30 import basics (#49)

* Functions must be marked with `pub` to be exported

* AquaFiles WIP

* Factoring out linker

* Core linker logic

* FileModuleId WIP

* AquaFile WIP

* AquaFiles WIP

* Basic imports works

* Show errors

* Dirty hack to make imports work (almost)

* Better errors displaying

* Simplified AquaCompiler interface

* Write compiled files

* New AquaCli

* CLI fixed, works

* Review fixes
This commit is contained in:
Dmitry Kurinskiy 2021-04-13 16:05:31 +03:00 committed by GitHub
parent 569df52d27
commit 970da2e1b7
No known key found for this signature in database
45 changed files with 1000 additions and 498 deletions

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Input directory should contain files with `aqua` scripts.
- **[parser](./parser)** - parser, takes source text and produces a source AST - **[parser](./parser)** - parser, takes source text and produces a source AST
- **[model](./model)** - middle-end, internal representation of the code, optimizations and transfromations - **[model](./model)** - middle-end, internal representation of the code, optimizations and transfromations
- **[semantics](./semantics)** - rules to convert source AST into the model - **[semantics](./semantics)** - rules to convert source AST into the model
- **[linker](./linker)** - checks dependencies between modules, builds and combines an abstract dependencies tree
- **[backend/air](./backend/air)** generates AIR code from the middle-end model - **[backend/air](./backend/air)** generates AIR code from the middle-end model
- **[backend/ts](./backend/ts)** - generates AIR code and Typescript wrappers for use with Fluence JS SDK - **[backend/ts](./backend/ts)** - generates AIR code and Typescript wrappers for use with Fluence JS SDK
- **[cli](./cli)** - CLI interface - **[cli](./cli)** - CLI interface

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import "builtin.aqua"
func foo() -> u64:
t <- Peer.timestamp_sec()
<- t

View File

@ -2,15 +2,17 @@ val dottyVersion = "2.13.5"
scalaVersion := dottyVersion scalaVersion := dottyVersion
//val dottyVersion = "3.0.0-RC1" //val dottyVersion = "3.0.0-RC2"
val aquaV = "0.1.1" val aquaV = "0.1.1"
val catsV = "2.4.2" val catsV = "2.5.0"
val catsParseV = "0.3.1" val catsParseV = "0.3.2"
val monocleV = "3.0.0-M3" val monocleV = "3.0.0-M4"
val scalaTestV = "3.2.5" val scalaTestV = "3.2.7"
val fs2V = "3.0.0-M7" val fs2V = "3.0.0"
val catsEffectV = "3.0.2"
val declineV = "2.0.0-RC1"
name := "aqua-hll" name := "aqua-hll"
@ -26,17 +28,18 @@ commons
lazy val cli = project lazy val cli = project
.settings(commons: _*) .settings(commons: _*)
.settings( .settings(
mainClass in (Compile, run) := Some("aqua.Main"), mainClass in (Compile, run) := Some("aqua.AquaCli"),
mainClass in assembly := Some("aqua.Main"), mainClass in assembly := Some("aqua.AquaCli"),
assemblyJarName in assembly := "aqua-hll.jar", assemblyJarName in assembly := "aqua-hll.jar",
libraryDependencies ++= Seq( libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.github.scopt" %% "scopt" % "4.0.1", "com.monovore" %% "decline" % declineV,
"org.typelevel" %% "cats-effect" % "3.0.0-RC2", "com.monovore" %% "decline-effect" % declineV,
"co.fs2" %% "fs2-core" % fs2V, "org.typelevel" %% "cats-effect" % catsEffectV,
"co.fs2" %% "fs2-io" % fs2V "co.fs2" %% "fs2-core" % fs2V,
"co.fs2" %% "fs2-io" % fs2V
) )
) )
.dependsOn(semantics, `backend-air`, `backend-ts`) .dependsOn(semantics, `backend-air`, `backend-ts`, linker)
lazy val types = project lazy val types = project
.settings(commons) .settings(commons)
@ -56,6 +59,12 @@ lazy val parser = project
) )
.dependsOn(types) .dependsOn(types)
lazy val linker = project
.settings(commons: _*)
lazy val model = project lazy val model = project
.settings(commons: _*) .settings(commons: _*)
.settings( .settings(

View File

@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-- predef
service Peer:
timestamp: -> i64
connect: []byte, []multiaddr -> bool
-- kad
<<<<<<<<<<<<< ALIAS >>>>>>>>>>>>>
alias Key = []byte
type Contact:
peer_id: []byte
multiaddrs: []multiaddr
type Node:
key: Key
contact: Contact
type KadConfig:
bucketSize: i32
siblingsSize: i32
pingExpiresIn: i32
service Bucket:
index: -> u32
size: -> u32
isFull: -> bool
nodes: Key-> []Node
<<<<<<<<<<<<< RETURN OPTION >>>>>>>>>>>>>
find: Key -> ?Node
update: Node, pingExpiresIn, currentTime -> ?Node to ping
service Siblings:
size: -> i32
isFull: -> bool
nodes: Key -> []Node
find: Key -> ?Node
add: Node -> bool
<<<<<<<<<<<<< LOCAL FUNCTION PATTERN WITH RETURN >>>>>>>>>>>>>
func ping(node: Node): {Peer} bool
Peer.is_connected(node) || Peer.connect(node)
<<<<<<<<<<<<< BYTE OPS, XOR, ZEROS >>>>>>>>>>>>>
func bucket(key: Key): {}Bucket
index = zero_prefix $ this_peer_id & key
<<<<<<<<<<<<< MAKE SRV ID FROM PARTS >>>>>>>>>>>>>
func idx_bucket(index: i32): {}Bucket
bucket_id = "bucket-"+index
func update_bucket(node: Node, pingExpiresIn: i32): {Peer} bool
time <- Peer.timestamp
bucket = bucket(node.key)
last_node <- bucket.update(node, pingExpiresIn, time)
if last_node:
p <- ping(last_node, pingExpiresIn, time)
if p:
else true
func update_siblings(node: Node): {Siblings} bool
ability RoutingTable(key_length):
func find(key: Key): ?Node
Siblings.find(key) || bucket(key).find(key)
func lookup(key: Key, num: i32): []Node
o = order(\n -> zero_prefix $ n.key & key)
<<<<<<<<<<<<< DIVERGING INDEXES ARE IMPOSSIBLE??? >>>>>>>>>>>>>
idxs = diverging_indexes(key)
$nodes: Node[]
<<<<<<<<<<<<< PUSH ITEMS INTO A STREAM >>>>>>>>>>>>>
for i <- idxs:
$nodes ++ bucket(i).nodes(key)
if $nodes.size > num: break
for n <- Siblings.nodes(key): // Take (siblings \ nodes)?
if not $nodes(_.key).contains(n.key):
$nodes + n // maybe push ordered?
<<<<<<<<<<<<< ORDER A STREAM, TAKE SOME SUBSTREAM >>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<<<<< HOW TO MAKE A LAZY LOOKUP STREAM???? >>>>>>>>>>>>>
func lookupAway(key: Key, num: i32): ????
func update(node: Node): {Peer}bool
update_bucket || update_siblings
<<<<<<<<<<<<< MANY OPERATIONS WITH COLLECTIONS >>>>>>>>>>>>>
func updateList(nodes: []Node): {}[]Node
-- rearrange: take slices of nodes received by ???
-- update portion: take a portion, update them, then update next portion
-- update par portions: take all portions, update par
-- divide nodes into groups by buckets (indices), make into slices (rearrange), then update par portions
func lookupIterative(key: Key, num: i32, alpha: i32, pingExpiresIn): []Node

