
+const WebRTCStar = require('libp2p-webrtc-star')
+const MPLEX = require('libp2p-mplex')
+const SECIO = require('libp2p-secio')
+const KadDHT = require('libp2p-kad-dht')
+const DelegatedPeerRouter = require('libp2p-delegated-peer-routing')
+const DelegatedContentRouter = require('libp2p-delegated-content-routing')
+module.exports = ({peerInfo, peerBook}) => {
+ const wrtcstar = new WebRTCStar({id: peerInfo.id})
+ const wsstar = new WebSocketStar({id: peerInfo.id})
+ const delegatedApiOptions = {
+ host: '',
+ protocol: 'http',
+ port: '8080'
+ }
+ return new Libp2p({
+ peerInfo,
+ peerBook,
+ // Lets limit the connection managers peers and have it check peer health less frequently
+ connectionManager: {
+ maxPeers: 10,
+ pollInterval: 5000
+ },
+ modules: {
+ contentRouting: [
+ new DelegatedContentRouter(peerInfo.id, delegatedApiOptions)
+ ],
+ peerRouting: [
+ new DelegatedPeerRouter(delegatedApiOptions)
+ ],
+ peerDiscovery: [
+ wrtcstar.discovery,
+ wsstar.discovery
+ ],
+ transport: [
+ wrtcstar,
+ wsstar,
+ Websockets
+ ],
+ streamMuxer: [
+ ],
+ connEncryption: [
+ ],
+ dht: KadDHT
+ },
+ config: {
+ peerDiscovery: {
+ webrtcStar: {
+ enabled: false
+ },
+ websocketStar: {
+ enabled: false
+ }
+ },
+ dht: {
+ kBucketSize: 20
+ },
+ relay: {
+ enabled: true,
+ hop: {
+ enabled: false
+ }
+ },
+ dht: false
+ }
+ }
+ })
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index e9f27741..4f8ee1f1 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
"dependencies": {
"async": "^2.6.1",
+ "err-code": "^1.1.2",
"joi": "^13.6.0",
"joi-browser": "^13.4.0",
"libp2p-connection-manager": "~0.0.2",
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
"libp2p-websockets": "~0.12.0",
"mafmt": "^6.0.2",
"multiaddr": "^5.0.0",
+ "nock": "^9.4.3",
"peer-book": "~0.8.0",
"peer-id": "~0.11.0",
"peer-info": "~0.14.1"
@@ -59,6 +61,8 @@
"dirty-chai": "^2.0.1",
"electron-webrtc": "~0.3.0",
"libp2p-circuit": "~0.2.1",
+ "libp2p-delegated-content-routing": "~0.2.2",
+ "libp2p-delegated-peer-routing": "~0.2.2",
"libp2p-kad-dht": "~0.10.5",
"libp2p-mdns": "~0.12.0",
"libp2p-mplex": "~0.8.2",
diff --git a/src/config.js b/src/config.js
index 7cb9def5..ac95d1a7 100644
--- a/src/config.js
+++ b/src/config.js
@@ -10,14 +10,16 @@ const OptionsSchema = Joi.object({
peerInfo: Joi.object().required(),
peerBook: Joi.object(),
modules: Joi.object().keys({
- transport: Joi.array().items(ModuleSchema).min(1).required(),
- streamMuxer: Joi.array().items(ModuleSchema).allow(null),
connEncryption: Joi.array().items(ModuleSchema).allow(null),
connProtector: Joi.object().keys({
protect: Joi.func().required()
+ contentRouting: Joi.array().items(Joi.object()).allow(null),
+ dht: ModuleSchema.allow(null),
peerDiscovery: Joi.array().items(ModuleSchema).allow(null),
- dht: ModuleSchema.allow(null)
+ peerRouting: Joi.array().items(Joi.object()).allow(null),
+ streamMuxer: Joi.array().items(ModuleSchema).allow(null),
+ transport: Joi.array().items(ModuleSchema).min(1).required()
config: Joi.object().keys({
peerDiscovery: Joi.object().allow(null),
diff --git a/src/content-routing.js b/src/content-routing.js
index 559541ed..b9f507f9 100644
--- a/src/content-routing.js
+++ b/src/content-routing.js
@@ -1,20 +1,82 @@
'use strict'
+const tryEach = require('async/tryEach')
+const parallel = require('async/parallel')
+const errCode = require('err-code')
module.exports = (node) => {
+ const routers = node._modules.contentRouting || []
+ // If we have the dht, make it first
+ if (node._dht) {
+ routers.unshift(node._dht)
+ }
return {
- findProviders: (key, timeout, callback) => {
- if (!node._dht) {
- return callback(new Error('DHT is not available'))
+ /**
+ * Iterates over all content routers in series to find providers of the given key.
