Dweb - Transports Example - unstructured data store and retrieval
Create something here, and when its saved its urls will appear below
Enter a link here and it will be retrieved.
retrieved data will go here
- As you open the page it tries to connect to the transports, which by default are HTTP and IPFS.
- These should change to Yellow as they try, and then Green when connected.
- If it goes Red, it means it failed to connect - e.g. to get an "info" response from HTTP, or to conenct to IPFS.
- You can edit text, which is happening entirely locally on your machine.
- When you hit Save, its stored on the connected transports
- A link to this is put in the Retrieval box
- You can click on the Retrieve button and it will be retrieved and displayed for editing.
- You can also paste that link into a different browser.