View File

@ -5,17 +5,25 @@ import aqua.backend.ts.TypescriptFile
import aqua.model.{Model, ScriptModel} import aqua.model.{Model, ScriptModel}
import aqua.parser.Ast import aqua.parser.Ast
import cats.data.ValidatedNec import cats.data.ValidatedNec
import aqua.parser.lift.Span import aqua.parser.lift.{FileSpan, LiftParser, Span}
import aqua.semantics.Semantics import aqua.semantics.Semantics
import cats.syntax.show._ import cats.syntax.show._
object Aqua { object Aqua {
def parse(input: String): ValidatedNec[AquaError, Ast[Span.F]] = def parseString(input: String): ValidatedNec[AquaError, Ast[Span.F]] =
Ast.fromString[Span.F](input).leftMap(_.map(pe => SyntaxError(pe.failedAtOffset, pe.expected))) Ast.fromString[Span.F](input).leftMap(_.map(pe => SyntaxError(pe.failedAtOffset, pe.expected)))
def parseFileString(name: String, input: String): ValidatedNec[AquaError, Ast[FileSpan.F]] = {
implicit val fileLift: LiftParser[FileSpan.F] = FileSpan.fileSpanLiftParser(name, input)
.leftMap(_.map(pe => SyntaxError(pe.failedAtOffset, pe.expected)))
// Will fail if imports are used
def generateModel(input: String): ValidatedNec[AquaError, Model] = def generateModel(input: String): ValidatedNec[AquaError, Model] =
parse(input).andThen(ast => parseString(input).andThen(ast =>
Semantics.generateModel(ast).leftMap(_.map(ts => CompilerError(ts._1.unit._1, ts._2))) Semantics.generateModel(ast).leftMap(_.map(ts => CompilerError(ts._1.unit._1, ts._2)))
) )
@ -38,9 +46,4 @@ object Aqua {
case _ => "//No input given" case _ => "//No input given"
} }
def generateTS(input: String): ValidatedNec[AquaError, String] =
generate(input, air = false)
def generateAir(input: String): ValidatedNec[AquaError, String] =
generate(input, air = true)
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package aqua
import cats.data.Validated
import cats.effect.{ExitCode, IO, IOApp}
import com.monovore.decline.Opts
import com.monovore.decline.effect.CommandIOApp
import cats.syntax.apply._
import java.nio.file.Path
object AquaCli extends IOApp {
val inputOpts: Opts[Path] =
Opts.option[Path]("input", "Path to the input directory that contains your .aqua files", "i")
val outputOpts: Opts[Path] =
Opts.option[Path]("output", "Path to the output directory", "o")
val importOpts: Opts[LazyList[Path]] =
.options[Path]("import", "Path to the directory to import from", "m")
val compileToAir: Opts[Boolean] =
.flag("air", "Generate .air file instead of typescript", "a")
.map(_ => true)
def mainOpts: Opts[IO[ExitCode]] =
(inputOpts, importOpts, outputOpts, compileToAir).mapN { case (input, imports, output, toAir) =>
if (toAir) AquaCompiler.AirTarget else AquaCompiler.TypescriptTarget
.map {
case Validated.Invalid(errs) =>
case Validated.Valid(res) =>
override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] =
"Aquamarine compiler",
helpFlag = true,
// TODO get version from SBT!
)(mainOpts, args)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
package aqua
import aqua.backend.air.FuncAirGen
import aqua.backend.ts.TypescriptFile
import aqua.io.{AquaFileError, AquaFiles, FileModuleId, Unresolvable}
import aqua.linker.Linker
import aqua.model.ScriptModel
import aqua.parser.lexer.Token
import aqua.parser.lift.FileSpan
import aqua.semantics.{CompilerState, Semantics}
import cats.Applicative
import cats.data.{Chain, EitherT, NonEmptyChain, Validated, ValidatedNec}
import cats.effect.kernel.Concurrent
import fs2.io.file.Files
import cats.syntax.monoid._
import cats.syntax.functor._
import cats.syntax.flatMap._
import cats.syntax.show._
import fs2.text
import java.nio.file.Path
object AquaCompiler {
sealed trait CompileTarget
case object TypescriptTarget extends CompileTarget
case object AirTarget extends CompileTarget
case class Prepared(target: String => Path, model: ScriptModel)
def prepareFiles[F[_]: Files: Concurrent](
srcPath: Path,
imports: LazyList[Path],
targetPath: Path
): F[ValidatedNec[String, Chain[Prepared]]] =
.readAndResolve[F, CompilerState.S[FileSpan.F]](
ast =>
_.flatMap(m => {
//println(Console.YELLOW + "running for ast " + Console.RESET);
for {
y <- Semantics.astToState(ast)
} yield m |+| y
.map {
case Left(fileErrors) =>
case Right(modules) =>
Linker[FileModuleId, AquaFileError, CompilerState.S[FileSpan.F]](
ids => Unresolvable(ids.map(_.id.file.toString).mkString(" -> "))
) match {
case Validated.Valid(files)
val (errs, preps) =
files.toSeq.foldLeft[(Chain[String], Chain[Prepared])]((Chain.empty, Chain.empty)) {
case ((errs, preps), (modId, proc)) =>
proc.run(CompilerState()).value match {
case (proc, _) if proc.errors.nonEmpty =>
(errs ++ showProcErrors(proc.errors), preps)
case (_, model: ScriptModel) =>
(errs, preps :+ Prepared(modId.targetPath(srcPath, targetPath, _), model))
case (_, model) =>
errs.append(Console.RED + "Unknown model: " + model + Console.RESET),
.fold(Validated.validNec[String, Chain[Prepared]](preps))(Validated.invalid)
case Validated.Invalid(errs)
def showProcErrors(
errors: Chain[(Token[FileSpan.F], String)]
): Chain[String] =
errors.map(err =>
.map(_.toConsoleStr(err._2, Console.CYAN))
.getOrElse("(Dup error, but offset is beyond the script)") + "\n"
def compileFilesTo[F[_]: Files: Concurrent](
srcPath: Path,
imports: LazyList[Path],
targetPath: Path,
compileTo: CompileTarget
): F[ValidatedNec[String, Chain[String]]] =
prepareFiles(srcPath, imports, targetPath).flatMap[ValidatedNec[String, Chain[String]]] {
case Validated.Invalid(e) =>
case Validated.Valid(preps) =>
(compileTo match {
case TypescriptTarget =>
.map(p => writeFile(p.target("ts"), TypescriptFile(p.model).generateTS()))
// TODO add function name to AirTarget class
case AirTarget =>
.map(p =>
.map(g =>
// add function name before body
s";; function name: ${g.func.name}\n\n" + g.generateAir.show
EitherT.rightT[F, NonEmptyChain[String]](Chain.empty[String])
) { case (accET, writeET) =>
EitherT(for {
a <- accET.value
w <- writeET.value
} yield (a, w) match {
case (Left(errs), Left(err)) => Left(errs :+ err)
case (Right(res), Right(r)) => Right(res :+ r)
case (Left(errs), _) => Left(errs)
case (_, Left(err)) => Left(NonEmptyChain.of(err))
def writeFile[F[_]: Files: Concurrent](file: Path, content: String): EitherT[F, String, String] =
EitherT.right[String](Files[F].deleteIfExists(file)) >>
EitherT[F, String, String](
.map { e =>
.map(t => s"Error on writing file $file" + t)
.map(_ => Right(s"Compiled $file"))

