
Aqua playground

Repository demonstrating the how to start writing aqua and integrate it into a typescript application

Getting started

Install dependencies

npm install

To compile the aqua files execute

npm run compile-aqua

To start the index.ts execute

npm run run

To run all examples in example directory

npm run exec

If everything works correctly logs without errors will be printed on a screen:

Then you can add or modify aqua files in aqua directory, these files will be compiled into /src/compiled and you can use it in a TypeScript in your preferable way.

Project structure

Aqua source files are located in src/aquadirectory.

Aqua files are compiled into .ts located in /src/compiled directory.

Entry point to use aqua compiled files from TypeScript: /src/index.ts

Code that call all examples and check results: /src/run-examples.ts


Documentation for the compiler can be found in the official repo: