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/* eslint-env mocha */
import { expect } from 'aegir/chai'
import sinon from 'sinon'
import { multiaddr } from '@multiformats/multiaddr'
import { toString as uint8ArrayToString } from 'uint8arrays/to-string'
import Peers from '../fixtures/peers.js'
import { createLibp2pNode } from '../../src/libp2p.js'
import { createBaseOptions } from '../utils/base-options.browser.js'
import { MULTIADDRS_WEBSOCKETS } from '../fixtures/browser.js'
import { createFromJSON } from '@libp2p/peer-id-factory'
import pWaitFor from 'p-wait-for'
import { peerIdFromString } from '@libp2p/peer-id'
import type { PeerId } from '@libp2p/interface-peer-id'
import type { Libp2pNode } from '../../src/libp2p.js'
import { pEvent } from 'p-event'
import { AGENT_VERSION } from '../../src/identify/consts.js'
describe('libp2p.dialer.identifyService', () => {
let peerId: PeerId
let libp2p: Libp2pNode
let remoteLibp2p: Libp2pNode
const remoteAddr = MULTIADDRS_WEBSOCKETS[0]
before(async () => {
peerId = await createFromJSON(Peers[0])
afterEach(async () => {
if (libp2p != null) {
await libp2p.stop()
after(async () => {
if (remoteLibp2p != null) {
await remoteLibp2p.stop()
it('should run identify automatically after connecting', async () => {
libp2p = await createLibp2pNode(createBaseOptions({
await libp2p.start()
if (libp2p.identifyService == null) {
throw new Error('Identity service was not configured')
const identityServiceIdentifySpy = sinon.spy(libp2p.identifyService, 'identify')
const peerStoreSpyConsumeRecord = sinon.spy(libp2p.peerStore.addressBook, 'consumePeerRecord')
const peerStoreSpyAdd = sinon.spy(libp2p.peerStore.addressBook, 'add')
const connection = await libp2p.dial(remoteAddr)
// Wait for peer store to be updated
// Dialer._createDialTarget (add), Identify (consume)
await pWaitFor(() => peerStoreSpyConsumeRecord.callCount === 1 && peerStoreSpyAdd.callCount === 1)
// The connection should have no open streams
await pWaitFor(() => connection.streams.length === 0)
await connection.close()
it('should store remote agent and protocol versions in metadataBook after connecting', async () => {
libp2p = await createLibp2pNode(createBaseOptions({
await libp2p.start()
if (libp2p.identifyService == null) {
throw new Error('Identity service was not configured')
const identityServiceIdentifySpy = sinon.spy(libp2p.identifyService, 'identify')
const peerStoreSpyConsumeRecord = sinon.spy(libp2p.peerStore.addressBook, 'consumePeerRecord')
const peerStoreSpyAdd = sinon.spy(libp2p.peerStore.addressBook, 'add')
const connection = await libp2p.dial(remoteAddr)
// Wait for peer store to be updated
// Dialer._createDialTarget (add), Identify (consume)
await pWaitFor(() => peerStoreSpyConsumeRecord.callCount === 1 && peerStoreSpyAdd.callCount === 1)
// The connection should have no open streams
await pWaitFor(() => connection.streams.length === 0)
await connection.close()
const remotePeer = peerIdFromString(remoteAddr.getPeerId() ?? '')
const storedAgentVersion = await libp2p.peerStore.metadataBook.getValue(remotePeer, 'AgentVersion')
const storedProtocolVersion = await libp2p.peerStore.metadataBook.getValue(remotePeer, 'ProtocolVersion')
it('should push protocol updates to an already connected peer', async () => {
libp2p = await createLibp2pNode(createBaseOptions({
await libp2p.start()
if (libp2p.identifyService == null) {
throw new Error('Identity service was not configured')
const identityServiceIdentifySpy = sinon.spy(libp2p.identifyService, 'identify')
const identityServicePushSpy = sinon.spy(libp2p.identifyService, 'push')
const connectionPromise = pEvent(libp2p.connectionManager, 'peer:connect')
const connection = await libp2p.dial(remoteAddr)
// Wait for connection event to be emitted
await connectionPromise
// Wait for identify to finish
await identityServiceIdentifySpy.firstCall.returnValue
sinon.stub(libp2p, 'isStarted').returns(true)
// Cause supported protocols to change
await libp2p.handle('/echo/2.0.0', () => {})
// Wait for push to complete
await pWaitFor(() => identityServicePushSpy.callCount === 1)
await identityServicePushSpy.firstCall.returnValue
// Cause supported protocols to change back
await libp2p.unhandle('/echo/2.0.0')
// Wait for push to complete a second time
await pWaitFor(() => identityServicePushSpy.callCount === 2)
await identityServicePushSpy.secondCall.returnValue
// Verify the remote peer is notified of both changes
for (const call of identityServicePushSpy.getCalls()) {
const [connections] = call.args
await call.returnValue
// Verify the streams close
await pWaitFor(() => connection.streams.length === 0)
it('should append UserAgent information to default AGENT_VERSION', async () => {
// Stub environment version for testing dynamic AGENT_VERSION
sinon.stub(process, 'version').value('vTEST')
if (typeof globalThis.navigator !== 'undefined') {
sinon.stub(navigator, 'userAgent').value('vTEST')
libp2p = await createLibp2pNode(createBaseOptions({
await libp2p.start()
if (libp2p.identifyService == null) {
throw new Error('Identity service was not configured')
const storedAgentVersion = await libp2p.peerStore.metadataBook.getValue(peerId, 'AgentVersion')
expect(AGENT_VERSION + ' UserAgent=vTEST').to.equal(uint8ArrayToString(storedAgentVersion ?? new Uint8Array()))
it('should store host data and protocol version into metadataBook', async () => {
const agentVersion = 'js-project/1.0.0'
libp2p = await createLibp2pNode(createBaseOptions({
identify: {
host: {
await libp2p.start()
if (libp2p.identifyService == null) {
throw new Error('Identity service was not configured')
const storedAgentVersion = await libp2p.peerStore.metadataBook.getValue(peerId, 'AgentVersion')
const storedProtocolVersion = await libp2p.peerStore.metadataBook.getValue(peerId, 'ProtocolVersion')
expect(agentVersion).to.equal(uint8ArrayToString(storedAgentVersion ?? new Uint8Array()))
it('should push multiaddr updates to an already connected peer', async () => {
libp2p = await createLibp2pNode(createBaseOptions({
await libp2p.start()
if (libp2p.identifyService == null) {
throw new Error('Identity service was not configured')
const identityServiceIdentifySpy = sinon.spy(libp2p.identifyService, 'identify')
const identityServicePushSpy = sinon.spy(libp2p.identifyService, 'push')
const connectionPromise = pEvent(libp2p.connectionManager, 'peer:connect')
const connection = await libp2p.dial(remoteAddr)
// Wait for connection event to be emitted
await connectionPromise
// Wait for identify to finish
await identityServiceIdentifySpy.firstCall.returnValue
sinon.stub(libp2p, 'isStarted').returns(true)
await libp2p.peerStore.addressBook.add(libp2p.peerId, [multiaddr('/ip4/')])
// the protocol change event listener in the identity service is async
await pWaitFor(() => identityServicePushSpy.callCount === 1)
// Verify the remote peer is notified of change
for (const call of identityServicePushSpy.getCalls()) {
const [connections] = call.args
await call.returnValue
// Verify the streams close
await pWaitFor(() => connection.streams.length === 0)