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
package aqua package aqua
import aqua.parser.lift.Span import aqua.parser.lift.Span
import cats.Eval
import cats.data.NonEmptyList import cats.data.NonEmptyList
import cats.parse.LocationMap
import cats.parse.Parser.Expectation import cats.parse.Parser.Expectation
sealed trait AquaError { sealed trait AquaError {
@ -12,10 +14,16 @@ case class SyntaxError(offset: Int, expectations: NonEmptyList[Expectation]) ext
override def showForConsole(script: String): String = override def showForConsole(script: String): String =
Span(offset, offset + 1) Span(offset, offset + 1)
.focus(script, 3) .focus(Eval.later(LocationMap(script)), 2)
.map(_.toConsoleStr(s"Syntax error, expected: ${expectations.toList.mkString(", ")}", Console.RED)) .map(
s"Syntax error, expected: ${expectations.toList.mkString(", ")}",
.getOrElse( .getOrElse(
"(offset is beyond the script, syntax errors) " + Console.RED + expectations.toList.mkString(", ") "(offset is beyond the script, syntax errors) " + Console.RED + expectations.toList
.mkString(", ")
) + Console.RESET + "\n" ) + Console.RESET + "\n"
} }
@ -23,7 +31,7 @@ case class CompilerError(span: Span, hint: String) extends AquaError {
override def showForConsole(script: String): String = override def showForConsole(script: String): String =
span span
.focus(script, 3) .focus(Eval.later(LocationMap(script)), 1)
.map(_.toConsoleStr(hint, Console.CYAN)) .map(_.toConsoleStr(hint, Console.CYAN))
.getOrElse("(Dup error, but offset is beyond the script)") + "\n" .getOrElse("(Dup error, but offset is beyond the script)") + "\n"
} }

View File

@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
package aqua
import aqua.cli.AquaGen.{convertAqua, convertAquaFilesToDir}
import aqua.cli.{AquaScriptErrors, ArgsConfig, CliArgsError, CliError, IOError}
import cats.effect.{ExitCode, IO, IOApp, Resource}
final case class ParseArgsException(
private val message: String,
private val cause: Throwable = None.orNull
) extends Exception(message, cause)
object Main extends IOApp {
private def showResults(results: List[Either[CliError, String]]): IO[Unit] = {
IO {
results.map {
case Left(err) =>
err match {
case AquaScriptErrors(name, script, errors) =>
println(Console.RED + s"File '$name' processed with errors:" + Console.RESET)
case CliArgsError(name, error) =>
println(Console.RED + s"File '$name' processed with error: $error" + Console.RESET)
case IOError(msg, t) =>
println(Console.RED + s"$msg: $t" + Console.RESET)
case Right(name) =>
println(Console.GREEN + s"File '$name' processed successfully" + Console.RESET)
private def readAllInput(): IO[Option[String]] = {
import java.io.BufferedReader
import java.io.InputStreamReader
.make(IO(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))))(b => IO(b.close()))
.use { reader =>
IO {
if (reader.ready()) {
val lineSep = sys.props("line.separator")
var line: String = reader.readLine
val buf = new StringBuilder()
while (line != null) {
buf.append(line + lineSep)
line = reader.readLine
} else Option("")
override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = {
ArgsConfig.parseArgs(args) match {
case Some(config) =>
val io = for {
results <-
(config.input, config.output) match {
case (Some(i), Some(o)) =>
convertAquaFilesToDir[IO](i, o, config.air)
case _ =>
readAllInput().map {
case Some(i) =>
List(convertAqua("stdin", i, config.air))
case None =>
println("input is empty")
_ <- showResults(results)
} yield {
if (results.exists(_.isLeft))
io.handleErrorWith { err =>
// this is an unhandled errors
case _ =>
// errors should have been reported before

View File

@ -3,25 +3,23 @@ package aqua
import cats.effect.{IO, IOApp} import cats.effect.{IO, IOApp}
import cats.data.Validated import cats.data.Validated
import scala.io.Source import java.nio.file.Paths
object Test extends IOApp.Simple { object Test extends IOApp.Simple {
override def run: IO[Unit] = override def run: IO[Unit] =
IO { AquaCompiler
def process(str: String) = .compileFilesTo[IO](
Aqua.generateTS(str) match { Paths.get("./aqua-src"),
case Validated.Valid(v) LazyList(Paths.get("./aqua")),
println(v) Paths.get("./target"),
println(Console.GREEN + "Aqua script processed successfully" + Console.RESET) AquaCompiler.TypescriptTarget
case Validated.Invalid(errs) )
errs.map(_.showForConsole(str)).map(println) .map {
println(Console.RED + s"Aqua script errored, total ${errs.length} problems found" + Console.RESET) case Validated.Invalid(errs) =>
} errs.map(println)
case Validated.Valid(res) =>
val script = Source.fromResource("for-par.aqua").mkString res.map(println)
process(script) }
} }

View File

@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
package aqua.cli
import aqua.Aqua
import cats.data.{EitherT, Validated}
import cats.effect.Concurrent
import cats.syntax.functor._
import cats.Applicative
import fs2.io.file.Files
import fs2.text
import java.io.File
import java.nio.file.Path
object AquaGen {
def checkAndChangeExtension[F[_]: Applicative](
fileName: String,
air: Boolean
): EitherT[F, CliError, String] = {
val arr = fileName.split("\\.").toList
for {
_ <- EitherT.cond[F](
arr.nonEmpty && arr.last == "aqua",
CliError.parseError(fileName, s"File '$fileName' should have '.aqua' extension")
} yield {
arr.dropRight(1).mkString(".") + (if (air) ".air" else ".ts")
def convertAqua[F[_]](name: String, text: String, air: Boolean): Either[CliError, String] =
Aqua.generate(text, air) match {
case Validated.Valid(v)
case Validated.Invalid(errs)
Left(CliError.errorInfo(name, text, errs))
def convertAquaFromFile[F[_]: Files: Concurrent](
file: File,
outputDir: Path,
air: Boolean
): EitherT[F, CliError, String] = {
val name = file.getName
for {
newName <- checkAndChangeExtension(name, air)
newPath = outputDir.resolve(newName)
converted <- EitherT(
.readAll(file.toPath, 4096)
.fold(Vector.empty[Byte])((acc, b) => acc :+ b)
.map {
.map(t => CliError.ioError("Error on reading file", t))
.flatMap { text =>
convertAqua(name, text, air)
// delete old file
_ <- EitherT.right(Files[F].deleteIfExists(newPath))
result <-
EitherT[F, CliError, String](
.map { e =>
.map(t => CliError.ioError("Error on writing file", t))
.map(_ => Right(newName))
} yield result
def convertAquaFilesToDir[F[_]: Files: Concurrent](
files: List[File],
outputDir: Path,
air: Boolean
): F[List[Either[CliError, String]]] =
.evalMap(f => convertAquaFromFile(f, outputDir, air).value)

