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utils = {}; //utility functions
// ==== OBJECT ORIENTED JAVASCRIPT ===============
// This is a general purpose library of functions, the commented out ones come from other this libraries use in other places
// Utility function to print a array of items but just show number and last.
utils.consolearr = (arr) => ((arr && arr.length >0) ? [arr.length+" items inc:", arr[arr.length-1]] : arr );
//Return true if two shortish arrays a and b intersect or if b is not an array, then if b is in a
//Note there are better solutions exist for longer arrays
//This is intended for comparing two sets of probably equal, but possibly just intersecting URLs
utils.intersects = (a,b) => (Array.isArray(b) ? a.some(x => b.includes(x)) : a.includes(b));
utils.mergeTypedArraysUnsafe = function(a, b) { // Take care of inability to concatenate typed arrays such as Uint8
//http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14071463/how-can-i-merge-typedarrays-in-javascript also has a safe version
const c = new a.constructor(a.length + b.length);
c.set(b, a.length);
return c;
//TODO-STREAM, use this code and return stream from p_rawfetch that this can be applied to
utils.p_streamToBuffer = function(stream, verbose) {
// resolve to a promise that returns a stream.
// Note this comes form one example ...
// There is another example https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/blob/master/examples/exchange-files-in-browser/public/js/app.js#L102 very different
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
let chunks = [];
.on('data', (chunk) => { if (verbose) console.log('on', chunk.length); chunks.push(chunk); })
.once('end', () => { if (verbose) console.log('end chunks', chunks.length); resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks)); })
.on('error', (err) => { // Note error behavior untested currently
console.log("Error event in p_streamToBuffer",err);
reject(new errors.TransportError('Error in stream'))
} catch (err) {
console.log("Error thrown in p_streamToBuffer", err);
//TODO-STREAM, use this code and return stream from p_rawfetch that this can be applied to
//TODO-STREAM debugging in streamToBuffer above, copy to here when fixed above
utils.p_streamToBlob = function(stream, mimeType, verbose) {
// resolve to a promise that returns a stream - currently untested as using Buffer
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
let chunks = [];
.on('data', (chunk)=>chunks.push(chunk))
.once('end', () =>
? new Blob(chunks, { type: mimeType })
: new Blob(chunks)))
.on('error', (err) => { // Note error behavior untested currently
console.log("Error event in p_streamToBuffer",err);
reject(new errors.TransportError('Error in stream'))
} catch(err) {
console.log("Error thrown in p_streamToBlob",err);
utils.stringfrom = function(foo, hints={}) {
try {
// Generic way to turn anything into a string
if (foo.constructor.name === "Url") // Can't use instanceof for some bizarre reason
return foo.href;
if (typeof foo === "string")
return foo;
return foo.toString(); // Last chance try and convert to a string based on a method of the object (could check for its existence)
} catch (err) {
throw new errors.CodingError(`Unable to turn ${foo} into a string ${err.message}`)
utils.objectfrom = function(data, hints={}) {
// Generic way to turn something into a object (typically expecting a string, or a buffer)
return (typeof data === "string" || data instanceof Buffer) ? JSON.parse(data) : data;
utils.keyFilter = function(dic, keys) {
// Utility to return a new dic containing each of keys (equivalent to python { dic[k] for k in keys }
return keys.reduce(function(prev, key) { prev[key] = dic[key]; return prev; }, {});
utils.p_timeout = function(promise, ms, errorstr) {
/* In a certain period, timeout and reject
promise: A promise we want to watch to completion
ms: Time in milliseconds to allow it to run
errorstr: Error message in reject error
let timer = null;
return Promise.race([
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
timer = setTimeout(reject, ms, errorstr || `Timed out in ${ms}ms`);
promise.then((value) => {
return value;
exports = module.exports = utils;