2019-08-18 14:53:50 +03:00
2019-08-18 14:53:50 +03:00
2019-08-18 14:53:50 +03:00
2019-08-18 14:53:50 +03:00
2019-08-18 13:58:31 +03:00

Rust How to run steps

There's a run.sh script in each step, but if you'd like to run it manually, here's the instructions

# Go into directory of the desired step (step3 used as example)
cd step3-finished-app

# Download SQLite WASM module
mkdir wasm
wget https://github.com/fluencelabs/sqlite/releases/download/v0.2.0_w/sqlite3_0.2.0.wasm -O ./wasm/sqlite3_0.2.0.wasm

# Build fluid WASM module
cargo +nightly build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release
cp target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/*.wasm ./wasm/

# Run it all on 30000 port with default Fluence API
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/wasm:/code -p 30000:30000 fluencelabs/frun:latest

Also take a look at how to use frun here and look up HTTP API here