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
package aqua.cli
import scopt.{OParser, Read}
import scopt.Read.stringRead
import java.io.File
import java.nio.file.Path
case class Config(
input: Option[List[File]] = None,
output: Option[Path] = None,
air: Boolean = false,
debug: Boolean = false
object ArgsConfig {
implicit val filesListRead: Read[List[File]] =
stringRead.map { str =>
val inputDir = new File(str)
if (!inputDir.isDirectory && !inputDir.exists())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"The input path '$str' must be a directory and exist")
implicit val pathRead: Read[Path] =
stringRead.map { str =>
val outputDir = new File(str)
if (!outputDir.isDirectory && !outputDir.exists())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"The input path '$str' must be a directory and exist")
private val builder = OParser.builder[Config]
private val argParser = {
import builder._
head("aqua-c", "0.1", "Compiles Aquamarine language to TypeScript and AIR"),
opt[Boolean]('d', "debug")
.action((x, c) => c.copy(debug = x))
.text("debug mode (not implemented)"),
opt[List[File]]('i', "input")
.action((x, c) => c.copy(input = Some(x)))
.text("path to directory with aquamarine files"),
opt[Path]('o', "output")
.action((x, c) => c.copy(output = Some(x)))
.text("path to output directory"),
opt[Unit]('a', "air")
.action((_, c) => c.copy(air = true))
.text("generates only a code on air instead of TypeScript file"),
help('h', "help").text("prints this usage text"),
checkConfig(c => {
if (c.input.isEmpty != c.output.isEmpty) {
failure("'input' and 'output' must be both specified or not specified")
} else success
def parseArgs(args: List[String]): Option[Config] = OParser.parse(argParser, args, Config())

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
package aqua.cli
import aqua.AquaError
import cats.data.NonEmptyChain
sealed trait CliError
object CliError {
def parseError(name: String, error: String): CliError = {
CliArgsError(name, error)
def errorInfo(name: String, script: String, errors: NonEmptyChain[AquaError]): CliError = {
AquaScriptErrors(name, script, errors)
def ioError(msg: String, t: Throwable): CliError = {
IOError(msg, t)
case class IOError(msg: String, t: Throwable) extends Exception(msg, t) with CliError
case class CliArgsError(name: String, error: String) extends CliError
case class AquaScriptErrors(name: String, script: String, errors: NonEmptyChain[AquaError]) extends CliError

View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
package aqua.io
import aqua.Aqua
import aqua.linker.AquaModule
import aqua.parser.Ast
import aqua.parser.head.ImportExpr
import aqua.parser.lift.FileSpan
import cats.data.{EitherT, NonEmptyChain}
import cats.effect.Concurrent
import fs2.io.file.Files
import fs2.text
import cats.syntax.functor._
import cats.syntax.apply._
import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths}
case class AquaFile(
id: FileModuleId,
imports: Map[String, FileSpan.Focus],
source: String,
ast: Ast[FileSpan.F]
) {
def module[F[_]: Concurrent, T](
transpile: Ast[FileSpan.F] => T => T,
importFrom: LazyList[Path]
): AquaFiles.ETC[F, AquaModule[FileModuleId, AquaFileError, T]] =
imports.map { case (k, v) =>
FileModuleId.resolve(v, Paths.get(k), id.file.getParent +: importFrom).map(_ -> v)
}.foldLeft[AquaFiles.ETC[F, AquaModule[FileModuleId, AquaFileError, T]]](
) { case (modF, nextF) =>
EitherT((modF.value, nextF.value).mapN {
case (moduleV, Right(dependency)) =>
moduleV.map(m =>
m.copy(dependsOn =
m.dependsOn + dependency.map(FileNotFound(_, dependency._1.file, importFrom))
case (Right(_), Left(err)) =>
case (Left(errs), Left(err)) =>
object AquaFile {
def readSourceText[F[_]: Files: Concurrent](
file: Path
): fs2.Stream[F, Either[AquaFileError, String]] =
.readAll(file, 4096)
.fold(Vector.empty[Byte])((acc, b) => acc :+ b)
.map {
.map(t => FileSystemError(t))
def readAst[F[_]: Files: Concurrent](
file: Path
): fs2.Stream[F, Either[AquaFileError, (String, Ast[FileSpan.F])]] =
_.flatMap(source =>
.parseFileString(file.toString, source)
.map(source -> _)
.map(AquaScriptErrors(file.toString, source, _))
def read[F[_]: Files: Concurrent](file: Path): EitherT[F, AquaFileError, AquaFile] =
EitherT(readAst[F](file).compile.last.map(_.getOrElse(Left(EmptyFileError(file))))).map {
case (source, ast) =>
.collect { case ImportExpr(filename) =>
val fn = filename.value.drop(1).dropRight(1)
val focus = filename.unit._1.focus(1)
fn -> focus
.collect { case (a, Some(b)) =>
a -> b

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
package aqua.io
import aqua.AquaError
import aqua.parser.lift.FileSpan
import cats.data.NonEmptyChain
import java.nio.file.Path
sealed trait AquaFileError {
def showForConsole: String
override def toString: String = showForConsole
case class FileNotFound(focus: FileSpan.Focus, name: Path, imports: Seq[Path])
extends AquaFileError {
override def showForConsole: String = focus.toConsoleStr(
s"File not found at $name, looking in ${imports.mkString(", ")}",
case class EmptyFileError(path: Path) extends AquaFileError {
override def showForConsole: String = s"Path is empty: $path"
case class FileSystemError(err: Throwable) extends Exception(err) with AquaFileError {
override def showForConsole: String = s"File system error"
case class Unresolvable(msg: String) extends AquaFileError {
override def showForConsole: String = s"Unresolvable: $msg"
// TODO there should be no AquaErrors, as they does not fit
case class AquaScriptErrors(name: String, script: String, errors: NonEmptyChain[AquaError])
extends AquaFileError {
override def showForConsole: String =

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
package aqua.io
import aqua.linker.Modules
import aqua.parser.Ast
import aqua.parser.lift.FileSpan
import cats.data.{Chain, EitherT, NonEmptyChain}
import cats.effect.kernel.Concurrent
import cats.syntax.apply._
import fs2.io.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Path
import scala.util.Try
object AquaFiles {
type Mods[T] = Modules[FileModuleId, AquaFileError, T]
type ETC[F[_], T] = EitherT[F, NonEmptyChain[AquaFileError], T]
def readSources[F[_]: Files: Concurrent](
sourcePath: Path
): ETC[F, Chain[AquaFile]] =
// TODO use effect instead of Try
.flatMap(d => Try(d.listFiles().toList))
_.collect {
case f if f.isFile && f.getName.endsWith(".aqua") =>
case f if f.isDirectory =>
.foldLeft[ETC[F, Chain[AquaFile]]](
) { case (accF, nextF) =>
EitherT((accF.value, nextF.value).mapN {
case (Right(acc), Right(v)) =>
Right(acc ++ v)
case (Left(acc), Left(v)) =>
Left(acc ++ v)
case (Left(acc), _) =>
case (_, Left(v)) =>
def sourceModules[F[_]: Concurrent, T](
sources: Chain[AquaFile],
importFromPaths: LazyList[Path],
transpile: Ast[FileSpan.F] => T => T
): ETC[F, Mods[T]] =
.map(_.module(transpile, importFromPaths))
.foldLeft[ETC[F, Mods[T]]](
) { case (modulesF, modF) =>
for {
ms <- modulesF
m <- modF
} yield ms.add(m, export = true)
def resolveModules[F[_]: Files: Concurrent, T](
modules: Modules[FileModuleId, AquaFileError, T],
importFromPaths: LazyList[Path],
transpile: Ast[FileSpan.F] => T => T
): ETC[F, Mods[T]] =
modules.dependsOn.map { case (moduleId, unresolvedErrors) =>
.flatMap(_.module(transpile, importFromPaths))
}.foldLeft[ETC[F, Mods[T]]](
) { case (modulesF, modF) =>
for {
ms <- modulesF
m <- modF
} yield ms.add(m)
}.flatMap {
case ms if ms.isResolved =>
case ms => resolveModules(ms, importFromPaths, transpile)
def readAndResolve[F[_]: Files: Concurrent, T](
sourcePath: Path,
importFromPaths: LazyList[Path],
transpile: Ast[FileSpan.F] => T => T
): ETC[F, Mods[T]] =
for {
srcs <- readSources(sourcePath)
srcMods <- sourceModules(srcs, importFromPaths, transpile)
resMods <- resolveModules(srcMods, importFromPaths, transpile)
} yield resMods

