mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 13:30:48 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ module AirScripts.GetAll exposing (..)
import Air exposing (Air, callBI, fold, next, par, relayEvent, seq, set)
import Json.Encode exposing (list, string)
askRelaySchema : Air
askRelaySchema =
(callBI "relayId" ( "op", "identity" ) [] Nothing)
(askAllAndSend "relayId")
askRelayScript : String -> String -> Air
askRelayScript peerId relayId =
@ -19,18 +20,19 @@ askRelayScript peerId relayId =
relayIdSet =
set "relayId" <| string relayId
clientIdSet <| relayIdSet <| askRelaySchema
clientIdSet <| relayIdSet <| askRelaySchema
askPeersSchema : Air
askPeersSchema =
(fold "knownPeers" "p" <|
fold "knownPeers" "p" <|
(callBI "p" ( "op", "identity" ) [] Nothing)
(askAllAndSend "p")
(next "p")
askPeersScript : String -> String -> List String -> Air
askPeersScript peerId relayId peers =
@ -44,7 +46,8 @@ askPeersScript peerId relayId peers =
peersSet =
set "knownPeers" <| list string peers
clientIdSet <| relayIdSet <| peersSet <| askPeersSchema
clientIdSet <| relayIdSet <| peersSet <| askPeersSchema
findAndAskNeighboursSchema : Air
findAndAskNeighboursSchema =
@ -63,9 +66,11 @@ findAndAskNeighboursSchema =
(next "n")
findAndAskNeighboursScript : String -> String ->Air
findAndAskNeighboursScript : String -> String -> Air
findAndAskNeighboursScript peerId relayId =
clientIdSet =
@ -74,7 +79,8 @@ findAndAskNeighboursScript peerId relayId =
relayIdSet =
set "relayId" <| string relayId
clientIdSet <| relayIdSet <| findAndAskNeighboursSchema
clientIdSet <| relayIdSet <| findAndAskNeighboursSchema
air : String -> String -> List String -> Air
air peerId relayId peers =
@ -88,23 +94,24 @@ air peerId relayId peers =
peersSet =
set "knownPeers" <| list string peers
askRelay = (\innerAir ->
askRelay =
\innerAir ->
askPeers = (\innerAir ->
askPeers =
\innerAir ->
clientIdSet <| relayIdSet <| peersSet <| (askRelay <| askPeers <| findAndAskNeighboursSchema)
askAllAndSend : String -> Air
askAllAndSend var =
(callBI var ( "op", "identify" ) [] (Just "ident"))
(callBI var ( "dist", "get_blueprints" ) [] (Just "blueprints"))
@ -116,4 +123,3 @@ askAllAndSend var =
@ -39,8 +39,7 @@ view model id =
Nothing ->
div [ classes "cf ph2-ns" ]
blueprintToInfo : Model -> String -> Maybe BlueprintViewInfo
@ -36,11 +36,12 @@ view model =
viewService : BlueprintInfo -> Html msg
viewService blueprint =
div [ classes "fl w-100 w-third-ns pr3 lucida" ]
[ a [ attribute "href" ("/blueprint/" ++ blueprint.id)
[ a
[ attribute "href" ("/blueprint/" ++ blueprint.id)
, classes "fl w-100 bg-white black mw6 mr3 mb3 hide-child pv3 pl4 br3 element-box ba b--white no-underline"
[ div [ classes "w-100 mb3 pt1 b f3 overflow-hidden" ] [ text blueprint.name ]
, div [ classes "w-100 mb4 fw4 gray-font" ] [ text "By ", span [classes "lucida-in normal"] [text blueprint.author] ]
, div [ classes "w-100 mb4 fw4 gray-font" ] [ text "By ", span [ classes "lucida-in normal" ] [ text blueprint.author ] ]
, div [ classes "w-100 mt1 lucida gray-font" ] [ instancesText blueprint.instanceNumber ]
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ welcomeText =
[ span []
[ text "Welcome to the Fluence Developer Hub! Start building with composing existing services or explore featured modules to create your custom services. Learn more about how to build applications in "
, a [ attribute "href" "https://fluence-labs.readme.io/docs" ] [ text "Documentation" ]
--, text " and "
--, a [ attribute "href" "/" ] [ text "Tutorials" ]
, text "."