+ * Once a content router succeeds, iteration will stop.
+ *
+ * @param {CID} key The CID key of the content to find
+ * @param {object} options
+ * @param {number} options.maxTimeout How long the query should run
+ * @param {function(Error, Result)} callback
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ findProviders: (key, options, callback) => {
+ if (!routers.length) {
+ return callback(errCode(new Error('No content routers available'), 'NO_ROUTERS_AVAILABLE'))
- node._dht.findProviders(key, timeout, callback)
+ if (typeof options === 'function') {
+ callback = options
+ options = {}
+ } else if (typeof options === 'number') { // This can be deprecated in a future release
+ options = {
+ maxTimeout: options
+ }
+ }
+ const tasks = routers.map((router) => {
+ return (cb) => router.findProviders(key, options, (err, results) => {
+ if (err) {
+ return cb(err)
+ }
+ // If we don't have any results, we need to provide an error to keep trying
+ if (!results || Object.keys(results).length === 0) {
+ return cb(errCode(new Error('not found'), 'NOT_FOUND'), null)
+ }
+ cb(null, results)
+ })
+ })
+ tryEach(tasks, (err, results) => {
+ if (err && err.code !== 'NOT_FOUND') {
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ results = results || []
+ callback(null, results)
+ })
+ /**
+ * Iterates over all content routers in parallel to notify it is
+ * a provider of the given key.
+ *
+ * @param {CID} key The CID key of the content to find
+ * @param {function(Error)} callback
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
provide: (key, callback) => {
- if (!node._dht) {
- return callback(new Error('DHT is not available'))
+ if (!routers.length) {
+ return callback(errCode(new Error('No content routers available'), 'NO_ROUTERS_AVAILABLE'))
- node._dht.provide(key, callback)
+ parallel(routers.map((router) => {
+ return (cb) => router.provide(key, cb)
+ }), callback)
diff --git a/src/index.js b/src/index.js
index 12056fd9..424018fa 100644
--- a/src/index.js
+++ b/src/index.js
@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ const pubsub = require('./pubsub')
const getPeerInfo = require('./get-peer-info')
const validateConfig = require('./config').validate
-exports = module.exports
const NOT_STARTED_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'The libp2p node is not started yet'
class Node extends EventEmitter {
@@ -102,6 +100,7 @@ class Node extends EventEmitter {
// Attach remaining APIs
+ // peer and content routing will automatically get modules from _modules and _dht
this.peerRouting = peerRouting(this)
this.contentRouting = contentRouting(this)
this.dht = dht(this)
diff --git a/src/peer-routing.js b/src/peer-routing.js
index 3a48d075..0d5f5dbc 100644
--- a/src/peer-routing.js
+++ b/src/peer-routing.js
@@ -1,13 +1,58 @@
'use strict'
+const tryEach = require('async/tryEach')
+const errCode = require('err-code')
module.exports = (node) => {
+ const routers = node._modules.peerRouting || []
+ // If we have the dht, make it first
+ if (node._dht) {
+ routers.unshift(node._dht)
+ }
return {
- findPeer: (id, callback) => {
- if (!node._dht) {
- return callback(new Error('DHT is not available'))
+ /**
+ * Iterates over all peer routers in series to find the given peer.