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
package aqua.io
import aqua.parser.lift.FileSpan
import cats.data.EitherT
import cats.effect.kernel.Concurrent
import cats.syntax.applicative._
import java.nio.file.Path
case class FileModuleId(file: Path) {
def targetPath(src: Path, target: Path, ext: String): Path = {
val aqua =
aqua.getParent.resolve(aqua.getFileName.toString.stripSuffix(".aqua") + s".$ext")
object FileModuleId {
private def findFirstF[F[_]: Concurrent](
in: LazyList[Path],
notFound: EitherT[F, AquaFileError, FileModuleId]
): EitherT[F, AquaFileError, FileModuleId] =
in.headOption.fold(notFound)(p =>
.recover({ case _ => false })
.flatMap {
case true =>
case false =>
findFirstF(in.tail, notFound)
def resolve[F[_]: Concurrent](
focus: FileSpan.Focus,
src: Path,
imports: LazyList[Path]
): EitherT[F, AquaFileError, FileModuleId] =
EitherT.leftT(FileNotFound(focus, src, imports))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package aqua.linker
case class AquaModule[I, E, T](id: I, dependsOn: Map[I, E], body: T => T)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
package aqua.linker
import cats.data.{NonEmptyChain, Validated, ValidatedNec}
import cats.kernel.{Monoid, Semigroup}
import cats.syntax.monoid._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Linker {
def iter[I, E, T: Semigroup](
mods: List[AquaModule[I, E, T]],
proc: Map[I, T => T],
cycleError: List[AquaModule[I, E, T]] => E
): Either[E, Map[I, T => T]] =
mods match {
case Nil => Right(proc)
case _ =>
val (canHandle, postpone) = mods.partition(_.dependsOn.keySet.forall(proc.contains))
println("ITERATE, can handle: " + canHandle.map(_.id))
println(s"proc = ${proc.keySet}")
if (canHandle.isEmpty && postpone.nonEmpty)
// TODO can be done in parallel
canHandle.foldLeft(proc) { case (acc, m) =>
println(m.id + " dependsOn " + m.dependsOn.keySet)
val deps: T => T =
m.dependsOn.keySet.map(acc).foldLeft[T => T](identity) { case (fAcc, f) =>
t => {
println(s"call combine ${t}")
fAcc(t) |+| f(t)
acc + (m.id -> m.body.compose(deps))
def apply[I, E, T: Monoid](
modules: Modules[I, E, T],
cycleError: List[AquaModule[I, E, T]] => E
): ValidatedNec[E, Map[I, T]] =
if (modules.dependsOn.nonEmpty) Validated.invalid(modules.dependsOn.values.reduce(_ ++ _))
iter(modules.loaded.values.toList, Map.empty[I, T => T], cycleError)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
package aqua.linker
import cats.data.NonEmptyChain
import cats.syntax.option._
case class Modules[I, E, T](
loaded: Map[I, AquaModule[I, E, T]] = Map.empty[I, AquaModule[I, E, T]],
dependsOn: Map[I, NonEmptyChain[E]] = Map.empty[I, NonEmptyChain[E]],
exports: Set[I] = Set.empty[I]
) {
def add(m: AquaModule[I, E, T], export: Boolean = false): Modules[I, E, T] =
if (loaded.contains(m.id)) this
loaded = loaded + (m.id -> m),
dependsOn = m.dependsOn.foldLeft(dependsOn - m.id) {
case (deps, (mId, _)) if loaded.contains(mId) || mId == m.id => deps
case (deps, (mId, err)) =>
exports = if (export) exports + m.id else exports
def isResolved: Boolean = dependsOn.isEmpty

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package aqua.linker
import cats.data.Validated
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
class LinkerSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers {
"linker" should "resolve dependencies" in {
val empty = Modules[String, String, String]()
val withMod1 =
AquaModule("mod1", Map("mod2" -> "unresolved mod2 in mod1"), _ ++ " | mod1"),
export = true
withMod1.isResolved should be(false)
Linker[String, String, String](
cycle => cycle.map(_.id).mkString(" -> ")
) should be(Validated.invalidNec("unresolved mod2 in mod1"))
val withMod2 =
withMod1.add(AquaModule("mod2", Map.empty, _ ++ " | mod2"))
withMod2.isResolved should be(true)
Linker[String, String, String](
cycle => cycle.map(_.id + "?").mkString(" -> ")
) should be(Validated.validNec(Map("mod1" -> " | mod2 | mod1")))

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package aqua.parser package aqua.parser
import aqua.parser.expr._ import aqua.parser.expr._
import aqua.parser.head.{HeadExpr, HeaderExpr, ImportExpr}
import aqua.parser.lexer.Token._ import aqua.parser.lexer.Token._
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser
import cats.data.{Chain, NonEmptyChain, Validated, ValidatedNec} import cats.data.{Chain, NonEmptyChain, Validated, ValidatedNec}
@ -8,7 +9,7 @@ import cats.free.Cofree
import cats.parse.{Parser => P, Parser0 => P0} import cats.parse.{Parser => P, Parser0 => P0}
import cats.{Comonad, Eval} import cats.{Comonad, Eval}
case class Ast[F[_]](tree: Ast.Tree[F]) { case class Ast[F[_]](head: Ast.Head[F], tree: Ast.Tree[F]) {
def cata[T](folder: (Expr[F], Chain[T]) => Eval[T]): Eval[T] = def cata[T](folder: (Expr[F], Chain[T]) => Eval[T]): Eval[T] =
Cofree.cata[Chain, Expr[F], T](tree)(folder) Cofree.cata[Chain, Expr[F], T](tree)(folder)
@ -16,17 +17,26 @@ case class Ast[F[_]](tree: Ast.Tree[F]) {
object Ast { object Ast {
type Tree[F[_]] = Cofree[Chain, Expr[F]] type Tree[F[_]] = Cofree[Chain, Expr[F]]
type Head[F[_]] = Cofree[Chain, HeaderExpr[F]]
def rootExprs: List[Expr.Companion] = def treeExprs: List[Expr.Companion] =
ServiceExpr :: AliasExpr :: DataStructExpr :: FuncExpr :: Nil ServiceExpr :: AliasExpr :: DataStructExpr :: FuncExpr :: Nil
def headExprs: List[HeaderExpr.Companion] =
ImportExpr :: Nil
def parser[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad](ps: Indent): P0[Ast[F]] = def parser[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad](ps: Indent): P0[Ast[F]] =
P.repSep0( ((P.repSep0(P.oneOf(headExprs.map(_.ast[F])), ` \n+`) <* ` \n+`).? ~ P.repSep0(
P.oneOf(rootExprs.map(_.ast[F](ps))), P.oneOf(treeExprs.map(_.ast[F](ps))),
` \n+` ` \n+`
).map(Chain.fromSeq) )).surroundedBy(` \n+`.?)
.surroundedBy(` \n+`.?) .map {
.map(ls => Ast(Cofree(RootExpr(), Eval.now(ls)))) case (Some(head), tree) => Chain.fromSeq(head) -> Chain.fromSeq(tree)
case (_, tree) => Chain.empty[Head[F]] -> Chain.fromSeq(tree)
.map { case (hs, ls) =>
Ast(Cofree(HeadExpr(), Eval.now(hs)), Cofree(RootExpr(), Eval.now(ls)))
def fromString[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad](script: String): ValidatedNec[P.Error, Ast[F]] = def fromString[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad](script: String): ValidatedNec[P.Error, Ast[F]] =
Validated Validated

