2018-07-09 19:08:56 -07:00
const DwebTransports = require('./index.js');
2018-08-13 17:55:04 +10:00
async function p_test({transport=["GUN"]}={}) {
2018-07-09 19:08:56 -07:00
if (Array.isArray(transport)) {
for (tname of transport) {
2018-09-24 19:14:20 +10:00
await p_test({transport: tname}); // Note this is going to run in parallel
2018-07-09 19:08:56 -07:00
} else {
let tclass = DwebTransports._transportclasses[transport];
2018-08-13 17:55:04 +10:00
await tclass.p_test();
2018-07-09 19:08:56 -07:00
2018-09-24 19:14:20 +10:00
async function test_transports() {
try {
/* Could convert this - copied fom YJS to do a test at the "Transports" level
let testurl = "yjs:/yjs/THISATEST"; // Just a predictable number can work with
let res = await transport.p_rawlist(testurl);
let listlen = res.length; // Holds length of list run intermediate
console.log("rawlist returned ", ...utils.consolearr(res));
transport.listmonitor(testurl, (obj) => console.log("Monitored", obj));
let sig = new Dweb.Signature({urls: ["123"], date: new Date(Date.now()), signature: "Joe Smith", signedby: [testurl]});
await transport.p_rawadd(testurl, sig);
console.log("TransportIPFS.p_rawadd returned ");
res = await transport.p_rawlist(testurl);
console.log("rawlist returned ", ...utils.consolearr(res)); // Note not showing return
await delay(500);
res = await transport.p_rawlist(testurl);
console.assert(res.length === listlen + 1, "Should have added one item");
//console.log("TransportYJS test complete");
/* TODO-KEYVALUE reenable these tests,s but catch http examples
let db = await this.p_newdatabase("TESTNOTREALLYAKEY"); // { privateurls, publicurls }
console.assert(db.privateurls[0] === "yjs:/yjs/TESTNOTREALLYAKEY");
let table = await this.p_newtable("TESTNOTREALLYAKEY","TESTTABLE"); // { privateurls, publicurls }
let mapurls = table.publicurls;
console.assert(mapurls[0] === "yjs:/yjs/TESTNOTREALLYAKEY/TESTTABLE");
await this.p_set(mapurls, "testkey", "testvalue");
let res = await this.p_get(mapurls, "testkey");
console.assert(res === "testvalue");
await this.p_set(mapurls, "testkey2", {foo: "bar"});
res = await this.p_get(mapurls, "testkey2");
console.assert(res.foo === "bar");
await this.p_set(mapurls, "testkey3", [1,2,3]);
res = await this.p_get(mapurls, "testkey3");
console.assert(res[1] === 2);
res = await this.p_keys(mapurls);
console.assert(res.length === 3 && res.includes("testkey3"));
res = await this.p_getall(mapurls);
console.assert(res.testkey2.foo === "bar");
} catch(err) {
console.log("Exception thrown in Transports.test:", err.message);
throw err;
function canonicalNameTests() {
// Test the regexps
[ // Each test shows the URL and the expected return of protocol and internal string, it doesnt test failing cases
["https://dweb.me/ipfs/internal", "ipfs", "internal"],
["https://dweb.ipfs.foo.bar/internal", "ipfs", "internal"],
["dweb://ipfs/internal", "ipfs", "internal"],
["ipfs://internal", "ipfs", "internal"],
["gun://ipfs/internal", "ipfs", "internal"],
["/ipfs/internal", "ipfs", "internal"],
["/dweb/ipfs/internal", "ipfs", "internal"],
["http://dweb.dom.ain/internal", "arc", "dom.ain/internal"],
["http://localhost:123/archive.org/internal", "arc", "archive.org/internal"],
["https://dweb.arc.dom.ain/internal", "arc", "dom.ain/internal"],
["https://foo.bar/baz/splat", "https", "foo.bar/baz/splat"]
].forEach((t) => {
let res = DwebTransports.canonicalName(t[0]);
if (!(res && res["proto"] === t[1] && res["internal"] === t[2])) {
console.log("ERROR", t, res);
.then(() => test_transports);