Vladimir Grichina 16f40c4c8d No need to worry about UTF-8 byes confused with delimiters, etc
Thanks to awesome UTF-8 design it never clashes with ASCII chars.
2019-01-09 17:53:15 -08:00

334 lines
9.7 KiB

declare function logStr(str: string): void;
declare function logF64(val: f64): void;
* Extend from this class to handle events from parser.
* Default implementation traverses whole object tree and does nothing.
export abstract class JSONHandler {
setString(name: string, value: string): void {
setBoolean(name: string, value: bool): void {
setNull(name: string): void {
setInteger(name: string, value: i32): void {
pushArray(name: string): bool {
return true;
popArray(): void {
pushObject(name: string): bool {
return true;
popObject(): void {
* Extend from this class to handle events from parser.
* This implementation crashes on every unimplemented set/push method
* to allow easier validation of input.
export class ThrowingJSONHandler extends JSONHandler {
setString(name: string, value: string): void {
assert(false, 'Unexpected string field ' + name + ' : "' + value + '"');
setBoolean(name: string, value: bool): void {
assert(false, 'Unexpected bool field ' + name + ' : ' + (value ? 'true' : 'false'));
setNull(name: string): void {
assert(false, 'Unexpected null field ' + name);
setInteger(name: string, value: i32): void {
let arr: Array<i32> = [value];
assert(false, 'Unexpected integer field ' + name + ' : ' + arr.toString());
pushArray(name: string): bool {
assert(false, 'Unexpected array field ' + name);
return true;
pushObject(name: string): bool {
assert(false, 'Unexpected object field ' + name);
return true;
const TRUE_STR = "true";
const FALSE_STR = "false";
const NULL_STR = "null";
let CHAR_0 = "0".charCodeAt(0);
let CHAR_9 = "9".charCodeAt(0);
let CHAR_A = "A".charCodeAt(0);
let CHAR_A_LOWER = "a".charCodeAt(0);
export class DecoderState {
readIndex: i32 = 0;
buffer: Uint8Array = null;
lastKey: string = null;
export class JSONDecoder<JSONHandlerT extends JSONHandler> {
handler: JSONHandlerT;
state: DecoderState;
constructor(handler: JSONHandlerT) {
this.handler = handler;
deserialize(buffer: Uint8Array, decoderState: DecoderState = null): void {
if (decoderState) {
this.state = decoderState;
} else {
this.state = new DecoderState();
this.state.readIndex = 0;
this.state.buffer = buffer;
this.state.lastKey = null;
assert(this.parseValue(), "Cannot parse JSON");
// TODO: Error if input left
private peekChar(): i32 {
if (this.state.readIndex >= this.state.buffer.length) {
return -1;
return this.state.buffer[this.state.readIndex];
private readChar(): i32 {
assert(this.state.readIndex < this.state.buffer.length, "Unexpected input end");
return this.state.buffer[this.state.readIndex++];
private parseValue(): bool {
let result = this.parseObject()
|| this.parseArray()
|| this.parseString()
|| this.parseBoolean()
|| this.parseNumber()
|| this.parseNull()
return result;
private parseObject(): bool {
if (this.peekChar() != "{".charCodeAt(0)) {
return false;
let key = this.state.lastKey;
this.state.lastKey = null;
if (this.handler.pushObject(key)) {
let firstItem = true;
while (this.peekChar() != "}".charCodeAt(0)) {
if (!firstItem) {
assert(this.readChar() == ",".charCodeAt(0), "Expected ','");
} else {
firstItem = false;
assert(this.readChar() == "}".charCodeAt(0), "Unexpected end of object");
return true;
private parseKey(): void {
this.state.lastKey = this.readString();
assert(this.readChar() == ":".charCodeAt(0), "Expected ':'");
private parseArray(): bool {