View File

@ -12,19 +12,20 @@ trait Expr[F[_]]
object Expr { object Expr {
def defer(companion: => Companion): Companion = new Companion {
override def p[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[Expr[F]] = companion.p[F]
override def ast[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad](ps: Indent): P[Tree[F]] = companion.ast[F](ps)
trait Companion { trait Companion {
def p[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[Expr[F]] def p[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[Expr[F]]
def ast[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad](ps: Indent): P[Ast.Tree[F]] def ast[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad](ps: Indent): P[Ast.Tree[F]]
} }
abstract class And(thenInline: List[Expr.Companion], orIndented: List[Expr.Companion]) extends Companion { def defer(companion: => Companion): Companion = new Companion {
override def p[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[Expr[F]] = companion.p[F]
override def ast[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad](ps: Indent): P[Tree[F]] = companion.ast[F](ps)
abstract class And(thenInline: List[Expr.Companion], orIndented: List[Expr.Companion])
extends Companion {
override def ast[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad](ps: Indent): P[Ast.Tree[F]] = override def ast[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad](ps: Indent): P[Ast.Tree[F]] =
(p[F] ~ ((` `.backtrack *> P (p[F] ~ ((` `.backtrack *> P

View File

@ -9,8 +9,12 @@ import cats.free.Cofree
import cats.parse.Parser import cats.parse.Parser
import cats.Comonad import cats.Comonad
case class FuncExpr[F[_]](name: Name[F], args: List[Arg[F]], ret: Option[DataTypeToken[F]], retValue: Option[Value[F]]) case class FuncExpr[F[_]](
extends Expr[F] name: Name[F],
args: List[Arg[F]],
ret: Option[DataTypeToken[F]],
retValue: Option[Value[F]]
) extends Expr[F]
object FuncExpr object FuncExpr
extends Expr.AndIndented( extends Expr.AndIndented(
@ -26,8 +30,9 @@ object FuncExpr
override def p[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: Parser[FuncExpr[F]] = override def p[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: Parser[FuncExpr[F]] =
((`func` *> ` ` *> Name.p[F]) ~ comma0(Arg.p) ((`func` *> ` ` *> Name.p[F]) ~ comma0(Arg.p)
.between(`(`, `)`) ~ (` -> ` *> DataTypeToken.`datatypedef`).?).map { case ((name, args), ret) => .between(`(`, `)`) ~ (` -> ` *> DataTypeToken.`datatypedef`).?).map {
FuncExpr(name, args, ret, None) case ((name, args), ret) =>
FuncExpr(name, args, ret, None)
} }
override def ast[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad](ps: Indent): Parser[Tree[F]] = override def ast[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad](ps: Indent): Parser[Tree[F]] =

View File

@ -3,5 +3,3 @@ package aqua.parser.expr
import aqua.parser.Expr import aqua.parser.Expr
case class RootExpr[F[_]]() extends Expr[F] case class RootExpr[F[_]]() extends Expr[F]
object RootExpr

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package aqua.parser.head
case class HeadExpr[F[_]]() extends HeaderExpr[F]

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package aqua.parser.head
import aqua.parser.Ast
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser
import cats.{Comonad, Eval}
import cats.data.Chain
import cats.free.Cofree
import cats.parse.{Parser => P}
trait HeaderExpr[F[_]]
object HeaderExpr {
trait Companion {
def p[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[HeaderExpr[F]]
def ast[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[Ast.Head[F]]
abstract class Leaf extends Companion {
override def ast[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[Ast.Head[F]] =
p[F].map(Cofree[Chain, HeaderExpr[F]](_, Eval.now(Chain.empty)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package aqua.parser.head
import aqua.parser.lexer.Token._
import aqua.parser.lexer.{Literal, Value}
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser
import cats.Comonad
import cats.parse.Parser
case class ImportExpr[F[_]](filename: Literal[F]) extends HeaderExpr[F]
object ImportExpr extends HeaderExpr.Leaf {
override def p[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: Parser[HeaderExpr[F]] =
`import` *> ` ` *> Value.string[F].map(ImportExpr(_))

View File

@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ object Token {
val ` ` : P[String] = P.charsWhile(fSpaces) val ` ` : P[String] = P.charsWhile(fSpaces)
val `data`: P[Unit] = P.string("data") val `data`: P[Unit] = P.string("data")
val `import`: P[Unit] = P.string("import")
val `use`: P[Unit] = P.string("use")
val `as`: P[Unit] = P.string("as")
val `alias`: P[Unit] = P.string("alias") val `alias`: P[Unit] = P.string("alias")
val `service`: P[Unit] = P.string("service") val `service`: P[Unit] = P.string("service")
val `func`: P[Unit] = P.string("func") val `func`: P[Unit] = P.string("func")
@ -37,8 +40,14 @@ object Token {
val `par`: P[Unit] = P.string("par") val `par`: P[Unit] = P.string("par")
val `:` : P[Unit] = P.char(':') val `:` : P[Unit] = P.char(':')
val ` : ` : P[Unit] = P.char(':').surroundedBy(` `.?) val ` : ` : P[Unit] = P.char(':').surroundedBy(` `.?)
val `name`: P[String] = (P.charIn(az) ~ P.charsWhile(anum_).?).map { case (c, s) c.toString ++ s.getOrElse("") }
val `Class`: P[String] = (P.charIn(AZ) ~ P.charsWhile(anum_).?).map { case (c, s) c.toString ++ s.getOrElse("") } val `name`: P[String] = (P.charIn(az) ~ P.charsWhile(anum_).?).map { case (c, s)
c.toString ++ s.getOrElse("")
val `Class`: P[String] = (P.charIn(AZ) ~ P.charsWhile(anum_).?).map { case (c, s)
c.toString ++ s.getOrElse("")
val `\n` : P[Unit] = P.string("\n\r") | P.char('\n') | P.string("\r\n") val `\n` : P[Unit] = P.string("\n\r") | P.char('\n') | P.string("\r\n")
val `--` : P[Unit] = ` `.?.with1 *> P.string("--") <* ` `.? val `--` : P[Unit] = ` `.?.with1 *> P.string("--") <* ` `.?
val ` \n` : P[Unit] = (` `.?.void *> (`--` *> P.charsWhile(_ != '\n')).?.void).with1 *> `\n` val ` \n` : P[Unit] = (` `.?.void *> (`--` *> P.charsWhile(_ != '\n')).?.void).with1 *> `\n`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
package aqua.parser.lift
import cats.{Comonad, Eval}
import cats.parse.{LocationMap, Parser => P}
import scala.language.implicitConversions
case class FileSpan(name: String, source: String, locationMap: Eval[LocationMap], span: Span) {
def focus(ctx: Int): Option[FileSpan.Focus] =
span.focus(locationMap, ctx).map(FileSpan.Focus(name, locationMap, ctx, _))
object FileSpan {
case class Focus(name: String, locationMap: Eval[LocationMap], ctx: Int, spanFocus: Span.Focus) {
def toConsoleStr(msg: String, onLeft: String, onRight: String = Console.RESET): String =
s"$name:${spanFocus.line._1 + 1}:${spanFocus.column + 1}\n" + spanFocus.toConsoleStr(
type F[T] = (FileSpan, T)
implicit object spanComonad extends Comonad[F] {
override def extract[A](x: F[A]): A = x._2
override def coflatMap[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: F[A] B): F[B] = fa.copy(_2 = f(fa))
override def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A B): F[B] = fa.copy(_2 = f(fa._2))
def fileSpanLiftParser(name: String, source: String): LiftParser[F] = new LiftParser[F] {
val memoizedLocationMap = Eval.later(LocationMap(source)).memoize
override def lift[T](p: P[T]): P[F[T]] = {
implicitly[LiftParser[Span.F]].lift(p).map { case (span, value) =>
(FileSpan(name, source, memoizedLocationMap, span), value)