+ *
+ * @param {String} id The id of the peer to find
+ * @param {object} options
+ * @param {number} options.maxTimeout How long the query should run
+ * @param {function(Error, Result)} callback
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ findPeer: (id, options, callback) => {
+ if (!routers.length) {
+ callback(errCode(new Error('No peer routers available'), 'NO_ROUTERS_AVAILABLE'))
- node._dht.findPeer(id, callback)
+ if (typeof options === 'function') {
+ callback = options
+ options = {}
+ }
+ const tasks = routers.map((router) => {
+ return (cb) => router.findPeer(id, options, (err, result) => {
+ if (err) {
+ return cb(err)
+ }
+ // If we don't have a result, we need to provide an error to keep trying
+ if (!result || Object.keys(result).length === 0) {
+ return cb(errCode(new Error('not found'), 'NOT_FOUND'), null)
+ }
+ cb(null, result)
+ })
+ })
+ tryEach(tasks, (err, results) => {
+ if (err && err.code !== 'NOT_FOUND') {
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ results = results || []
+ callback(null, results)
+ })
diff --git a/test/config.spec.js b/test/config.spec.js
index 892cccce..3b4c687d 100644
--- a/test/config.spec.js
+++ b/test/config.spec.js
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ const PeerId = require('peer-id')
const waterfall = require('async/waterfall')
const WS = require('libp2p-websockets')
const Bootstrap = require('libp2p-bootstrap')
+const DelegatedPeerRouter = require('libp2p-delegated-peer-routing')
+const DelegatedContentRouter = require('libp2p-delegated-content-routing')
const validateConfig = require('../src/config').validate
@@ -98,6 +100,34 @@ describe('configuration', () => {
+ it('should allow for delegated content and peer routing', () => {
+ const peerRouter = new DelegatedPeerRouter()
+ const contentRouter = new DelegatedContentRouter(peerInfo)
+ const options = {
+ peerInfo,
+ modules: {
+ transport: [ WS ],
+ peerDiscovery: [ Bootstrap ],
+ peerRouting: [ peerRouter ],
+ contentRouting: [ contentRouter ]
+ },
+ config: {
+ peerDiscovery: {
+ bootstrap: {
+ interval: 1000,
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ expect(validateConfig(options).modules).to.deep.include({
+ peerRouting: [ peerRouter ],
+ contentRouting: [ contentRouter ]
+ })
+ })
it('should not allow for dht to be enabled without it being provided', () => {
const options = {
diff --git a/test/content-routing.node.js b/test/content-routing.node.js
index 3414a617..14a64a77 100644
--- a/test/content-routing.node.js
+++ b/test/content-routing.node.js
@@ -7,87 +7,363 @@ const chai = require('chai')
const expect = chai.expect
const parallel = require('async/parallel')
+const waterfall = require('async/waterfall')
const _times = require('lodash.times')
const CID = require('cids')
+const DelegatedContentRouter = require('libp2p-delegated-content-routing')
+const sinon = require('sinon')
+const nock = require('nock')
+const ma = require('multiaddr')
+const Node = require('./utils/bundle-nodejs')
const createNode = require('./utils/create-node')
+const createPeerInfo = createNode.createPeerInfo
describe('.contentRouting', () => {
- let nodeA
- let nodeB
- let nodeC
- let nodeD
- let nodeE
+ describe('via the dht', () => {
+ let nodeA
+ let nodeB
+ let nodeC
+ let nodeD
+ let nodeE
- before(function (done) {
- this.timeout(5 * 1000)
- const tasks = _times(5, () => (cb) => {
- createNode('/ip4/', {
- config: {
- dht: true
+ before(function (done) {
+ this.timeout(5 * 1000)
+ const tasks = _times(5, () => (cb) => {
+ createNode('/ip4/', {
+ config: {
+ dht: true
+ }
- }
- }, (err, node) => {
+ }, (err, node) => {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist()
+ node.start((err) => cb(err, node))
+ })
+ })
+ parallel(tasks, (err, nodes) => {
