#!/usr/bin/env bash set -o pipefail -e # # This command executes AquaVM on the same data as benches, but outputs a trace. # Its dependencies: # + jq utility # + compiled AquaVM WASM binary # + installed air-trace function trace_len { jq '.trace | length' } function jq_prepend_trace { jq -c ".trace |= [ $1 ] + ." } function insert_left { local input="$1" local len=$(trace_len < "${input}") jq_prepend_trace "{par: [$len, 0]}" < "${input}" } function insert_right { local input="$1" local len=$(trace_len < "${input}") jq_prepend_trace "{par: [0, $len]}" < "${input}" } function error { echo "$1" >&1 exit "${2:-1}" } function main { if [ "$#" \< 2 ]; then if [ x"$1" == x"--help" ]; then error "usage: $0 (--all|big|long) (--all|merge|nomerge) [ air-trace run args ... ]" else error "Provide at least two arguments: (--all|big|long) and (--all|merge|nomerge)" fi fi local tests local subtests case $1 in big|long) tests=( "$1" ) ;; --all) tests=( big long ) ;; *) error "Unknown test type: $1" ;; esac case $2 in merge|nomerge) subtests=( "$2" ) ;; --all) subtests=( merge nomerge ) ;; *) error "Unknown subtest type: $2" ;; esac shift 2 : "${AIR_INTERPRETER_WASM_PATH:=../target/wasm32-wasi/release/air_interpreter_server.wasm}" if [ ! -e "${AIR_INTERPRETER_WASM_PATH}" ]; then error "No AIR interpreter at ${AIR_INTERPRETER_WASM_PATH}." fi : "${INPUT_DATA_DIR:=./benches/data}" if [ ! -d "${INPUT_DATA_DIR}" ]; then error "No input data at ${INPUT_DATA_DIR}. Set INPUT_DATA_DIR to proper value." fi export AIR_INTERPRETER_WASM_PATH prev_data_path=$(mktemp -t "tracing_benches_prev_data_XXXXXXX") current_data_path=$(mktemp -t "tracing_benches_current_data_XXXXXXX") trap 'rm -rf -- "$prev_data_path" "$current_data_path"' EXIT for tst in "${tests[@]}"; do case $tst in big) data_path="${INPUT_DATA_DIR}/anomaly_big.json" script_cmd="cat '${INPUT_DATA_DIR}/big.air'" ;; long) data_path="${INPUT_DATA_DIR}/anomaly_long.json" script_cmd="echo '(par (null) (null))'" ;; esac insert_left "$data_path" > "$current_data_path" for subt in "${subtests[@]}"; do case $subt in merge) prev_side="left" ;; nomerge) prev_side="right" ;; esac insert_$prev_side "$data_path" > "$prev_data_path" echo >&1 echo "*** Running test ${tst}-${subt}..." >&1 eval "${script_cmd}" | \ air-trace run "$@" --repeat 1 --plain \ --prev-data "$prev_data_path" \ --data "$current_data_path" done done } main "$@"