libp2p can leverage the encrypted communications from the transports it uses (i.e WebRTC). To ensure that every connection is encrypted, independently of how it was set up, libp2p also supports a set of modules that encrypt every communication established.
We call this usage a _connection upgrade_ where given a connection between peer A to peer B, a protocol handshake can be performed that gives that connection new properties.
A byproduct of having these encrypted communications modules is that we can authenticate the peers we are dialing to. You might have noticed that every time we dial to a peer in libp2p space, we always use its PeerId at the end (e.g /ip4/, this PeerId is generated by hashing the Public Key of the peer. With this, we can create a crypto challenge when dialing to another peer and prove that peer is the owner of a PrivateKey that matches the Public Key we know.
We will build this example on top of example for [Protocol and Stream Multiplexing](../protocol-and-stream-multiplexing). You will need the `libp2p-noise` module to complete it, go ahead and `npm install libp2p-noise`.