2021-11-07 23:32:27 -06:00
2021-11-07 23:32:27 -06:00

Web3 Jam Hackathon

We are excited to support the Ethglobal Web3 Jam Hackathon. The Web3 Jam Hackathon runs from November 12 to 42, 2021 with a total of USD 4,000.00 in Fluence pool named bounties.

About Fluence

Fluence provides the infrastructure and tools to enable decentralized compute for applications and backends on peer-to-peer networks. Nodes in the the Fluence peer-to-peer network host content-addressable services comprised of WebAssembly Interface Types (IT) modules. Aqua, Fluence's purpose-built distribute systems programming language, allows developers to seamlessly program distributed networks and compose hosted services into decentralized applications. As as result, the Fluence platform allows you to bring peer-to-peer compute to a variety of Web3 use cases including data storage, blockchains, identity and to develop custom hosted services and workflows using the Fluence stack.

Challenges And Prizes

Dynamic NTF Lifecycle Management -- USD 2,000.00 for the best submission

Dynamic NFTs are a valuable progression of non-fungible tokens. Using Fluence and Aqua, design and implement a (sub-) protocol to create and manage dynamic NFTs using IPFS or Ceramic as your decentralized persistence layer. For example, consider a dynamic NFT representing a sports persona or stock (immutable) and event-driven data (mutable). For example, your favorite politician NFT maybe update with their latest poll or election results.

Off-Chain NFT Auction Protocol -- USD 2,000.00 for the best submission

Trading and especially auctioning of NFTs are popular exchange mechanisms. Alas, on-chain bidding may incur prohibitively high gas costs per bid massively undermining the value and usability of NFTs to the community. You can change that by creating a decentralized, off-chain NFT auction platform with Fluence and Aqua where bid history, for example, is tracked on a decentralized, immutable persistence layer like IPFS or Filecoin or on a mutable but on-chain anchored solution like Ceramic.

Submission Requirements & Judging Criteria

Document your solution and provide a max three (3) minute video presenting and demonstrating your solutions and submit via a Github or GitLab repo with MIT or Apache 2.0 license. Judging is based on originality, functionality and completeness of the submission.


Fluence has a variety of components and building blocks available to accelerate your project build.


Components and Examples

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