- node.start((err) => cb(err, node))
+ nodeA = nodes[0]
+ nodeB = nodes[1]
+ nodeC = nodes[2]
+ nodeD = nodes[3]
+ nodeE = nodes[4]
+ parallel([
+ (cb) => nodeA.dial(nodeB.peerInfo, cb),
+ (cb) => nodeB.dial(nodeC.peerInfo, cb),
+ (cb) => nodeC.dial(nodeD.peerInfo, cb),
+ (cb) => nodeD.dial(nodeE.peerInfo, cb),
+ (cb) => nodeE.dial(nodeA.peerInfo, cb)
+ ], done)
- parallel(tasks, (err, nodes) => {
- expect(err).to.not.exist()
- nodeA = nodes[0]
- nodeB = nodes[1]
- nodeC = nodes[2]
- nodeD = nodes[3]
- nodeE = nodes[4]
+ after((done) => {
- (cb) => nodeA.dial(nodeB.peerInfo, cb),
- (cb) => nodeB.dial(nodeC.peerInfo, cb),
- (cb) => nodeC.dial(nodeD.peerInfo, cb),
- (cb) => nodeD.dial(nodeE.peerInfo, cb),
- (cb) => nodeE.dial(nodeA.peerInfo, cb)
+ (cb) => nodeA.stop(cb),
+ (cb) => nodeB.stop(cb),
+ (cb) => nodeC.stop(cb),
+ (cb) => nodeD.stop(cb),
+ (cb) => nodeE.stop(cb)
], done)
- })
- after((done) => {
- parallel([
- (cb) => nodeA.stop(cb),
- (cb) => nodeB.stop(cb),
- (cb) => nodeC.stop(cb),
- (cb) => nodeD.stop(cb),
- (cb) => nodeE.stop(cb)
- ], done)
- })
- describe('le ring', () => {
- const cid = new CID('QmTp9VkYvnHyrqKQuFPiuZkiX9gPcqj6x5LJ1rmWuSySnL')
- it('let kbucket get filled', (done) => {
- setTimeout(() => done(), 250)
- })
- it('nodeA.contentRouting.provide', (done) => {
- nodeA.contentRouting.provide(cid, done)
- })
- it('nodeE.contentRouting.findProviders for existing record', (done) => {
- nodeE.contentRouting.findProviders(cid, 5000, (err, providers) => {
- expect(err).to.not.exist()
- expect(providers).to.have.length.above(0)
+ it('should use the nodes dht to provide', (done) => {
+ const stub = sinon.stub(nodeA._dht, 'provide').callsFake(() => {
+ stub.restore()
+ nodeA.contentRouting.provide()
+ })
+ it('should use the nodes dht to find providers', (done) => {
+ const stub = sinon.stub(nodeA._dht, 'findProviders').callsFake(() => {
+ stub.restore()
+ done()
+ })
+ nodeA.contentRouting.findProviders()
+ })
+ describe('le ring', () => {
+ const cid = new CID('QmTp9VkYvnHyrqKQuFPiuZkiX9gPcqj6x5LJ1rmWuSySnL')
+ it('let kbucket get filled', (done) => {
+ setTimeout(() => done(), 250)
+ })
+ it('nodeA.contentRouting.provide', (done) => {
+ nodeA.contentRouting.provide(cid, done)
+ })
+ it('nodeE.contentRouting.findProviders for existing record', (done) => {
+ nodeE.contentRouting.findProviders(cid, { maxTimeout: 5000 }, (err, providers) => {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist()
+ expect(providers).to.have.length.above(0)
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ it('nodeC.contentRouting.findProviders for non existing record (timeout)', (done) => {
+ const cid = new CID('QmTp9VkYvnHyrqKQuFPiuZkiX9gPcqj6x5LJ1rmWuSnnnn')
+ nodeE.contentRouting.findProviders(cid, { maxTimeout: 5000 }, (err, providers) => {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist()
+ expect(providers).to.have.length(0)
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ describe('via a delegate', () => {
+ let nodeA
+ let delegate
+ before((done) => {
+ waterfall([
+ (cb) => {
+ createPeerInfo(cb)
+ },
+ // Create the node using the delegate
+ (peerInfo, cb) => {
+ delegate = new DelegatedContentRouter(peerInfo.id, {
+ host: '',
+ protocol: 'http',
+ port: 60197
+ }, [
+ ma('/ip4/')
+ ])
+ nodeA = new Node({
+ peerInfo,
+ modules: {
+ contentRouting: [ delegate ]
+ },
+ config: {
+ relay: {
+ enabled: true,
+ hop: {
+ enabled: true,
+ active: false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ nodeA.start(cb)
+ }
+ ], done)
+ })
+ after((done) => nodeA.stop(done))
+ afterEach(() => nock.cleanAll())
+ describe('provide', () => {
+ it('should use the delegate router to provide', (done) => {
+ const stub = sinon.stub(delegate, 'provide').callsFake(() => {
+ stub.restore()
