A Peer Discovery module enables libp2p to find peers to connect to. Think of these mechanisms as ways to join the rest of the network, as railing points.
With these system, a libp2p node can both have a set of nodes to always connect on boot (bootstraper nodes), discover nodes through locality (e.g connected in the same LAN) or through serendipity (random walks on a DHT).
These mechanisms save configuration and enable a node to operate without any explicit dials, it will just work.
## 1. Bootstrap list of Peers when booting a node
For this demo, we will connect to IPFS default bootstrapper nodes and so, we will need to support the same set of features those nodes have, that are: TCP, multiplex and SECIO. You can see the complete example at [1.js](./1.js).
First, we create our libp2p bundle.
class MyBundle extends libp2p {
constructor (peerInfo) {
const modules = {
transport: [new TCP()],
connection: {
muxer: [Multiplex],
crypto: [SECIO]
discovery: [new Railing(bootstrapers)]
super(modules, peerInfo)
In this bundle, we use a `bootstrappers` array listing peers to connect _on boot_. Here is the list used by js-ipfs and go-ipfs.
Now, once we create and start the node, we can listen for events such as `peer:discovery` and `peer:connect`, these events tell us when we found a peer, independently of the discovery mechanism used and when we actually dialed to that peer.
let node
(cb) => PeerInfo.create(cb),
(peerInfo, cb) => {
node = new MyBundle(peerInfo)
], (err) => {
if (err) { throw err }
// Emitted when a peer has been found
node.on('peer:discovery', (peer) => {
console.log('Discovered:', peer.id.toB58String())
// Note how we need to dial, even if just to warm up the Connection (by not
// picking any protocol) in order to get a full Connection. The Peer Discovery
// doesn't make any decisions for you.
node.dial(peer, () => {})
// Once the dial is complete, this event is emitted.
node.on('peer:connect', (peer) => {
console.log('Connection established to:', peer.id.toB58String())
From running [1.js](./1.js), you should see the following:
## 3. Where to find other Peer Discovery Mechanisms
There are plenty more Peer Discovery Mechanisms out there, you can:
- Find one in [libp2p-webrtc-star](https://github.com/libp2p/js-libp2p-webrtc-star). Yes, a transport with discovery capabilities! This happens because WebRTC requires a rendezvous point for peers to exchange [SDP](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4317) offer, which means we have one or more points that can introduce peers to each other. Think of it as MulticastDNS for the Web, as in MulticastDNS only works in LAN.
- Any DHT will offer you a discovery capability. You can simple _random-walk_ the routing tables to find other peers to connect to.
- You can create your own Discovery service, a registry, a list, a radio beacon, you name it!