Fluence JS SDK


Official SDK for building web-based applications for Fluence

About Fluence

Fluence is an open application platform where apps can build on each other, share data and users

Layer Tech Scale State Based on
Execution FCE Single peer Disk, network, external processes Wasm, IT, Wasmer*
Composition Aquamarine Involved peers Results and signatures ⇅, π-calculus
Topology TrustGraph, DHT* Distributed with Kademlia* algo Actual state of the network libp2p
Security & Accounting Blockchain Whole network Licenses & payments substrate?
aquamarine scheme


With npm

npm install @fluencelabs/fluence

With yarn

yarn add @fluencelabs/fluence

Getting started

Pick a node to connect to the Fluence network. The easiest way to do so is by using fluence-network-environment package

import { dev } from '@fluencelabs/fluence-network-environment';

export const relayNode = dev[0];

Initialize client

import { createClient, FluenceClient } from '@fluencelabs/fluence';

const client = await createClient(relayNode);

Add response service function calls

subscribeToEvent(client, 'helloService', 'helloFunction', (args) => {
    const [networkInfo] = args;

Make a particle

const particle = new Particle(`
        (call myRelay ("op" "identify") [] result)
        (call %init_peer_id% ("helloService" "helloFunction") [result])
        myRelay: client.relayPeerId,

Send it to the network

await sendParticle(client, particle);

Observe the result in browser console

    "external_addresses": [ "/ip4/", "/dns4/dev.fluence.dev/tcp/19002" ]


SDK Reference: readme.io

Detailed guide on building applications: readme.io

Sample applications:

  • FluentPad: a collaborative text editor with users online status synchronization
  • Other demos: (Chat app, Social feed app, Blog platform app)

About Fluence


Setting up Dev

Install node packages

npm install

Running tests

To run test execute

npm test


While the project is a still in the early stage of development, you are welcome to track progress and contribute. At the current moment we don't have detailed instructions on how to join development or which code guidelines to follow. However, you can expect more info to appear soon enough. In the meanwhile, check out the basic contributing rules.


Apache 2.0

TypeScript 92.9%
JavaScript 6.5%
HTML 0.4%
CSS 0.2%