mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 12:00:50 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ class AppRegistry[F[_]: Monad: Concurrent: ContextShift: Timer: LiftIO](
.get(System.getProperty("user.home"), s".salmon/$name")
_ <- EitherT(IO(Files.createDirectories(baseDir)).attempt.to[F])
path = baseDir.resolve("genesis.json")
_ <- EitherT(IO(Files.write(path, genesis.getBytes())).attempt.to[F])
_ <- log(s"$name saved genesis -> $path")
genesisPath = baseDir.resolve("genesis.json")
_ <- EitherT(IO(Files.write(genesisPath, genesis.getBytes())).attempt.to[F])
_ <- log(s"$name saved genesis -> $genesisPath")
binaryHash <- EitherT.fromEither(
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class AppRegistry[F[_]: Monad: Concurrent: ContextShift: Timer: LiftIO](
status <- status(name, peer)
_ <- log(s"$name got peer status")
containerId <- runner.run(name, p2pPeer(status), binaryPath)
containerId <- runner.run(name, p2pPeer(peer, status), binaryPath, genesisPath)
_ <- log(s"$name container started $containerId")
app = App(name, containerId, peer, binaryHash, binaryPath)
@ -123,10 +123,10 @@ class AppRegistry[F[_]: Monad: Concurrent: ContextShift: Timer: LiftIO](
private def p2pPeer(status: TendermintStatus) = {
private def p2pPeer(peer: Peer, status: TendermintStatus) = {
val id = status.node_info.id
val endpoint = status.node_info.listen_addr.replace("tcp://", "")
val port = status.node_info.listen_addr.replace("tcp://", "").split(":").tail.head
private def dumpGenesis(appName: String,
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ object Main extends IOApp {
override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = {
val ipfsUri = Uri("ipfs.fluence.one", 5001)
val ipfsUri = Uri("ipfs2.fluence.one", 5001)
sttpResource.use { implicit sttp =>
val ipfsStore = IpfsStore[IO](ipfsUri)
@ -27,48 +27,59 @@ case class Runner[F[_]: Monad: LiftIO: ContextShift: Defer: Concurrent](
// nsd --log_level "debug" start --moniker stage-02 --address tcp:// --p2p.laddr tcp:// --rpc.laddr tcp:// --p2p.persistent_peers d53cf2cb91514edb41441503e8a11f004023f2ee@
val ContainerImage = "cosmos-runner"
val ContainerImage = "folexflu/cosmos-runner"
private def nextPortThousand =
lastPort.modify(p => (p + 1 toShort, p * 1000 toShort))
private def dockerCmd(name: String, peer: String, binaryPath: Path) =
private def dockerCmd(name: String, peer: String, binaryPath: Path, genesisPath: Path) =
for {
portThousand <- nextPortThousand
process = DockerParams
cmd = DockerParams
.port(30656 + portThousand toShort, 26656)
.port(30657 + portThousand toShort, 26657)
.port(30658 + portThousand toShort, 26658)
.option("--name", name)
.option("-e", s"PEER=$peer") //TODO: Add $PEER usage to docker script
.volume(binaryPath.toAbsolutePath.toString, "/binary") //TODO: download binary from IPFS
.prepared(DockerImage(ContainerImage, "latest"))
.option("-e", s"PEER=$peer")
.option("-e", s"MONIKER=$name")
.volume(binaryPath.toAbsolutePath.toString, "/binary")
.volume(genesisPath.toAbsolutePath.toString, "/root/genesis.json")
.prepared(DockerImage(ContainerImage, "ubuntu"))
_ = println(s"Running docker ${cmd.command.mkString(" ")}")
process = cmd.process
} yield process
private def getLogPath(containerId: String): EitherT[F, Throwable, Path] =
EitherT(IO(s"docker inspect $containerId".!!).attempt.to[F])
.subflatMap(inspect => parse(inspect))
.subflatMap { inspect =>
.subflatMap { json =>
new Exception(s"Can't parse array from docker inspect $containerId")
.flatMap(p => EitherT(IO(Paths.get(p)).attempt.to[F]))
.subflatMap { json =>
.flatMap { p =>
private def log(str: String) = IO(println(str)).to[F]
def run(name: String,
peer: String,
binaryPath: Path): EitherT[F, Throwable, String] = {
binaryPath: Path,
genesisPath: Path): EitherT[F, Throwable, String] = {
val containerId = for {
cmd <- dockerCmd(name, peer, binaryPath)
cmd <- dockerCmd(name, peer, binaryPath, genesisPath)
_ <- log(s"$name got dockerCmd")
idPromise <- Deferred[F, Either[Throwable, String]]
_ <- Concurrent[F].start(
@ -101,6 +112,7 @@ case class Runner[F[_]: Monad: LiftIO: ContextShift: Defer: Concurrent](
containerId: String): EitherT[F, Throwable, fs2.Stream[F, String]] =
for {
logPath <- getLogPath(containerId)
_ = println(s"$containerId logPath: $logPath")
stream = FileStream.stream[F](logPath)
} yield stream
Reference in New Issue
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