Ivan Boldyrev bab0c002f5
chore: Rust channel update dedicated to ENIAC Day (#822)
It requires updating minor version of curve25519-dalek and ahash crates in the
Cargo.lock.  If you need to use older version of nightly rustc, use
curve25519-dalek-4.1.1 and ahash-07.8/0.8.9.  It affects Cargo.lock only.
2024-02-23 04:29:22 +07:00

7 lines
322 B

# AquaVM can be built with "stable", "nightly" required only to build Marine tests
channel = "nightly-2024-02-15"
components = [ "rustfmt", "clippy", "rust-src", "llvm-tools-preview" ]
targets = [ "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "x86_64-apple-darwin", "wasm32-wasi", "wasm32-unknown-unknown" ]
profile = "minimal"