@ -1,30 +1,32 @@
module Info exposing (..)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
type alias ModuleDescription =
{ site: String
, description: String
{ site : String
, description : String
getSite : String -> String
getSite name =
modulesDescription |> Dict.get name |> Maybe.map .site |> Maybe.withDefault ""
getDescription : String -> String
getDescription name =
modulesDescription |> Dict.get name |> Maybe.map .description |> Maybe.withDefault "Awesome module without description"
modulesDescription : Dict String ModuleDescription
modulesDescription =
[ ("sqlite3", { site = "https://github.com/fluencelabs/sqlite", description = "A database that ported on Wasm"})
, ("history", { site = "https://github.com/fluencelabs/aqua-demo/tree/master/services/history", description = "Middleware that stores history (i.e. chat messages) in sqlite"})
, ("user-list", { site = "https://github.com/fluencelabs/aqua-demo/tree/master/services/user-list", description = "Middleware that stores users with their auth (i.e. chat members) in sqlite"})
, ("redis", { site = "https://github.com/fluencelabs/redis", description = "A database that ported on Wasm"})
, ("curl", { site = "https://github.com/fluencelabs/fce/tree/master/examples/url-downloader/curl", description = "Module that call 'curl' command"})
, ("facade", { site = "https://github.com/fluencelabs/fce/tree/master/examples/url-downloader/facade", description = "An API facade for Url-Downloader app"})
, ("local_storage", { site = "https://github.com/fluencelabs/fce/tree/master/examples/url-downloader/local_storage", description = "Could be used to store data"})
[ ( "sqlite3", { site = "https://github.com/fluencelabs/sqlite", description = "A database that ported on Wasm" } )
, ( "history", { site = "https://github.com/fluencelabs/aqua-demo/tree/master/services/history", description = "Middleware that stores history (i.e. chat messages) in sqlite" } )
, ( "user-list", { site = "https://github.com/fluencelabs/aqua-demo/tree/master/services/user-list", description = "Middleware that stores users with their auth (i.e. chat members) in sqlite" } )
, ( "redis", { site = "https://github.com/fluencelabs/redis", description = "A database that ported on Wasm" } )
, ( "curl", { site = "https://github.com/fluencelabs/fce/tree/master/examples/url-downloader/curl", description = "Module that call 'curl' command" } )
, ( "facade", { site = "https://github.com/fluencelabs/fce/tree/master/examples/url-downloader/facade", description = "An API facade for Url-Downloader app" } )
, ( "local_storage", { site = "https://github.com/fluencelabs/fce/tree/master/examples/url-downloader/local_storage", description = "Could be used to store data" } )
@ -17,9 +17,11 @@ toInstance peerId identify blueprints service =
bp =
blueprints |> Dict.get service.blueprint_id
name = bp |> Maybe.map .name |> Maybe.withDefault "unknown"
name =
bp |> Maybe.map .name |> Maybe.withDefault "unknown"
blueprintId = bp |> Maybe.map .id |> Maybe.withDefault "#"
blueprintId =
bp |> Maybe.map .id |> Maybe.withDefault "#"
ip =
List.head identify.external_addresses
@ -69,8 +71,8 @@ viewTable instances =
viewInstance : Instance -> Html msg
viewInstance instance =
tr [ classes "table-red-row" ]
[ td [ classes "ph3" ] [ p [classes "ws-normal"] [ a [ attribute "href" ("/blueprint/" ++ instance.blueprintId), classes "black" ] [text instance.name ]]]
, td [ classes "ph3" ] [ p [classes "ws-normal"] [text instance.instance ]]
, td [ classes "ph3 dn dtc-ns" ] [ p [classes "ws-normal"] [text (shortHashRaw 8 instance.peerId) ]]
, td [ classes "ph3 dn dtc-ns" ] [ p [classes "ws-normal"] [text instance.ip ]]
[ td [ classes "ph3" ] [ p [ classes "ws-normal" ] [ a [ attribute "href" ("/blueprint/" ++ instance.blueprintId), classes "black" ] [ text instance.name ] ] ]
, td [ classes "ph3" ] [ p [ classes "ws-normal" ] [ text instance.instance ] ]
, td [ classes "ph3 dn dtc-ns" ] [ p [ classes "ws-normal" ] [ text (shortHashRaw 8 instance.peerId) ] ]
, td [ classes "ph3 dn dtc-ns" ] [ p [ classes "ws-normal" ] [ text instance.ip ] ]
@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ signatureView : Signature -> Html msg
signatureView signature =
div [ classes "i f6 fl w-100 mv2" ]
[ text "fn "
