const errors = require('./Errors'); utils = {}; //utility functions // ==== OBJECT ORIENTED JAVASCRIPT =============== // This is a general purpose library of functions, //Parts of this file (consolearr, and createElement) are duplicated in dweb-transport; dweb-transports and dweb-objects repo // Utility function to print a array of items but just show number and last. utils.consolearr = (arr) => ((arr && arr.length >0) ? [arr.length+" items inc:", arr[arr.length-1]] : arr ); utils.stringfrom = function(foo, hints={}) { try { // Generic way to turn anything into a string if ( === "Url") // Can't use instanceof for some bizarre reason return foo.href; if (typeof foo === "string") return foo; return foo.toString(); // Last chance try and convert to a string based on a method of the object (could check for its existence) } catch (err) { throw new errors.CodingError(`Unable to turn ${foo} into a string ${err.message}`) } }; utils.p_timeout = function(promise, ms, errorstr) { /* In a certain period, timeout and reject promise: A promise we want to watch to completion ms: Time in milliseconds to allow it to run errorstr: Error message in reject error throws: TimeoutError on timeout with message = errorstr */ let timer = null; return Promise.race([ new Promise((resolve, reject) => { timer = setTimeout(reject, ms, new errors.TimeoutError(errorstr || `Timed out in ${ms}ms`)); }), promise.then((value) => { clearTimeout(timer); return value; }) ]); } utils.createElement = function(tag, attrs, children) { // Note arguments is set to tag, attrs, child1, child2 etc // Note identical version in dweb-transport/js/utils.js and dweb-transports/utils.js and dweb-objects/utils.js var element = document.createElement(tag); for (let name in attrs) { let attrname = (name.toLowerCase() === "classname" ? "class" : name); if (name === "dangerouslySetInnerHTML") { element.innerHTML = attrs[name]["__html"]; delete attrs.dangerouslySetInnerHTML; } if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(name)) { let value = attrs[name]; if (value === true) { element.setAttribute(attrname, name); } else if (typeof value === "object" && !Array.isArray(value)) { if (["style"].includes(attrname)) { // e.g. style: {fontSize: "124px"} for (let k in value) { element[attrname][k] = value[k]; } } else { // Assume we are really trying to set the value to an object, allow it element[attrname] = value; // Wont let us use setAttribute(attrname, value) unclear if because unknow attribute or object } } else if (value !== false && value != null) { element.setAttribute(attrname, value.toString()); } } } for (let i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) { // Everything after attrs let child = arguments[i]; if (!child) { } else if (Array.isArray(child)) { => element.appendChild(c.nodeType == null ? document.createTextNode(c.toString()) : c)) } else { element.appendChild( child.nodeType == null ? document.createTextNode(child.toString()) : child); } } return element; } exports = module.exports = utils;