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synced 2025-03-30 17:01:10 +00:00
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309 lines
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const Url = require('url');
const stream = require('readable-stream');
const errors = require('./Errors'); // Standard Dweb Errors
function delay(ms, val) { return new Promise(resolve => {setTimeout(() => { resolve(val); },ms)})}
class Transport {
constructor(options, verbose) {
Doesnt do anything, its all done by SuperClasses,
Superclass should merge with default options, call super
setup0(options, verbose) {
First part of setup, create obj, add to Transports but dont attempt to connect, typically called instead of p_setup if want to parallelize connections.
throw new errors.IntentionallyUnimplementedError("Intentionally undefined function Transport.setup0 should have been subclassed");
p_setup1(options, verbose) { return this; }
p_setup2(options, verbose) { return this; }
static async p_setup(options, verbose) {
Setup the resource and open any P2P connections etc required to be done just once.
In almost all cases this will call the constructor of the subclass
:param obj options: Data structure required by underlying transport layer (format determined by that layer)
:param boolean verbose: true for debugging output
:resolve Transport: Instance of subclass of Transport
let t = await this.setup0(options, verbose) // Sync version that doesnt connect
.p_setup1(verbose); // And connect
return t.p_setup2(verbose); // And connect
togglePaused() {
switch (this.status) {
case Transport.STATUS_CONNECTED:
this.status = Transport.STATUS_PAUSED;
case Transport.STATUS_PAUSED:
this.status = Transport.STATUS_CONNECTED; // Superclass might change to STATUS_STARTING if needs to stop/restart
supports(url, func) {
Determine if this transport supports a certain set of URLs and a func
:param url: String or parsed URL
:return: true if this protocol supports these URLs and this func
:throw: TransportError if invalid URL
if (typeof url === "string") {
url = Url.parse(url); // For efficiency, only parse once.
if (url && !url.protocol) {
throw new Error("URL failed to specific a scheme (before :) " + url.href)
} //Should be TransportError but out of scope here
// noinspection Annotator supportURLs is defined in subclasses
return ( (!url || this.supportURLs.includes(url.protocol.slice(0, -1)))
&& (!func || this.supportFunctions.includes(func)))
p_rawstore(data, verbose) {
Store a blob of data onto the decentralised transport.
Returns a promise that resolves to the url of the data
:param string|Buffer data: Data to store - no assumptions made to size or content
:param boolean verbose: true for debugging output
:resolve string: url of data stored
throw new errors.ToBeImplementedError("Intentionally undefined function Transport.p_rawstore should have been subclassed");
async p_rawstoreCaught(data, verbose) {
try {
return await this.p_rawstore(data, verbose);
} catch (err) {
p_store() {
throw new errors.ToBeImplementedError("Undefined function Transport.p_store - may define higher level semantics here (see Python)");
//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
p_rawfetch(url, {verbose=false}={}) {
Fetch some bytes based on a url, no assumption is made about the data in terms of size or structure.
Where required by the underlying transport it should retrieve a number if its "blocks" and concatenate them.
Returns a new Promise that resolves currently to a string.
There may also be need for a streaming version of this call, at this point undefined.
:param string url: URL of object being retrieved
:param boolean verbose: true for debugging output
:resolve string: Return the object being fetched, (note currently returned as a string, may refactor to return Buffer)
:throws: TransportError if url invalid - note this happens immediately, not as a catch in the promise
console.assert(false, "Intentionally undefined function Transport.p_rawfetch should have been subclassed");
p_fetch() {
throw new errors.ToBeImplementedError("Undefined function Transport.p_fetch - may define higher level semantics here (see Python)");
p_rawadd(url, sig, verbose) {
Store a new list item, ideally it should be stored so that it can be retrieved either by "signedby" (using p_rawlist) or
by "url" (with p_rawreverse). The underlying transport does not need to guarantee the signature,
an invalid item on a list should be rejected on higher layers.
:param string url: String identifying an object being added to the list.
:param Signature sig: A signature data structure.
:param boolean verbose: true for debugging output
:resolve undefined:
throw new errors.ToBeImplementedError("Undefined function Transport.p_rawadd");
p_rawlist(url, verbose) {
Fetch all the objects in a list, these are identified by the url of the public key used for signing.
(Note this is the 'signedby' parameter of the p_rawadd call, not the 'url' parameter
Returns a promise that resolves to the list.
Each item of the list is a dict: {"url": url, "date": date, "signature": signature, "signedby": signedby}
List items may have other data (e.g. reference ids of underlying transport)
:param string url: String with the url that identifies the list.
:param boolean verbose: true for debugging output
:resolve array: An array of objects as stored on the list.
throw new errors.ToBeImplementedError("Undefined function Transport.p_rawlist");
p_list() {
throw new Error("Undefined function Transport.p_list");
p_newlisturls(cl, verbose) {
Must be implemented by any list, return a pair of URLS that may be the same, private and public links to the list.
returns: ( privateurl, publicurl) e.g. yjs:xyz/abc or orbitdb:a123
throw new Error("undefined function Transport.p_newlisturls");
//noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
p_rawreverse(url, verbose) {
Similar to p_rawlist, but return the list item of all the places where the object url has been listed.
The url here corresponds to the "url" parameter of p_rawadd
Returns a promise that resolves to the list.
:param string url: String with the url that identifies the object put on a list.