+ done()
+ })
+ nodeA.contentRouting.provide()
+ })
+ it('should be able to register as a provider', (done) => {
+ const cid = new CID('QmU621oD8AhHw6t25vVyfYKmL9VV3PTgc52FngEhTGACFB')
+ const mockApi = nock('')
+ // mock the swarm connect
+ .post('/api/v0/swarm/connect')
+ .query({
+ arg: `/ip4/${nodeA.peerInfo.id.toB58String()}`,
+ 'stream-channels': true
+ })
+ .reply(200, {
+ Strings: [`connect ${nodeA.peerInfo.id.toB58String()} success`]
+ }, ['Content-Type', 'application/json'])
+ // mock the refs call
+ .post('/api/v0/refs')
+ .query({
+ recursive: true,
+ arg: cid.toBaseEncodedString(),
+ 'stream-channels': true
+ })
+ .reply(200, null, [
+ 'Content-Type', 'application/json',
+ 'X-Chunked-Output', '1'
+ ])
+ nodeA.contentRouting.provide(cid, (err) => {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist()
+ expect(mockApi.isDone()).to.equal(true)
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ it('should handle errors when registering as a provider', (done) => {
+ const cid = new CID('QmU621oD8AhHw6t25vVyfYKmL9VV3PTgc52FngEhTGACFB')
+ const mockApi = nock('')
+ // mock the swarm connect
+ .post('/api/v0/swarm/connect')
+ .query({
+ arg: `/ip4/${nodeA.peerInfo.id.toB58String()}`,
+ 'stream-channels': true
+ })
+ .reply(502, 'Bad Gateway', ['Content-Type', 'application/json'])
+ nodeA.contentRouting.provide(cid, (err) => {
+ expect(err).to.exist()
+ expect(mockApi.isDone()).to.equal(true)
+ done()
+ })
+ })
- it('nodeC.contentRouting.findProviders for non existing record (timeout)', (done) => {
- const cid = new CID('QmTp9VkYvnHyrqKQuFPiuZkiX9gPcqj6x5LJ1rmWuSnnnn')
+ describe('find providers', () => {
+ it('should use the delegate router to find providers', (done) => {
+ const stub = sinon.stub(delegate, 'findProviders').callsFake(() => {
+ stub.restore()
+ done()
+ })
+ nodeA.contentRouting.findProviders()
+ })
- nodeE.contentRouting.findProviders(cid, 5000, (err, providers) => {
- expect(err).to.not.exist()
- expect(providers).to.have.length(0)
- done()
+ it('should be able to find providers', (done) => {
+ const cid = new CID('QmU621oD8AhHw6t25vVyfYKmL9VV3PTgc52FngEhTGACFB')
+ const provider = 'QmZNgCqZCvTsi3B4Vt7gsSqpkqDpE7M2Y9TDmEhbDb4ceF'
+ const mockApi = nock('')
+ .post('/api/v0/dht/findprovs')
+ .query({
+ arg: cid.toBaseEncodedString(),
+ timeout: '1000ms',
+ 'stream-channels': true
+ })
+ .reply(200, `{"Extra":"","ID":"QmWKqWXCtRXEeCQTo3FoZ7g4AfnGiauYYiczvNxFCHicbB","Responses":[{"Addrs":["/ip4/"],"ID":"${provider}"}],"Type":1}\n`, [
+ 'Content-Type', 'application/json',
+ 'X-Chunked-Output', '1'
+ ])
+ nodeA.contentRouting.findProviders(cid, 1000, (err, response) => {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist()
+ expect(response).to.have.length(1)
+ expect(response[0].id.toB58String()).to.equal(provider)
+ expect(mockApi.isDone()).to.equal(true)
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ it('should handle errors when finding providers', (done) => {
+ const cid = new CID('QmU621oD8AhHw6t25vVyfYKmL9VV3PTgc52FngEhTGACFB')
+ const mockApi = nock('')
+ .post('/api/v0/dht/findprovs')
+ .query({
+ arg: cid.toBaseEncodedString(),
+ timeout: '30000ms',
+ 'stream-channels': true
+ })
+ .reply(502, 'Bad Gateway', [
+ 'X-Chunked-Output', '1'
+ ])
+ nodeA.contentRouting.findProviders(cid, (err) => {
+ expect(err).to.exist()
+ expect(mockApi.isDone()).to.equal(true)
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ describe('via the dht and a delegate', () => {
+ let nodeA
+ let delegate
+ before((done) => {
+ waterfall([
+ (cb) => {
+ createPeerInfo(cb)
+ },
+ // Create the node using the delegate
+ (peerInfo, cb) => {
+ delegate = new DelegatedContentRouter(peerInfo.id, {
+ host: '',
+ protocol: 'http',
+ port: 60197
+ }, [
+ ma('/ip4/')
+ ])
+ nodeA = new Node({
