This crate defines the core of the AIR interpreter intended to execute scripts to control execution flow in the [Fluence]( network. From a high level point of view, the interpreter can be considered as a state transition function that takes two states, merges them, and then produces a new state.
As it was already mentioned in the previous section, `invoke` takes two states (`prev_data` and `current_data`) and returns a new state (`new_data`). Additionally, it takes AIR script that should be executed, some run parameters (such as `init_peer_id` and `current_peer_id`), and `call_results`, results of services calling. As a result it provides the `IntepreterOutcome` structure described in the code snippet above.
Let's consider the interpreter with respect to data first, because previous, current and resulted data are the most interesting parts of arguments and the outcome. Assuming `X` is a set of all possible values that data could have, we'll denote `executed_air` export function as `f: X * X -> X`. It could be seen that with respect to data `f` forms a magma.
Even more, `f` is an idempotent non-commutative monoid, because:
1.`f` is associative: `forall a, b, c from X: f(f(a,b), c) = f(a, f(b,c))`
2.`f` has a neutral element: `exists e, forall a from X: f(e, a) = f(a, e) = a`, where `e` is a data with an empty trace
3.`f` is a non-commutative function: `exists a, b from X: f(a, b) != f(b, a)`
4.`X` could be constructed from a four based elements that form the `ExecutedState` enum (that why this monoid is free)
5.`f` satisfies these idempotence properties:
1.`forall x from X: f(x, x) = x`
2.`forall a, b from X: f(a, b) = c, f(c, b) = c, f(c, a) = c`
The interpreter allows a peer (either a node or a browser) to call service asynchronously by collecting all arguments and other necessary stuff from each `call` instruction that could be called during the execution and return them in `InterpreterOutcome`. A host should then execute them at any time and call back the interpreter providing executed service results as the `call_results` argument.
A scheme of interacting with the interpreter should look as follows:
1. For each new `current_data` received from a network, a host should call the interpreter with corresponding `prev_data` and `current_data` and empty `call_results`. `prev_data` here is last `new_data` returned from the interpreter.
2. Having obtained a result of the interpreter, there could be non-empty `next_peer_ids` and non-empty `call_requests` in `InterpreterOutcome`:
1. re `next_peer_pks`: it's a peer duty to decide whether it should send particle after each interpreter call or after the whole particle execution, i.e. after completing all `call_requests`.
2. re `call_requests`: `call_requests` is a `HashMap<u32, CallRequestParams>` and it's important for host to keep that correspondence between `u32` and call `CallRequestParams`, because they should be used when results are passed back on step 3.
3. If `call_requests` was non-empty on step 2, a peer must call the interpreter again with supplied call results (`HashMap<u32, CallServiceResult>`) following next rules:
- current_data here shouldn't be supplied (actually, it could be supplied because of `f` is idempotent, but it's unnecessary and slow down a bit an interpreter execution)
- it's not necessary to supply `call_results` before handling the next particle, actually a peer could supply it in any moment
- a peer must preserve `new_data` after each execution step. It's important, because `f` is non-commutative and the interpreter save an additional info in `data` expecting to see the resulted data back as `prev_data` on the next launch.<br><br>
Then this flow should be repeated starting from point 2.
4. If `call_requests` was empty, the whole execution is completed, `new_data` must be preserved and particle send for all `new_peer_pks` as usual.