update config

This commit is contained in:
boneyard93501 2021-03-17 19:00:34 -05:00
parent 8b103e4c2c
commit 817479e760
3 changed files with 14 additions and 313 deletions

View File

@ -35,21 +35,3 @@ pub fn curl_request(url: String) -> String {
extern "C" {
fn curl(cmd: String) -> String;
mod test {
use super::*;
fn curl_test() {
let args = r#"-X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getBlockByNumber","params":["0x1b4", true],"id":1}'"#;
let url = "https://kovan.infura.io/v3//0cc023286cae4ab886598ecd14e256fd";
let cmd = format!("{} {}", args, url);
println!("cmd: {}", cmd);
let res = curl_request(cmd);
println!("res: {}", res);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
modules_dir = "artifacts/"
name = "curl_adapter"
curl = "/usr/bin/curl"
name = "block_getter"
name = "hex_converter"

View File

@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2021 Fluence Labs Limited
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
use fluence::fce; ///, WasmLoggerBuilder};
use fluence::WasmLoggerBuilder;
use fce_sqlite_connector;
use fce_sqlite_connector::{Connection, State, Value};
use uuid::Uuid;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde_json;
// const DB_PATH: &str = "/tmp/db_1.sqlite";
const DB_PATH: &str = "/tmp/db1254.sqlite";
fn main() {
// WasmLoggerBuilder::new().build().unwrap();
const KOVAN_ACCT: &str = "";
pub enum EthereumChains {
KOVAN = 42,
fn get_connection() -> Connection {
fn create_table(conn: &Connection) -> std::result::Result<(), fce_sqlite_connector::Error> {
let res = conn.execute(
create table if not exists reward_blocks (
block_number integer not null primary key,
timestamp integer not null,
block_miner text not null,
block_reward integer not null
create table if not exists payments (
tx_number text not null primary key,
chain_id integer not null,
timestamp integer not null,
amount integer not null,
unit text not null,
available integer not null,
unique(chain_id, tx_number)
create table if not exists costs (
chain_id integer not null primary key,
query_cost integer not null,
cost_unit string not null ,
currency string not null
insert or ignore into costs values(42, 10, 'gwei', 'eth');
pub fn init_service() -> bool {
let conn = fce_sqlite_connector::open(DB_PATH).unwrap();
let res = create_table(&conn);
match res {
Ok(_) => true,
Err(_) => false,
pub fn update_reward_blocks(data_string: String) -> bool {
println!("{}", data_string);
let obj:serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&data_string).unwrap();
let obj = obj["result"].clone();
println!("result obj: {:?}", obj);
println!("blockNumber: {:?}", obj["blockNumber"]);
let conn = fce_sqlite_connector::open(DB_PATH).unwrap();
println!("crate table: {:?}", create_table(&conn).unwrap());
// let data_string = "{\"status\":\"1\",\"message\":\"OK\",\"result\":{\"blockNumber\":\"11980217\",\"timeStamp\":\"1614972187\",\"blockMiner\":\"0x2a0eee948fbe9bd4b661adedba57425f753ea0f6\",\"blockReward\":\"4106318342441412983\",\"uncles\":[],\"uncleInclusionReward\":\"0\"}}";
// let obj:serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&data_string).unwrap();
let insert = "insert or ignore into reward_blocks values(?, ?, ?, ?)";
let mut ins_cur = conn.prepare(insert).unwrap().cursor();
let insert = ins_cur.bind(
&[Value::Integer(i64::from_str_radix(obj["blockNumber"].as_str().unwrap(), 10).unwrap()),
Value::Integer(i64::from_str_radix(obj["timeStamp"].as_str().unwrap(), 10).unwrap()),
Value::Integer(i64::from_str_radix(obj["blockReward"].clone().as_str().unwrap(), 10).unwrap()),
println!("insert: {:?}", insert);
if insert.is_ok() {
let mut select = conn.prepare("select * from reward_blocks").unwrap().cursor();
while let Some(row) = select.next().unwrap() {
println!("select row {:?}", row);
println!("{}, {}", row[0].as_integer().unwrap(), row[2].as_string().unwrap());
return true;
pub struct RewardBlock {
pub block_number: i64,
pub timestamp: i64,
pub block_miner: String,
pub block_reward: String,
impl RewardBlock {
fn from_row(row: &[Value]) -> Self {
RewardBlock {
block_number: row[0].as_integer().unwrap(),
timestamp: row[1].as_integer().unwrap(),
block_miner: row[2].as_string().unwrap().into(),
block_reward: row[3].as_integer().unwrap().to_string(),
fn from_err() -> Self {
RewardBlock {
block_number: -1,
timestamp: -1,
block_miner: String::from(""),
block_reward: String::from(""),
pub fn get_latest_reward_block() -> RewardBlock {
// let db_path = "/tmp/db.sqlite";
let conn = fce_sqlite_connector::open(DB_PATH).unwrap();
let mut reward_block = RewardBlock::from_err();
let select = conn.prepare("select * from reward_blocks order by block_number desc limit 1");
let result = match select {
Ok(s) => {
let mut select = s.cursor();
while let Some(row) = select.next().unwrap() {
println!("get_latest_reward_block: {:?}", row);
reward_block = RewardBlock::from_row(row);
return reward_block;
Err(e) => reward_block,
pub fn get_reward_block(block_number: u32) -> RewardBlock {
let conn = fce_sqlite_connector::open(DB_PATH).unwrap();
let mut reward_block = RewardBlock::from_err();
let stmt = "select * from reward_blocks where block_number = ?";
let select = conn.prepare(stmt);
match select {
Ok(s) => {
let mut select = s.cursor();
select.bind(&[Value::Integer(block_number as i64)]).unwrap();
while let Some(row) = select.next().unwrap() {
println!("get_reward_block: {:?}", row);
reward_block = RewardBlock::from_row(row);
return reward_block;
Err(e) => reward_block
pub struct MinerRewards {
pub miner_address: String,
pub rewards: Vec<String>
impl MinerRewards {
fn new(miner_address: String) -> Self {
let rewards:Vec<String> = Vec::new();
MinerRewards {
pub fn get_miner_rewards(miner_address: String) -> MinerRewards {
let conn = fce_sqlite_connector::open(DB_PATH).unwrap();
println!("miner address: {}", miner_address);
let stmt = "select block_reward from reward_blocks where block_miner = ?";
let select = conn.prepare(stmt);
let mut miner_rewards = MinerRewards::new(miner_address.clone());
match select {
Ok(s) => {
let mut select = s.cursor();
while let Some(row) = select.next().unwrap() {
println!("reward row {:?}", row);
Err(e) => log::error!("suck it"), //(format!("{:?}",e))
println!("miner reward: {:?}", miner_rewards);
pub fn get_account(chain_id:u32) -> String {
fn deposit(tx_string: String, chain_id:u32) {
if chain_id != 42 {
return "only kovan network, 42, is currently available";
// check deposit, get amount
// if valid tx
let stmt = "select * from credits where tx_id = ? and chain_id = ? ";
// if exists: ...alloc
// else:
// credit = amount fro wei to gwei
// select cost from costs where chain_id = ?
let stmt = "insert into credits values (?, ?, ?)";
let my_uuid = Uuid::new_v4();
fn get_balance(reference_id: String, ) {
fn update_payments() {