+ peerInfo,
+ modules: {
+ contentRouting: [ delegate ]
+ },
+ config: {
+ relay: {
+ enabled: true,
+ hop: {
+ enabled: true,
+ active: false
+ }
+ },
+ dht: true
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ nodeA.start(cb)
+ }
+ ], done)
+ })
+ after((done) => nodeA.stop(done))
+ describe('provide', () => {
+ it('should use both the dht and delegate router to provide', (done) => {
+ const dhtStub = sinon.stub(nodeA._dht, 'provide').callsFake(() => {})
+ const delegateStub = sinon.stub(delegate, 'provide').callsFake(() => {
+ expect(dhtStub.calledOnce).to.equal(true)
+ expect(delegateStub.calledOnce).to.equal(true)
+ delegateStub.restore()
+ dhtStub.restore()
+ done()
+ })
+ nodeA.contentRouting.provide()
+ })
+ })
+ describe('findProviders', () => {
+ it('should only use the dht if it finds providers', (done) => {
+ const results = [true]
+ const dhtStub = sinon.stub(nodeA._dht, 'findProviders').callsArgWith(2, null, results)
+ const delegateStub = sinon.stub(delegate, 'findProviders').throws(() => {
+ return new Error('the delegate should not have been called')
+ })
+ nodeA.contentRouting.findProviders('a cid', { maxTimeout: 5000 }, (err, results) => {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist()
+ expect(results).to.equal(results)
+ expect(dhtStub.calledOnce).to.equal(true)
+ expect(delegateStub.notCalled).to.equal(true)
+ delegateStub.restore()
+ dhtStub.restore()
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ it('should use the delegate if the dht fails to find providers', (done) => {
+ const results = [true]
+ const dhtStub = sinon.stub(nodeA._dht, 'findProviders').callsArgWith(2, null, [])
+ const delegateStub = sinon.stub(delegate, 'findProviders').callsArgWith(2, null, results)
+ nodeA.contentRouting.findProviders('a cid', { maxTimeout: 5000 }, (err, results) => {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist()
+ expect(results).to.deep.equal(results)
+ expect(dhtStub.calledOnce).to.equal(true)
+ expect(delegateStub.calledOnce).to.equal(true)
+ delegateStub.restore()
+ dhtStub.restore()
+ done()
+ })
diff --git a/test/peer-routing.node.js b/test/peer-routing.node.js
index b232e423..7d728ccd 100644
--- a/test/peer-routing.node.js
+++ b/test/peer-routing.node.js
@@ -8,91 +8,261 @@ chai.use(require('dirty-chai'))
const expect = chai.expect
const parallel = require('async/parallel')
const _times = require('lodash.times')
+const DelegatedPeerRouter = require('libp2p-delegated-peer-routing')
+const sinon = require('sinon')
+const nock = require('nock')
const createNode = require('./utils/create-node')
describe('.peerRouting', () => {
- let nodeA
- let nodeB
- let nodeC
- let nodeD
- let nodeE
+ describe('via the dht', () => {
+ let nodeA
+ let nodeB
+ let nodeC
+ let nodeD
+ let nodeE
- before(function (done) {
- this.timeout(5 * 1000)
- const tasks = _times(5, () => (cb) => {
- createNode('/ip4/', {
- config: {
- dht: true
+ before('create the outer ring of connections', (done) => {
+ const tasks = _times(5, () => (cb) => {
+ createNode('/ip4/', {
+ config: {
+ dht: true
+ }
- }
- }, (err, node) => {
+ }, (err, node) => {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist()
+ node.start((err) => cb(err, node))
+ })
+ })
+ parallel(tasks, (err, nodes) => {
- node.start((err) => cb(err, node))
+ nodeA = nodes[0]
+ nodeB = nodes[1]
+ nodeC = nodes[2]
+ nodeD = nodes[3]
+ nodeE = nodes[4]
+ parallel([
+ (cb) => nodeA.dial(nodeB.peerInfo, cb),
+ (cb) => nodeB.dial(nodeC.peerInfo, cb),
+ (cb) => nodeC.dial(nodeD.peerInfo, cb),
+ (cb) => nodeD.dial(nodeE.peerInfo, cb),
+ (cb) => nodeE.dial(nodeA.peerInfo, cb)
+ ], (err) => {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist()
+ // Give the kbucket time to fill in the dht
+ setTimeout(done, 250)