View File

@ -1,35 +1,41 @@
package aqua.parser.lift package aqua.parser.lift
import cats.Comonad import cats.{Comonad, Eval}
import cats.parse.{LocationMap, Parser => P} import cats.parse.{LocationMap, Parser => P}
import scala.language.implicitConversions import scala.language.implicitConversions
case class Span(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int) { case class Span(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int) {
def focus(text: String, ctx: Int): Option[Span.Focus] = { def focus(locationMap: Eval[LocationMap], ctx: Int): Option[Span.Focus] = {
val map = LocationMap(text) val map = locationMap.value
map.toLineCol(startIndex).flatMap { map.toLineCol(startIndex).flatMap { case (line, column) =>
case (line, column) => map
map .getLine(line)
.getLine(line) .map(l =>
.map(l => Span.Focus(
Span.Focus( (Math
(Math.max(0, line - ctx) until line).map(i => map.getLine(i).map(i -> _)).toList.flatten, { .max(0, line - ctx) until line).map(i => map.getLine(i).map(i -> _)).toList.flatten, {
val (l1, l2) = l.splitAt(column) val (l1, l2) = l.splitAt(column)
val (lc, l3) = l2.splitAt(endIndex - startIndex) val (lc, l3) = l2.splitAt(endIndex - startIndex)
(line, l1, lc, l3) (line, l1, lc, l3)
}, },
((line + 1) to (line + ctx)).map(i => map.getLine(i).map(i -> _)).toList.flatten ((line + 1) to (line + ctx)).map(i => map.getLine(i).map(i -> _)).toList.flatten,
) column
) )
} }
} }
} }
object Span { object Span {
case class Focus(pre: List[(Int, String)], line: (Int, String, String, String), post: List[(Int, String)]) { case class Focus(
pre: List[(Int, String)],
line: (Int, String, String, String),
post: List[(Int, String)],
column: Int
) {
private lazy val lastN = post.lastOption.map(_._1).getOrElse(line._1) + 1 private lazy val lastN = post.lastOption.map(_._1).getOrElse(line._1) + 1
private lazy val lastNSize = lastN.toString.length private lazy val lastNSize = lastN.toString.length
@ -79,8 +85,8 @@ object Span {
implicit object spanLiftParser extends LiftParser[F] { implicit object spanLiftParser extends LiftParser[F] {
override def lift[T](p: P[T]): P[F[T]] = override def lift[T](p: P[T]): P[F[T]] =
(P.index.with1 ~ p ~ P.index).map { (P.index.with1 ~ p ~ P.index).map { case ((s, v), e)
case ((s, v), e) (Span(s, e), v) (Span(s, e), v)
} }
} }

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@ -1 +1 @@
sbt.version=1.4.6 sbt.version=1.5.0

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@ -1,2 +1 @@
addSbtPlugin("ch.epfl.lamp" % "sbt-dotty" % "0.4.6") addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.15.0")
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.15.0")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
package aqua.semantics
import aqua.model.{EmptyModel, Model}
import aqua.parser.lexer.Token
import aqua.semantics.rules.abilities.AbilitiesState
import aqua.semantics.rules.names.NamesState
import aqua.semantics.rules.types.TypesState
import cats.data.{Chain, State}
import cats.kernel.Monoid
import cats.syntax.monoid._
case class CompilerState[F[_]](
errors: Chain[(Token[F], String)] = Chain.empty[(Token[F], String)],
names: NamesState[F] = NamesState[F](),
abilities: AbilitiesState[F] = AbilitiesState[F](),
types: TypesState[F] = TypesState[F]()
object CompilerState {
type S[F[_]] = State[CompilerState[F], Model]
implicit def compilerStateMonoid[F[_]]: Monoid[S[F]] = new Monoid[S[F]] {
override def empty: S[F] = State.pure(EmptyModel("compiler state monoid empty"))
override def combine(x: S[F], y: S[F]): S[F] = for {
a <- x.get
b <- y.get
_ <- State.set(
a.errors ++ b.errors,
a.names.rootArrows ++ b.names.rootArrows,
a.names.definitions ++ b.names.definitions
a.abilities.services ++ b.abilities.services,
a.abilities.rootServiceIds ++ b.abilities.rootServiceIds,
definitions = a.abilities.definitions ++ b.abilities.definitions
strict = a.types.strict ++ b.types.strict,
definitions = a.types.definitions ++ b.types.definitions
am <- x
ym <- y
} yield {
println(s"MONOID COMBINE $am $ym")
am |+| ym

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@ -54,13 +54,6 @@ object Semantics {
def transpile[F[_]](ast: Ast[F]): Free[Alg[F, *], Model] = def transpile[F[_]](ast: Ast[F]): Free[Alg[F, *], Model] =
ast.cata(folder[F, Alg[F, *]]).value ast.cata(folder[F, Alg[F, *]]).value
case class CompilerState[F[_]](
errors: Chain[(Token[F], String)] = Chain.empty[(Token[F], String)],
names: NamesState[F] = NamesState[F](),
abilities: AbilitiesState[F] = AbilitiesState[F](),
types: TypesState[F] = TypesState[F]()
def interpret[F[_]](free: Free[Alg[F, *], Model]): State[CompilerState[F], Model] = { def interpret[F[_]](free: Free[Alg[F, *], Model]): State[CompilerState[F], Model] = {
import monocle.macros.syntax.all._ import monocle.macros.syntax.all._
@ -87,8 +80,11 @@ object Semantics {
free.foldMap[State[CompilerState[F], *]](interpreter) free.foldMap[State[CompilerState[F], *]](interpreter)
} }
def generateModel[F[_]](ast: Ast[F]): ValidatedNec[(Token[F], String), Model] = def astToState[F[_]](ast: Ast[F]): State[CompilerState[F], Model] =
(transpile[F] _ andThen interpret[F])(ast) (transpile[F] _ andThen interpret[F])(ast)
def generateModel[F[_]](ast: Ast[F]): ValidatedNec[(Token[F], String), Model] =
.run(CompilerState[F]()) .run(CompilerState[F]())
.map { case (state, gen) => .map { case (state, gen) =>
NonEmptyChain NonEmptyChain

