Getting accurate timestamps can be problematic in various contexts including blockchains. Timestamp oracles can alleviate this concern by aggregating and processing a variety of timestamp sources into a point- or range-estimate. Of course, the acquisition of accurate timestamps not subject to manipulation is a critical attribute of a good oracle. The Fluence peer-to-peer network offers a large number of independent nodes that can serve as timestamp sources from either Kademilia or TrustGraph neighborhoods.
Fluence provides an open Web3 protocol, framework and associated tooling to develop and host applications, interfaces and backends on permissionless peer-to-peer networks. An integral part of the Fluence solution is the Aquamarine stack comprised of Aqua and Marine. Aqua is a new programming language and paradigm purpose-built to program distributed networks and compose applications from distributed services. For more information on Aqua, see
Marine is a general purpose Wasm runtime and toolkit, allows developers to build distributed services that can be composed into distributed applications by Aqua. For more information on Marine, see
*Note that we already deployed the service to node `12D3KooWHLxVhUQyAuZe6AHMB29P7wkvTNMn7eDMcsqimJYLKREf` with service id `ed657e45-0fe3-4d6c-b3a4-a2981b7cadb9`, which is all what's needed to use the service in Aqua.*
In order to run the entire code base, Rust and Node required. If necessary see [Install Rust]( and [NVM]( for details.
which generates Typescript code wrapping of the compiled Aqua intermediary representation (AIR) or we can use the `-a` flag to compile Aqua to AIR files:
We implemented a custom service that returns the mode and frequency for an array of timestamps, see `src/` that can be deployed on to any node of the peer-to-peer network and, once deployed, used to in an Aqua script. Moreover, network peers have builtin services including Kademlia and timestamp services. Both custom and bultin services are accessible by Aqua and ready for composition into an application.
Our oracle solution is implemented in Aqua and utilizes timestamps from peers selected from our Kademlia neighborhood and, for illustrative purposes, use the deployed service to arrive at the point estimate for our oracle. See `src/`. There certanly are better ways to process the timestamps into an oracle but for our purposes, mode works.
In our Aqua script, `aqua-scripts/ts_getter.aqua`, we separate the timestamp collections from the subsequent oracle processing. That is, if a peer-client wants to process the timestamps locally, all that's needed are the timestamps, which can be obtained by calling the `ts_getter` function. Alternatively, the timestamps may be processed by calling one or more `ts-oracle` services deployed on the network.
We can run our Aqua `ts_oracle` script against the deployed processing service to get our oracle point estimate using `aqua run` (Note that you can replace the service id with the one you obtained from your deployment):
Instead of `aqua run`, you can use the Typescript stub and integrate it into a TS client. See [Aqua Playground]( for more information.