+ })
- parallel(tasks, (err, nodes) => {
- expect(err).to.not.exist()
- nodeA = nodes[0]
- nodeB = nodes[1]
- nodeC = nodes[2]
- nodeD = nodes[3]
- nodeE = nodes[4]
+ after((done) => {
- (cb) => nodeA.dial(nodeB.peerInfo, cb),
- (cb) => nodeB.dial(nodeC.peerInfo, cb),
- (cb) => nodeC.dial(nodeD.peerInfo, cb),
- (cb) => nodeD.dial(nodeE.peerInfo, cb),
- (cb) => nodeE.dial(nodeA.peerInfo, cb)
+ (cb) => nodeA.stop(cb),
+ (cb) => nodeB.stop(cb),
+ (cb) => nodeC.stop(cb),
+ (cb) => nodeD.stop(cb),
+ (cb) => nodeE.stop(cb)
], done)
+ it('should use the nodes dht', (done) => {
+ const stub = sinon.stub(nodeA._dht, 'findPeer').callsFake(() => {
+ stub.restore()
+ done()
+ })
+ nodeA.peerRouting.findPeer()
+ })
+ describe('connected in an el ring', () => {
+ it('should be able to find a peer we are not directly connected to', (done) => {
+ parallel([
+ (cb) => nodeA.dial(nodeC.peerInfo.id, cb),
+ (cb) => nodeB.dial(nodeD.peerInfo.id, cb),
+ (cb) => nodeC.dial(nodeE.peerInfo.id, cb)
+ ], (err) => {
+ if (err) throw err
+ expect(err).to.not.exist()
+ nodeB.peerRouting.findPeer(nodeE.peerInfo.id, (err, peerInfo) => {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist()
+ expect(nodeE.peerInfo.id.toB58String()).to.equal(peerInfo.id.toB58String())
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ })
- after((done) => {
- parallel([
- (cb) => nodeA.stop(cb),
- (cb) => nodeB.stop(cb),
- (cb) => nodeC.stop(cb),
- (cb) => nodeD.stop(cb),
- (cb) => nodeE.stop(cb)
- ], done)
+ describe('via a delegate', () => {
+ let nodeA
+ let delegate
+ before((done) => {
+ parallel([
+ // Create the node using the delegate
+ (cb) => {
+ delegate = new DelegatedPeerRouter({
+ host: 'ipfs.io',
+ protocol: 'https',
+ port: '443'
+ })
+ createNode('/ip4/', {
+ modules: {
+ peerRouting: [ delegate ]
+ }
+ }, (err, node) => {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist()
+ nodeA = node
+ nodeA.start(cb)
+ })
+ }
+ ], done)
+ })
+ after((done) => nodeA.stop(done))
+ afterEach(() => nock.cleanAll())
+ it('should use the delegate router to find peers', (done) => {
+ const stub = sinon.stub(delegate, 'findPeer').callsFake(() => {
+ stub.restore()
+ done()
+ })
+ nodeA.peerRouting.findPeer()
+ })
+ it('should be able to find a peer', (done) => {
+ const peerKey = 'QmTp9VkYvnHyrqKQuFPiuZkiX9gPcqj6x5LJ1rmWuSySnL'
+ const mockApi = nock('https://ipfs.io')
+ .post('/api/v0/dht/findpeer')
+ .query({
+ arg: peerKey,
+ timeout: '30000ms',
+ 'stream-channels': true
+ })
+ .reply(200, `{"Extra":"","ID":"some other id","Responses":null,"Type":0}\n{"Extra":"","ID":"","Responses":[{"Addrs":["/ip4/"],"ID":"${peerKey}"}],"Type":2}\n`, [
+ 'Content-Type', 'application/json',
+ 'X-Chunked-Output', '1'
+ ])
+ nodeA.peerRouting.findPeer(peerKey, (err, peerInfo) => {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist()
+ expect(peerInfo.id.toB58String()).to.equal(peerKey)
+ expect(mockApi.isDone()).to.equal(true)
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ it('should error when a peer cannot be found', (done) => {
+ const peerKey = 'key of a peer not on the network'
+ const mockApi = nock('https://ipfs.io')
+ .post('/api/v0/dht/findpeer')
+ .query({
+ arg: peerKey,
+ timeout: '30000ms',
+ 'stream-channels': true
+ })
+ .reply(200, `{"Extra":"","ID":"some other id","Responses":null,"Type":6}\n{"Extra":"","ID":"yet another id","Responses":null,"Type":0}\n{"Extra":"routing:not found","ID":"","Responses":null,"Type":3}\n`, [
+ 'Content-Type', 'application/json',
+ 'X-Chunked-Output', '1'
+ ])
+ nodeA.peerRouting.findPeer(peerKey, (err, peerInfo) => {
+ expect(err).to.exist()
+ expect(peerInfo).to.not.exist()
+ expect(mockApi.isDone()).to.equal(true)
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ it('should handle errors from the api', (done) => {
