BREAKING CHANGE: - deprecate the usage of Worker.get_peer_id that throws - deprecate the usage of Worker API without deal_id (cli already generates deal_id even for workers deploy) - add Worker.list - rename DealWorker to Worker
Aqua is a new-generation language for distributed systems, the core of Fluence. Aqua programs are executed on many peers, sequentially or in parallel, forming a single-use coordination network. Aqua's runtime is heterogeneous: it includes browsers, servers, devices, all involved in solving a single task. Therefore, Aqua scripts are compiled into several targets at once, with AIR and Typescript as a default.
Aqua-lib is the API of the protocol-level functions in the Fluence network. This API is available on all peers powered by Fluence nodes and a part of the API is available on JS/TS-based peers.
Comprehensive documentation on Fluence is available here. Detailed instructions and usage examples on Aqua can be found in our dedicated Aqua Book.
Please, file an issue if you find a bug. You can also contact us at Discord or Telegram. We will do our best to resolve the issue ASAP.
Any interested person is welcome to contribute to the project. Please, make sure you read and follow some basic rules.
All software code is copyright (c) Fluence Labs, Inc. under the Apache-2.0 license.