const nodefetch = require('node-fetch'); // Note, were using node-fetch-npm which had a warning in webpack see and is intended for clients const errors = require('./Errors'); // Standard Dweb Errors const debught = require('debug')('dweb-transports:httptools'); //var fetch,Headers,Request; //if (typeof(Window) === "undefined") { if (typeof(fetch) === "undefined") { //var fetch = require('whatwg-fetch').fetch; //Not as good as node-fetch-npm, but might be the polyfill needed for browser.safari //XMLHttpRequest = require("xmlhttprequest").XMLHttpRequest; // Note this doesnt work if set to a var or const, needed by whatwg-fetch fetch = nodefetch; Headers = fetch.Headers; // A class Request = fetch.Request; // A class } /* else { // If on a browser, need to find fetch,Headers,Request in window console.log("Loading browser version of fetch,Headers,Request"); fetch = window.fetch; Headers = window.Headers; Request = window.Request; } */ //TODO-HTTP to work on Safari or mobile will require a polyfill, see for comment httptools = {}; async function loopfetch(req, ms, count, what) { /* A workaround for a nasty Chrome issue which fails if there is a (cross-origin?) fetch of more than 6 files. See other WORKAROUND-CHROME-CROSSORIGINFETCH Loops at longer and longer intervals trying req: Request ms: Initial wait between polls count: Max number of times to try (0 means just once) what: Name of what retrieving for log (usually file name or URL) returns Response: */ let lasterr; let loopguard = (typeof window != "undefined") && window.loopguard; // Optional global parameter, will cancel any loops if changes while (count-- && (loopguard === ((typeof window != "undefined") && window.loopguard)) ) { try { return await fetch(req); } catch(err) { lasterr = err; debught("Delaying %s by %d ms because %s", what, ms, err.message); await new Promise(resolve => {setTimeout(() => { resolve(); },ms)}) ms = ms*(1+Math.random()); // Spread out delays incase all requesting same time } } console.warn("loopfetch of",what,"failed"); if (loopguard !== ((typeof window != "undefined") && window.loopguard)) { debught("Looping exited because of page change %s", what); throw new Error("Looping exited because of page change "+ what) } else { throw(lasterr); } } httptools.p_httpfetch = async function(httpurl, init, {wantstream=false}={}) { // Embrace and extend "fetch" to check result etc. /* Fetch a url httpurl: optional (depends on command) init: {headers} resolves to: data as text or json depending on Content-Type header throws: TransportError if fails to fetch //TODO explicitly parameterise if want it to loop */ try { // THis was get("range") but that works when init.headers is a Headers, but not when its an object debught("p_httpfetch: %s %o", httpurl, init.headers.range); //console.log('CTX=',init["headers"].get('Content-Type')) // Using window.fetch, because it doesn't appear to be in scope otherwise in the browser. let req = new Request(httpurl, init); //let response = await fetch(req); let response = await loopfetch(req, 500, 12, "fetching "+httpurl); // fetch throws (on Chrome, untested on Firefox or Node) TypeError: Failed to fetch) // Note response.body gets a stream and response.blob gets a blob and response.arrayBuffer gets a buffer. if (response.ok) { let contenttype = response.headers.get('Content-Type'); if (wantstream) { return response.body; // Note property while json() or text() are functions } else if ((typeof contenttype !== "undefined") && contenttype.startsWith("application/json")) { return response.json(); // promise resolving to JSON } else if ((typeof contenttype !== "undefined") && contenttype.startsWith("text")) { // Note in particular this is used for responses to store return response.text(); } else { // Typically application/octetStream when don't know what fetching return new Buffer(await response.arrayBuffer()); // Convert arrayBuffer to Buffer which is much more usable currently } } // noinspection ExceptionCaughtLocallyJS throw new errors.TransportError(`Transport Error ${response.status}: ${response.statusText}`); } catch (err) { // Error here is particularly unhelpful - if rejected during the COrs process it throws a TypeError debught("p_httpfetch failed: %s", err.message); // note TypeErrors are generated by CORS or the Chrome anti DDOS 'feature' should catch them here and comment if (err instanceof errors.TransportError) { throw err; } else { throw new errors.TransportError(`Transport error thrown by ${httpurl}: ${err.message}`); } } } httptools.p_GET = function(httpurl, opts={}) { /* Locate and return a block, based on its url Throws TransportError if fails opts { start, end, // Range of bytes wanted - inclusive i.e. 0,1023 is 1024 bytes wantstream, // Return a stream rather than data } resolves to: URL that can be used to fetch the resource, of form contenthash:/contenthash/Q123 */ let headers = new Headers(); if (opts.start || opts.end) headers.append("range", `bytes=${opts.start || 0}-${(opts.end