# Aqua playground Repository demonstrating the how to start writing aqua and integrate it into a typescript application ## Getting started **Warning: java is required to be installed in order to use aqua compiler** Install dependencies ``` npm install ``` To compile the aqua files execute ``` npm run compile-aqua ``` To start the program execute ``` npm run cli ``` If everything works correctly the following should be printed into the console: ``` Relay external addresses: [ '/ip4/', '/ip4/' ] ``` Now try to uncomment the following lines in `helloWorld.aqua` and run the compiler once again ``` -- func getPeerExternalTimestamp(otherNodePeerId: string) -> u64: -- on otherNodePeerId: -- res <- Peer.timestamp_sec() -- <- res ``` Now, the new function should appear in generated `helloWorld.ts` Uncomment everything in `index.ts` and run the program again. The following should be printed to the console: ``` Relay external addresses: [ '/ip4/', '/ip4/' ] Relay timestamp: 1618429933 ``` ## Project structure Aqua source files are located in `src/aqua`directory. Aqua files are compiled into .ts located in `/src/compiled` directory ## References \- Documentation for the compiler can be found in the official repo: https://github.com/fluencelabs/aqua