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2015-08-25 11:00:19 +01:00
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> Node.js implementation of libp2p
2015-09-20 16:18:34 +01:00
## Interface
> **This is a work in progress, interface might change at anytime**
libp2p expects a [Record Store interface](https://github.com/diasdavid/abstract-record-store), a swarm and one or more Peer Routers that implement the [Peer Routing](https://github.com/diasdavid/abstract-peer-routing), the goal is to keep simplicity and plugability while the remaining modules execute the heavy lifting.
libp2p becomes very simple and basically acts as a glue for every module that compose this library. Since it can be highly customized, it requires some setup. What we recommend is to have a libp2p build for the system you are developing taking into account in your needs (e.g. for a browser working version of libp2p that acts as the network layer of IPFS, we have a built and minified version that browsers can require)
2015-09-20 16:18:34 +01:00
### Setting everything up
var Libp2p = require('libp2p')
// set up a Swarm, Peer Routing and Record Store instances, the last two are optional
var p2p = new Libp2p(swarm, [peerRouting, recordStore])
2015-09-20 16:18:34 +01:00
### Dialing and listening
p2p.swarm.dial(peerInfo, options, protocol, function (err, stream) {})
p2p.swarm.handleProtocol(protocol, options, handlerFunction)
2015-09-20 16:18:34 +01:00
### Using Peer Routing
p2p.routing.findPeers(key, function (err, peerInfos) {})
2015-09-20 16:18:34 +01:00
### Using Records
p2p.record.get(key, function (err, records) {})
p2p.record.store(key, record)
2015-09-20 16:18:34 +01:00
### Stats
## Notes
Img for ref (till we get a better graph)