Ivan Boldyrev 0eb37800b6
AquaVM benchmarks (#283)
* Fix stale benchmarks
* Data (de)serialization and execution benchmarks:

Two kind of benchmark: relatively short, but with huge call results, and
long trace of small call results.  Moreover, there are two case for each:
with same data to be merged with comparison, and data from different
par branches merged w/o comparison.
2022-07-08 21:07:04 +07:00

28 lines
875 B

use air_test_utils::prelude::*;
use criterion::criterion_group;
use criterion::criterion_main;
use criterion::Criterion;
use std::cell::RefCell;
thread_local!(static VM: RefCell<TestRunner> = RefCell::new(create_avm(unit_call_service(), "test_peer_id")));
thread_local!(static SCRIPT: String = String::from(
(call "test_peer_id" ("local_service_id" "local_fn_name") [] result_name)
fn current_peer_id_call() -> Result<RawAVMOutcome, String> {
let run_parameters = TestRunParameters::new("test_peer_id", 0, 1);
VM.with(|vm| SCRIPT.with(|script| vm.borrow_mut().call(script, "", "", run_parameters)))
fn criterion_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) {
c.bench_function("current_peer_id_call", move |b| b.iter(move || current_peer_id_call()));
criterion_group!(benches, criterion_benchmark);