if (this.peekChar() != "[".charCodeAt(0)) {
return false;
let key = this.state.lastKey;
this.state.lastKey = null;
if (this.handler.pushArray(key)) {
let firstItem = true;
while (this.peekChar() != "]".charCodeAt(0)) {
if (!firstItem) {
assert(this.readChar() == ",".charCodeAt(0), "Expected ','");
} else {
firstItem = false;
assert(this.readChar() == "]".charCodeAt(0), "Unexpected end of array");
return true;;
private parseString(): bool {
if (this.peekChar() != '"'.charCodeAt(0)) {
return false;
this.handler.setString(this.state.lastKey, this.readString());
return true;
private readString(): string {
assert(this.readChar() == '"'.charCodeAt(0), "Expected double-quoted string");
let savedIndex = this.state.readIndex;
let stringParts: Array<string> = new Array<string>();
for (;;) {
let byte = this.readChar();
assert(byte >= 0x20, "Unexpected control character");
if (byte == '"'.charCodeAt(0)) {
String.fromUTF8(this.state.buffer.buffer.data + savedIndex, this.state.readIndex - savedIndex - 1));
return stringParts.join("");
if (byte == "\\".charCodeAt(0)) {
if (this.state.readIndex > savedIndex + 1) {
String.fromUTF8(this.state.buffer.buffer.data + savedIndex, this.state.readIndex - savedIndex - 1));
savedIndex = this.state.readIndex;
// Should never happen
return "";
private readEscapedChar(): string {
let byte = this.readChar();
// TODO: Use lookup table for anything except \u
if (byte == '"'.charCodeAt(0)) {
return '"';
if (byte == "\\".charCodeAt(0)) {
return "\\";
if (byte == "/".charCodeAt(0)) {
return "/";
if (byte == "b".charCodeAt(0)) {
return "\b";
if (byte == "n".charCodeAt(0)) {
return "\n";
if (byte == "r".charCodeAt(0)) {
return "\r";
if (byte == "t".charCodeAt(0)) {
return "\t";
if (byte == "u".charCodeAt(0)) {
let d1 = this.readHexDigit();
let d2 = this.readHexDigit();
let d3 = this.readHexDigit();
let d4 = this.readHexDigit();
let charCode = d1 * 0x1000 + d2 * 0x100 + d3 * 0x10 + d4;
return String.fromCodePoint(charCode);
assert(false, "Unexpected escaped character: " + String.fromCharCode(byte));
return "";
private readHexDigit(): i32 {
let byte = this.readChar();
let digit = byte - CHAR_0;
if (digit > 9) {
digit = byte - CHAR_A + 10;
if (digit < 10 || digit > 15) {
digit = byte - CHAR_A_LOWER + 10;
let arr: Array<i32> = [byte, digit];
assert(digit >= 0 && digit < 16, "Unexpected \\u digit");
return digit;
private parseNumber(): bool {
// TODO: Parse floats
let number: i32 = 0;
let sign: i32 = 1;
if (this.peekChar() == "-".charCodeAt(0)) {
sign = -1;
let digits = 0;
while (CHAR_0 <= this.peekChar() && this.peekChar() <= CHAR_9 ) {
let byte = this.readChar();
number *= 10;
number += byte - CHAR_0;
if (digits > 0) {
this.handler.setInteger(this.state.lastKey, number * sign);
return true;
return false;
private parseBoolean(): bool {
if (this.peekChar() == FALSE_STR.charCodeAt(0)) {
this.handler.setBoolean(this.state.lastKey, false);
return true;
if (this.peekChar() == TRUE_STR.charCodeAt(0)) {
this.handler.setBoolean(this.state.lastKey, true);
return true;
return false;
private parseNull(): bool {
if (this.peekChar() == NULL_STR.charCodeAt(0)) {
return true;
return false;
private readAndAssert(str: string): void {
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
assert(str.charCodeAt(i) == this.readChar(), "Expected '" + str + "'");
private skipWhitespace(): void {
while (this.isWhitespace(this.peekChar())) {
private isWhitespace(charCode: i32): bool {
return charCode == 0x9 || charCode == 0xa || charCode == 0xd || charCode == 0x20;