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package aqua.semantics.rules.abilities package aqua.semantics.rules.abilities
import aqua.semantics.rules.{ReportError, StackInterpreter} import aqua.semantics.rules.{ReportError, StackInterpreter}
import aqua.parser.lexer.{Name, Token, Value} import aqua.parser.lexer.{Ability, Name, Token, Value}
import aqua.types.ArrowType import aqua.types.ArrowType
import cats.data.{NonEmptyList, NonEmptyMap, State} import cats.data.{NonEmptyList, NonEmptyMap, State}
import cats.~> import cats.~>
@ -95,9 +95,19 @@ class AbilitiesInterpreter[F[_], X](implicit
case ds: DefineService[F] => case ds: DefineService[F] =>
getService(ds.name.value).flatMap { getService(ds.name.value).flatMap {
case Some(_) => report(ds.name, "Service with this name was already defined").as(false) case Some(_) =>
getState.map(_.definitions.get(ds.name.value).exists(_ == ds.name)).flatMap {
case true => State.pure(false)
case false => report(ds.name, "Service with this name was already defined").as(false)
case None => case None =>
modify(s => s.copy(services = s.services.updated(ds.name.value, ds.arrows))).as(true) modify(s =>
services = s.services.updated(ds.name.value, ds.arrows),
definitions = s.definitions.updated(ds.name.value, ds.name)
} }
}).asInstanceOf[State[X, A]] }).asInstanceOf[State[X, A]]
@ -106,7 +116,8 @@ class AbilitiesInterpreter[F[_], X](implicit
case class AbilitiesState[F[_]]( case class AbilitiesState[F[_]](
stack: List[AbilityStackFrame[F]] = Nil, stack: List[AbilityStackFrame[F]] = Nil,
services: Map[String, NonEmptyMap[String, ArrowType]] = Map.empty, services: Map[String, NonEmptyMap[String, ArrowType]] = Map.empty,
rootServiceIds: Map[String, Value[F]] = Map.empty[String, Value[F]] rootServiceIds: Map[String, Value[F]] = Map.empty[String, Value[F]],
definitions: Map[String, Ability[F]] = Map.empty[String, Ability[F]]
) { ) {
def purgeArrows: Option[(NonEmptyList[(Name[F], ArrowType)], AbilitiesState[F])] = def purgeArrows: Option[(NonEmptyList[(Name[F], ArrowType)], AbilitiesState[F])] =

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package aqua.semantics.rules.names package aqua.semantics.rules.names
import aqua.semantics.rules.{ReportError, StackInterpreter} import aqua.semantics.rules.{ReportError, StackInterpreter}
import aqua.parser.lexer.Token import aqua.parser.lexer.{Name, Token}
import aqua.types.{ArrowType, Type} import aqua.types.{ArrowType, Type}
import cats.data.State import cats.data.State
import cats.~> import cats.~>
@ -49,7 +49,11 @@ class NamesInterpreter[F[_], X](implicit lens: Lens[X, NamesState[F]], error: Re
case dn: DefineName[F] => case dn: DefineName[F] =>
readName(dn.name.value).flatMap { readName(dn.name.value).flatMap {
case Some(_) => report(dn.name, "This name was already defined in the scope").as(false) case Some(_) =>
getState.map(_.definitions.get(dn.name.value).exists(_ == dn.name)).flatMap {
case true => State.pure(false)
case false => report(dn.name, "This name was already defined in the scope").as(false)
case None => case None =>
mapStackHead( mapStackHead(
report(dn.name, "Cannot define a variable in the root scope") report(dn.name, "Cannot define a variable in the root scope")
@ -58,11 +62,21 @@ class NamesInterpreter[F[_], X](implicit lens: Lens[X, NamesState[F]], error: Re
} }
case da: DefineArrow[F] => case da: DefineArrow[F] =>
readName(da.name.value).flatMap { readName(da.name.value).flatMap {
case Some(_) => report(da.name, "This name was already defined in the scope").as(false) case Some(_) =>
getState.map(_.definitions.get(da.name.value).exists(_ == da.name)).flatMap {
case true => State.pure(false)
case false => report(da.name, "This arrow was already defined in the scope").as(false)
case None => case None =>
mapStackHead( mapStackHead(
if (da.isRoot) if (da.isRoot)
modify(st => st.copy(rootArrows = st.rootArrows.updated(da.name.value, da.gen))) modify(st =>
rootArrows = st.rootArrows.updated(da.name.value, da.gen),
definitions = st.definitions.updated(da.name.value, da.name)
.as(true) .as(true)
else else
report(da.name, "Cannot define a variable in the root scope") report(da.name, "Cannot define a variable in the root scope")
@ -78,7 +92,8 @@ class NamesInterpreter[F[_], X](implicit lens: Lens[X, NamesState[F]], error: Re
case class NamesState[F[_]]( case class NamesState[F[_]](
stack: List[NamesFrame[F]] = Nil, stack: List[NamesFrame[F]] = Nil,
rootArrows: Map[String, ArrowType] = Map.empty rootArrows: Map[String, ArrowType] = Map.empty,
definitions: Map[String, Name[F]] = Map.empty[String, Name[F]]
) { ) {
def allNames: LazyList[String] = def allNames: LazyList[String] =

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@ -75,22 +75,31 @@ class TypesInterpreter[F[_], X](implicit lens: Lens[X, TypesState[F]], error: Re
} }
case ddt: DefineDataType[F] => case ddt: DefineDataType[F] =>
getState.map(_.isDefined(ddt.name.value)).flatMap { getState.map(_.definitions.get(ddt.name.value)).flatMap {
case true => report(ddt.name, s"Type `${ddt.name.value}` was already defined").as(false) case Some(n) if n == ddt.name => State.pure(false)
case false => case Some(_) =>
report(ddt.name, s"Type `${ddt.name.value}` was already defined").as(false)
case None =>
modify(st => modify(st =>
st.copy(strict = st.copy(
st.strict.updated(ddt.name.value, ProductType(ddt.name.value, ddt.fields)) strict = st.strict.updated(ddt.name.value, ProductType(ddt.name.value, ddt.fields)),
definitions = st.definitions.updated(ddt.name.value, ddt.name)
) )
) )
.as(true) .as(true)
} }
case da: DefineAlias[F] => case da: DefineAlias[F] =>
getState.map(_.isDefined(da.name.value)).flatMap { getState.map(_.definitions.get(da.name.value)).flatMap {
case true => report(da.name, s"Type `${da.name.value}` was already defined").as(false) case Some(n) if n == da.name => State.pure(false)
case false => case Some(_) => report(da.name, s"Type `${da.name.value}` was already defined").as(false)
modify(st => st.copy(strict = st.strict.updated(da.name.value, da.target))).as(true) case None =>
modify(st =>
strict = st.strict.updated(da.name.value, da.target),
definitions = st.definitions.updated(da.name.value, da.name)
} }
case rl: ResolveLambda[F] => case rl: ResolveLambda[F] =>
@ -117,7 +126,8 @@ class TypesInterpreter[F[_], X](implicit lens: Lens[X, TypesState[F]], error: Re
case class TypesState[F[_]]( case class TypesState[F[_]](
fields: Map[String, (Name[F], Type)] = Map.empty[String, (Name[F], Type)], fields: Map[String, (Name[F], Type)] = Map.empty[String, (Name[F], Type)],
strict: Map[String, Type] = Map.empty[String, Type] strict: Map[String, Type] = Map.empty[String, Type],
definitions: Map[String, CustomTypeToken[F]] = Map.empty[String, CustomTypeToken[F]]
) { ) {
def isDefined(t: String): Boolean = strict.contains(t) def isDefined(t: String): Boolean = strict.contains(t)