, span [classes "fw5"] [text signature.name]
, text (interpolate "({0}) -> {1}" [ argumentsToString signature.arguments, outputToString signature.output_types ]) ]
, span [ classes "fw5" ] [ text signature.name ]
, text (interpolate "({0}) -> {1}" [ argumentsToString signature.arguments, outputToString signature.output_types ])
argumentsToString : List (List String) -> String
@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ view model id =
Nothing ->
div [ classes "cf ph2-ns" ]
moduleToInfo : Dict String Module -> String -> Maybe ModuleViewInfo
@ -71,9 +70,14 @@ moduleToInfo modules id =
resString = String.fromChar (Char.fromCode 160)
empty = span [ ] [ text resString ]
resString =
String.fromChar (Char.fromCode 160)
empty =
span [] [ text resString ]
viewInfo : ModuleViewInfo -> Html msg
viewInfo moduleInfo =
@ -83,7 +87,12 @@ viewInfo moduleInfo =
[ span [ classes "fl w-100 black b lucida" ] [ text moduleInfo.author ] ]
, div [ classes "fl w-100 w-20-ns gray mv3" ] [ text "WEBSITE" ]
, div [ classes "fl w-100 w-80-ns mv3 lucida" ]
[ if moduleInfo.website == "" then empty else a [ attribute "href" moduleInfo.website, classes "fl w-100 fluence-red" ] [ text moduleInfo.website ] ]
[ if moduleInfo.website == "" then
a [ attribute "href" moduleInfo.website, classes "fl w-100 fluence-red" ] [ text moduleInfo.website ]
, div [ classes "fl w-100 w-20-ns gray mv3" ] [ text "DESCRIPTION" ]
, div [ classes "fl w-100 w-80-ns mv3 lucida" ]
[ span [ classes "fl w-100 black", property "innerHTML" (string " 123") ] [ text moduleInfo.description ] ]
@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ import Utils.Utils exposing (instancesText)
getModuleShortInfo : Model -> List ModuleShortInfo
getModuleShortInfo model =
getAllModules model.modules model.discoveredPeers |>
Dict.toList |>
List.map (\( _, ( moduleInfo, peers ) ) -> { moduleInfo = moduleInfo, instanceNumber = List.length peers })
getAllModules model.modules model.discoveredPeers
|> Dict.toList
|> List.map (\( _, ( moduleInfo, peers ) ) -> { moduleInfo = moduleInfo, instanceNumber = List.length peers })
getAllModules : Dict String Module -> Dict String PeerData -> Dict String ( Module, List String )
@ -62,12 +62,14 @@ view modules =
viewService : ModuleShortInfo -> Html msg
viewService moduleInfo =
div [ classes "fl w-100 w-third-ns pr3" ]
[ a [ attribute "href" ("/module/" ++ moduleInfo.moduleInfo.name),
classes "fl w-100 bg-white black mw6 mr2 mb3 hide-child pa2 element-box ba b--white pl3" ]
[ a
[ attribute "href" ("/module/" ++ moduleInfo.moduleInfo.name)
, classes "fl w-100 bg-white black mw6 mr2 mb3 hide-child pa2 element-box ba b--white pl3"
[ p [ classes "tl di" ]
[ div [ classes "fl b w-100 mb1 fw5 overflow-hidden" ]
[ text moduleInfo.moduleInfo.name ]
, div [ classes "fl w-100 mt1 lucida gray-font2" ] [ instancesText moduleInfo.instanceNumber ]
, div [ classes "fl w-100 mt1 lucida gray-font2" ] [ instancesText moduleInfo.instanceNumber ]
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ routeView model route =
Module moduleName ->
ModulePage.view model moduleName
getAllCmd : String -> String -> List String -> Cmd msg
getAllCmd peerId relayId knownPeers =
@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ getAllCmd peerId relayId knownPeers =
, sendAir (GetAll.findAndAskNeighboursScript peerId relayId)
routeCommand : Model -> Route -> Cmd msg
routeCommand m r =
case r of
@ -41,16 +41,20 @@ body model =
[ [ header [ classes "w-100" ]
[ div [ classes "w-100 fl pv2 bg-white one-edge-shadow" ]
[ div [ classes "mw8-ns center ph3"]
[ div [ classes "mw8-ns center ph3" ]
[ div [ classes "fl mv1 pl3" ]
[ a [ attribute "href" "/" ]
[ img [ classes "mw-100", style "height" "30px"
, attribute "src" "/images/logo_new.svg"
, style "position" "relative"
, style "top" "0.16rem" ] []
[ img
[ classes "mw-100"
, style "height" "30px"
, attribute "src" "/images/logo_new.svg"
, style "position" "relative"
, style "top" "0.16rem"
, div [ classes "fl pl5 h-auto" ] [ p [ classes "h-100 m-auto fw4" ] [ text "Developer Hub" ] ]
, div [ classes "fl pl5 h-auto" ] [ p [ classes "h-100 m-auto fw4" ] [ a [ attribute "href" "/", classes "link black" ] [ text "Developer Hub" ] ] ]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user