:param boolean verbose: true for debugging output
:resolve array: An array of objects as stored on the list.
throw new errors.ToBeImplementedError("Undefined function Transport.p_rawreverse");
listmonitor(url, callback, verbose) {
Setup a callback called whenever an item is added to a list, typically it would be called immediately after a p_rawlist to get any more items not returned by p_rawlist.
:param url: string Identifier of list (as used by p_rawlist and "signedby" parameter of p_rawadd
:param callback: function(obj) Callback for each new item added to the list
obj is same format as p_rawlist or p_rawreverse
:param verbose: boolean - true for debugging output
console.log("Undefined function Transport.listmonitor"); // Note intentionally a log, as legitamte to not implement it
// Support for Key-Value pairs as per
// https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yfmLRqKPxKwB939wIy9sSaa7GKOzM5PrCZ4W1jRGW6M/edit#
async p_newdatabase(pubkey, verbose) {
Create a new database based on some existing object
pubkey: Something that is, or has a pubkey, by default support Dweb.PublicPrivate, KeyPair or an array of strings as in the output of keypair.publicexport()
returns: {publicurl, privateurl} which may be the same if there is no write authentication
throw new errors.ToBeImplementedError("Undefined function Transport.p_newdatabase");
//TODO maybe change the listmonitor / monitor code for to use "on" and the structure of PP.events
//TODO but note https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Proxy about Proxy which might be suitable, prob not as doesnt map well to lists
async p_newtable(pubkey, table, verbose) {
Create a new table,
pubkey: Is or has a pubkey (see p_newdatabase)
table: String representing the table - unique to the database
returns: {privateurl, publicurl} which may be the same if there is no write authentication
throw new errors.ToBeImplementedError("Undefined function Transport.p_newtable");
async p_set(url, keyvalues, value, verbose) { // url = yjs:/yjs/database/table/key
Set one or more keys in a table.
url: URL of the table
keyvalues: String representing a single key OR dictionary of keys
value: String or other object to be stored (its not defined yet what objects should be supported, e.g. any object ?
throw new errors.ToBeImplementedError("Undefined function Transport.p_set");
async p_get(url, keys, verbose) {
/* Get one or more keys from a table
url: URL of the table
keys: Array of keys
returns: Dictionary of values found (undefined if not found)
throw new errors.ToBeImplementedError("Undefined function Transport.p_get");
async p_delete(url, keys, verbose) {
/* Delete one or more keys from a table
url: URL of the table
keys: Array of keys
throw new errors.ToBeImplementedError("Undefined function Transport.p_delete");
async p_keys(url, verbose) {
/* Return a list of keys in a table (suitable for iterating through)
url: URL of the table
returns: Array of strings
throw new errors.ToBeImplementedError("Undefined function Transport.p_keys");
async p_getall(url, verbose) {
/* Return a dictionary representing the table
url: URL of the table
returns: Dictionary of Key:Value pairs, note take care if this could be large.
throw new errors.ToBeImplementedError("Undefined function Transport.p_keys");
static mergeoptions(a) {
Deep merge options dictionaries
let c = {};
for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
let b = arguments[i];
for (let key in b) {
let val = b[key];
if ((typeof val === "object") && !Array.isArray(val) && c[key]) {
c[key] = Transport.mergeoptions(a[key], b[key]);
} else {
c[key] = b[key];
return c;
async p_test_kvt(urlexpectedsubstring, verbose=false) {
Test the KeyValue functionality of any transport that supports it.
urlexpectedsubstring: Some string expected in the publicurl of the table.
if (verbose) {console.log(this.name,"p_test_kvt")}
try {
let table = await this.p_newtable("NACL VERIFY:1234567","mytable", verbose);
let mapurl = table.publicurl;
if (verbose) console.log("newtable=",mapurl);
await this.p_set(mapurl, "testkey", "testvalue", verbose);
let res = await this.p_get(mapurl, "testkey", verbose);
console.assert(res === "testvalue");
await this.p_set(mapurl, "testkey2", {foo: "bar"}, verbose); // Try setting to an object
res = await this.p_get(mapurl, "testkey2", verbose);
console.assert(res.foo === "bar");
await this.p_set(mapurl, "testkey3", [1,2,3], verbose); // Try setting to an array
res = await this.p_get(mapurl, "testkey3", verbose);
console.assert(res[1] === 2);
res = await this.p_keys(mapurl);
console.assert(res.includes("testkey") && res.includes("testkey3"));
res = await this.p_delete(mapurl, ["testkey"]);
res = await this.p_getall(mapurl, verbose);
if (verbose) console.log("getall=>",res);
console.assert(res.testkey2.foo === "bar" && res.testkey3["1"] === 2 && !res.testkey1);
await delay(200);
if (verbose) console.log(this.name, "p_test_kvt complete")
} catch(err) {
console.log("Exception thrown in ", this.name, "p_test_kvt:", err.message);
throw err;
Transport.STATUS_CONNECTED = 0; // Connected - all other numbers are some version of not ok to use
Transport.STATUS_FAILED = 1; // Failed to connect
Transport.STATUS_STARTING = 2; // In the process of connecting
Transport.STATUS_LOADED = 3; // Code loaded, but haven't tried to connect. (this is typically hard coded in subclasses constructor)
Transport.STATUS_PAUSED = 4; // It was launched, probably connected, but now paused so will be ignored by validFor
exports = module.exports = Transport;