+ const peerKey = 'key of a peer not on the network'
+ const mockApi = nock('https://ipfs.io')
+ .post('/api/v0/dht/findpeer')
+ .query({
+ arg: peerKey,
+ timeout: '30000ms',
+ 'stream-channels': true
+ })
+ .reply(502)
+ nodeA.peerRouting.findPeer(peerKey, (err, peerInfo) => {
+ expect(err).to.exist()
+ expect(peerInfo).to.not.exist()
+ expect(mockApi.isDone()).to.equal(true)
+ done()
+ })
+ })
- describe('el ring', () => {
- it('let kbucket get filled', (done) => {
- setTimeout(() => done(), 250)
+ describe('via the dht and a delegate', () => {
+ let nodeA
+ let delegate
+ before((done) => {
+ parallel([
+ // Create the node using the delegate
+ (cb) => {
+ delegate = new DelegatedPeerRouter({
+ host: 'ipfs.io',
+ protocol: 'https',
+ port: '443'
+ })
+ createNode('/ip4/', {
+ modules: {
+ peerRouting: [ delegate ]
+ },
+ config: {
+ dht: true
+ }
+ }
+ }, (err, node) => {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist()
+ nodeA = node
+ nodeA.start(cb)
+ })
+ }
+ ], done)
- it('nodeA.dial by Id to node C', (done) => {
- nodeA.dial(nodeC.peerInfo.id, (err) => {
- expect(err).to.not.exist()
- done()
+ after((done) => nodeA.stop(done))
+ describe('findPeer', () => {
+ it('should only use the dht if it finds the peer', (done) => {
+ const results = [true]
+ const dhtStub = sinon.stub(nodeA._dht, 'findPeer').callsArgWith(2, null, results)
+ const delegateStub = sinon.stub(delegate, 'findPeer').throws(() => {
+ return new Error('the delegate should not have been called')
+ })
+ nodeA.peerRouting.findPeer('a peer id', (err, results) => {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist()
+ expect(results).to.equal(results)
+ expect(dhtStub.calledOnce).to.equal(true)
+ expect(delegateStub.notCalled).to.equal(true)
+ delegateStub.restore()
+ dhtStub.restore()
+ done()
+ })
- })
- it('nodeB.dial by Id to node D', (done) => {
- nodeB.dial(nodeD.peerInfo.id, (err) => {
- expect(err).to.not.exist()
- done()
- })
- })
+ it('should use the delegate if the dht fails to find the peer', (done) => {
+ const results = [true]
+ const dhtStub = sinon.stub(nodeA._dht, 'findPeer').callsArgWith(2, null, undefined)
+ const delegateStub = sinon.stub(delegate, 'findPeer').callsArgWith(2, null, results)
- it('nodeC.dial by Id to node E', (done) => {
- nodeC.dial(nodeE.peerInfo.id, (err) => {
- expect(err).to.not.exist()
- done()
- })
- })
- it('nodeB.peerRouting.findPeer(nodeE.peerInfo.id)', (done) => {
- nodeB.peerRouting.findPeer(nodeE.peerInfo.id, (err, peerInfo) => {
- expect(err).to.not.exist()
- expect(nodeE.peerInfo.id.toB58String()).to.equal(peerInfo.id.toB58String())
- done()
+ nodeA.peerRouting.findPeer('a peer id', (err, results) => {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist()
+ expect(results).to.deep.equal(results)
+ expect(dhtStub.calledOnce).to.equal(true)
+ expect(delegateStub.calledOnce).to.equal(true)
+ delegateStub.restore()
+ dhtStub.restore()
+ done()
+ })
diff --git a/test/utils/create-node.js b/test/utils/create-node.js
index 11564bfe..3b9cf43b 100644
--- a/test/utils/create-node.js
+++ b/test/utils/create-node.js
@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ function createNode (multiaddrs, options, callback) {
- (cb) => PeerId.create({ bits: 512 }, cb),
- (peerId, cb) => PeerInfo.create(peerId, cb),
+ (cb) => createPeerInfo(cb),
(peerInfo, cb) => {
multiaddrs.map((ma) => peerInfo.multiaddrs.add(ma))
options.peerInfo = peerInfo
@@ -31,4 +30,12 @@ function createNode (multiaddrs, options, callback) {
], callback)
+function createPeerInfo (callback) {
+ waterfall([
+ (cb) => PeerId.create({ bits: 512 }, cb),
+ (peerId, cb) => PeerInfo.create(peerId, cb)
+ ], callback)
module.exports = createNode
+module.exports.createPeerInfo = createPeerInfo