Callbacks are no longer supported in the libp2p API, as the API has now fully moved to async / await. You can see a full list of the available methods in the [API readme][api]
libp2p.start((err) => {
if (err) throw err
console.log('libp2p started')
await libp2p.start()
console.log('libp2p started')
## Pull Streams to Streaming Iterables
The libp2p API no longer supports Pull Streams and has migrated to [Streaming Iterables][streaming_iterable]. If you would like to continue using Pull Streams in your application code, or need additional time to migrate your code base, you can leverage the conversion modules [async-iterator-to-pull-stream]( and [pull-stream-to-async-iterator](
For a growing list of async iterator modules, you should follow the [it-awesome repo][it_awesome].
## Sample API Migrations
### Registering Protocol Handlers
Protocol registration is very similar to how it previously was, however, the handler now takes a single parameter containing the incoming stream and its protocol. Additionally, you can now pass an array of protocols to `.handle`, but a single string is still supported.
`dialProtocol` no longer takes a callback, and will now return a [Streaming Iterable][streaming_iterable] and the protocol that was successfully negotiated. The new stream can be used with async iterator modules, see [it-awesome][it_awesome], instead of pull streams.
`peerInfo.isConnected` has been deprecated. libp2p now tracks all connections centrally and will no longer update the state of `peerInfo.isConnected`. Consumers should switch to using `libp2p.registrar.getConnection(peerInfo)`, which will return an open connection to that peer if one exists.
`` will no longer callback with a `Ping` event emitter. The internal logic has been simplified to give more flexibility to the API. `` will now execute a single ping and return the latency.
```js, (err, ping) => {
if (err) throw err
ping.once('ping', (latency) => {
console.log('Latency is %s ms', latency)
const latency = await
console.log('Latency is %s ms', latency)
### Pubsub
#### Getting subscribers
`libp2p.pubsub.peers()` is now `libp2p.pubsub.getSubscribers()` and is no longer an asynchronous action.